UK Gran Turismo Party 5 (Results and Photos)

  • Thread starter Famine
Thats the one..... Cheers man... u know ive been looking for a frigging list with the name of that car on since i left the thread some time ago....

Just shows how out of practice i am using GTplanet..... jeez... even Casio has been picked for BC6!
You could if you wanted to ash...

Roo's coming from near you, and there are trains..... if you had the cash, id come get you myself....

Thats it though! lol, If i had the cash! which i dont:( i dont have a workin GT4, my memory card has gone walkabouts and heck i dont even have a working PS2!:(

The only way im managing to get to my girlfriends is her coming to Brighton via train and giving me moneyy then going back with her!:lol:
A freak occurence yesterday:- I landed in Manchester, and it was dry & sunny! :scared: :lol:
Picked up a more-or-less brand new Vectra SRi as my wheels for the next few weeks. Nicer than previous Vauxhalls that I've driven, but when will they ever learn to make a gearbox that doesn't feel as notchy as Sven Goran Erikson's bedpost?!!!! :P
Weather didn't last, was still sunny when I arrived at my folks place, but then degraded into a thunderstorm!!! That's the English weather I remember so well!
Smallhorses, we can be around on the Friday evening i think (though i usually swim on a friday nite) to amuse you in some way, though we wont be able to get into the venue till the saturday morning, so if you have any ideas on what you'd like to do, let EXelero know, or myself, if you wish.
A few beers and a curry or something suits me just fine, I'll PM you for a mobile # closer to the time!
I may be able to come, if they let 11 year olds in. And if I do come my dad will more than likely attend too, that ok?
I don't think I'd have a problem. Have you done much OLR before?

And, I don't wish to sound condescending at this point but... be aware that there's a couple of rules with regards to driving standards (usual thing about not wallriding and not cutting corners, one blocking move only allowed, contact is a big no-no, if you gain an advantage/place through the above it's suggested that you give it back as soon as you can and we drive with all aids off). Don't be put off by this though - it's an awful lot of fun, and the more drivers we have the better it's going to be.
Get yourself over to the Weekly Race Series, have a crack at the qualifier and straight into this week's race.

It's good practice - though nothing like having 10+ drivers in the same room as you... :D
@ famine - there is not tesco in newark, i think you ment morrisons

@ smallhorses - i can find you plenty to do in newark on a friday nite if you dont mind mingling with pykies.. just let me know.

see ya all soon!!!
Close enough. Big place that sells lots of prepacked stuff with its own logo on it and has trolleys... :D

I've extended an invite to Dark Elite (who may need a lift from Dave_George) and s00zster, following my chat with vexd yesterday.
Sheesh, I almost added myself to this party... I found a great Barcelona-London airfare for about 55€ round trip. Sad thing is, I can't get out of the Canary Islands for less than 450€ :indiff:

Oh well, better luck for next LAN Party.
Quick update...

I've been asked to mention that, though the venue is replete with plug sockets, they're likely nowhere near somewhere useful. So if you could chuck in a four-gang socket extension, and/or any long extension reels you have, with your equipment, that'd be just peachy. Remember - TV + PS2 + DFP = 3 sockets...

Next up... I've put together a very-nearly final car and event list for the weekend.

The events look as follows:
"A-class" Handicap
All drivers start off in a very fast car. High-placing drivers (to be determined which, depending on driver numbers - at least 1st and 2nd each race) are "promoted" to slower cars. The first driver to win with the last - slowest - car on the list is the winner.
This series will be quick-to-fast road cars, though no supercars, on S2 tyres.

A 1-1.5 hour race in same-but-different racing cars. 2 or 3 drivers per team, changing at each pitstop.

Themed mix'n'match 1
6 themed cars. Each driver drives each car once and once only. The driver/race order is random, but the drivers may pick their car. Points are awarded old F1-style (10, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1) each race. The driver with the most points wins. Naturally.
This series will be with closely-matched racing cars on R3 tyres.

Single Car Knockout
One vehicle across the board. Each race acts as a qualifier (the amount and format of which will be decided upon when driver numbers are confirmed), before one final race between the six qualifiers to determine a winner.

Handicap 2
As before but with a different set of cars. Again road cars, again on S2 tyres, just a new selection. If the selection for the 1st handicap proves popular we may just run that over again on Sunday instead.

Themed mix'n'match 2
As before, but with a set of themed road cars.

I welcome any suggestions for a 7th - and probably final - series, and may chuck in a shakedown "no-holds barred" race too (should be familiar to all who've attended a Wycombe event). If there's any type of vehicle you think should be represented, let me know ASAP.
I won't comment on the precise cars, as I don't want anyone to have a practice.

Other than me, obviously... :D
After my middling showing last time, I do... :D

Get on Y!IM, you.
thats an unfair advantage. i think being the lesser skilled racer there, you should share them with me andy. and daan, we know you two are as thick as theives so he's prob shared them with you already??!!
thats an unfair advantage. i think being the lesser skilled racer there, you should share them with me andy. and daan, we know you two are as thick as theives so he's prob shared them with you already??!!

I don't really mind if i know what cars are going to be used in advance - i'll happily ram anyone & everyone else off the track what ever i drive :sly:
Can't take the chance you'll leak them to vexd... He certainly doesn't need any help. In fact, I'm going to put LSD on my steering wheel in the hope that his goes tits-up and he has to borrow mine...

I'm sure he's already told you though that there's an event which is right up your street.
u really think i wud tell them to david??!!
i need all the hope i can get, and he hasnt told me something which you obviously thought he wud, so i owe him nothing!!!

wud just like to come higher than last for a change!!

not to worry tho, i'm more there for the fun and the spirit of the day
*splutter choke splutter*
wud just like to come higher than last for a change!!

Well i wouldnt worry about that as last place has probably got my name firmly written on it! Oh well we can always take a lession from the Cracker driving school

happily ram anyone & everyone else off the track what ever i drive

Seriously though, i must say thanks to all of you Vexd, EXelero, Famine..... etc etc. Obviously a fair amout of time and effort has been put into this and you all deserve thanks. 👍

Really looking forward to the event, it should be good fun!

Thats VEXD.

But yeah, it takes a bit of thought, and panic, and then a sort of "Well we'll just blag it all and see who turns up and take it from there" kind of attitude.

Im looking forward to meeting you Specialized, as i am everyone else ive never met, cos i know nothing about your driving standards, and im relishing the chance of having a good challenge at GT again!

OMG its nearly time.....

I'd better go and sort the nametags out....


What Famine said about extra plugs is important though, and like ive said before, if you have a friend who wants to come, even just for one of the days, bring them along...

Thats VEXD.


Im looking forward to meeting you Specialized, as i am everyone else ive never met, cos i know nothing about your driving standards, and im relishing the chance of having a good challenge at GT again!

Err.... well i can do 2 mins round the nurb-ring in a stock fiat panda so you should be intimidated :lol: *mental note - MUST PRACTICE*

What Famine said about extra plugs is important though

I got 3 extention leads i can bring, 2 of about one meter long and with 4 sockets and one which is about 2 meters long with 6 sockets. 👍 what im lacking in length i make up for in sockets!

Thanks again

Thanx for amending that mate.

Sounds like you're bringing enough sockets man, well done on that score..

as for 2 mins round the ring... hmmm....

ID better get practicing... it seems though that all i can do at the moment is drive the M-Spec Nur R34 round sideways on N2's....

ahhhh such fun...

Famine we cant seem to put everything toghether for the end of May...but it looks like end of june for the trip...hopefully we can see daaaaan and yourself and toss back a few pints for old glory..or Elton john the Queen of merry 'ol England !...I'll be in touch ..I want to land in London then take the rails to Antwerp...from there I hope to catch up with A/c for a short perversion excursion in Amsterdamned ...afterwwards its off ( with the body guards ) to the family Villa in Palermo ...then a short stay in Naples for the other " family" we need to see. They seem to fear our kidnapping so it should be fun . I never been kidnapped before .maybe they will let me have my own gun. At least i hope so..well after I get out of France anyway..I think we catch a ferry in Nice ? Then on to Naples ....then Palermo.. I Have got to brush up on my sicilian / Italian / slash mumbo jumbo...
HONDA BEAT!!!! 👍 👍 👍

Perhaps a K-car cup for Cass' benefit?

Start in Cappucinos, work down through Beats and Autozams and into the Minica Dangans and Altos before dropping into Fiat 500s and Midgets!
Would suggest a lineup of short circuits (Autumn Ring Mini, Motorland, Tsukuba and Beginner course for this!) as a 3 lap handicap round the Nurb' would take about 30mins per round to complete!!!! :P
Work DOWN from Cappuccinos? :D

I have the full car lineup now - I'm just running them at alternate tracks to see if there's any anomalies. I'm also running them A-spec, because Pestilence sucks at driving FF and some 4WD cars, to make sure there's no car he was just BAD at driving and isn't in any way as quick/slow as it appears to be.

I've got quick race cars, slower race cars, quick road cars, slower road cars, rally cars (sort of) and every type of drivetrain is represented. I've got long races, short races and endurance races. I think we're going to have something for everyone to like and there'll be something for everyone to dislike (though hopefully more of the former than the latter). I'm pretty much happy with the car lineup. In fact the only thing I've forgotten to do is learn to use the DFP...

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