UK Gran Turismo Party 5 (Results and Photos)

  • Thread starter Famine
I'm in black #33, daan's in pink #99.

I've added another angle on the Pugs... :D
Very nice guys!!!
Wish i could race you guys too!.
Fingers crossed with GT5 👍 :cheers:
Nice, I know for sure that I'm never going to sign up for another GT party. You guys are way too fast.
I hope everyone had fun and didnt come away vowing never to do anything like that again..

The only thing I vow never to do again is ask for the chilli sauce at Mega Kebab... :ill: :sly:

Had a superb weekend, thanks again for all your sterling efforts 👍
Touring Mars
The only thing I vow never to do again is ask for the chilli sauce at Mega Kebab... :ill: :sly:

Had a superb weekend, thanks again for all your sterling efforts 👍

Mega Kebab............. Mega Kebab my ass, we had to make the darn things ourselves! oh well tasted pretty good and i didnt make the unfortunate mistake of asking for chilli sauce which was hot enough to melt your stomach. Was pretty funny talking to TM about how he always has chilli sauce on kebabs then seeing the look of shock on his face when he realised it was quite abit hotter than your average chilli sauce.

That reminds me actually. On mine, Mars and Roo's hunt for the kebab shop, we came up with a new type of handicap system for the next Lan. If you win you have to drink a beer. Even the almighty vexd shouldnt be able to overcome a handicap of 5 pints (this is where i find out vexd is a beer monster and can drink 13 pints and still be sober :ouch: )

Like TM says, it was a great weekend vexd. Thanks for your efforts and making everybody feel welcome. You even got the first beers in down the pub!!

I'll post more thoughts later, have got to go to work now, after a 24 hours awake day yesterday for my journey back. I'm knackered!
Thanks to Ben (Spec) for posting my pics already, I have another group shot to post later!

Huge-Mega-Ginormous Thanks to David and Carys for the venue, food, organisation, beer, prizes and generally amazing races, and to Andrew whose colour-coded excel spreadsheets made the whole thing flow well! ;)
Haha, the Mega Kebab shop... looked at the white turd shape in the deep fat fryer, turned out to be my chicken burger :scared:

Do you have my M5 vs Carltons moment on the DVD?
Nice you tubes matey, get some more up when you can, and make with the DVD please.

Oh, while you're at it, ill have another t-shirt with my name in capitals please, just send me an invoice, and ill send you the cash!


Thanx for the pm Spec. Will look forward to racing you again soon.

Someone think of a venue for the next one then....
Back again!

Absolutely the most fun possible with a PS2 and GT4 I've ever had, and sadly I'm back to sucking it up and racing 5 idiotic AIs for a while! :(

Highlights of the weekend:-

Apologising to EXelero for nudging her back end going into a bend in one of the first races, her response being
"It's the first time I've been taken from behind by a horse, small or otherwise!" :lol:

Touring Mars' Chinchilla story and euphemisms! :lol:

Roo's Mini in the hall and The Cracker & Famine's blackbird shepherding abilities!

Winning a race round the Nurb'!

Watching the replay of Specialized's RUF RGT flying into the Mulsanne hairpin backwards and taking out daan & vexd's battling Mustangs into the sandtrap!

The discovery of anti-gravity devices created by putting butter & marmalade on the back of a cat!*

Putting a flawless and clean overtaking manouever over on TM out of "that" horrid left hander before the hill on Laguna Seca in our RS200 battle.

Being teamed with daan and our execellent master strategist and team manager EXelero for the Clio endurance race, and putting in a 1'17.6 lap (which I believe was second only to several of vexd's screamers!) and taking 10s out of vexd's lead in the last 2 laps as he ran round on glowing red tyres!

Carys' revelation that Newark is an anagram of Wanker as we were leaving the venue on Saturday night, seconds prior to Famine's best attempts to rip the front airdam off the MX-3 exiting the carpark!


Being too involved in a race to say proper goodbye to EXelero & The Cracker :guilty:

Catching the bee in 2 styrofoam cups and taking it outside, only for it to make 2 or 3 more reapperances during the weekend!

Someone think of a venue for the next one then....

How does Emeryville, CA sound? :sly: You're all welcome to come!
Seriously though, anytime any of you fancy a holiday out here, let me know, we'll be happy to provide accomodation and make excellent tour guides too!

Lastly here's the group photo from the end of the day on Sunday. Sadly Carys & Dan had already left.

From left to right, Roo, vexd, Famine, daan, Touring Mars, Specialized and Smallhorses
Chris is modelling the special "direct from the 'ring" Nurburgring map T-shirt which he won, while myself, Famine and vexd are showing off our UKGTP V T-shirts!

Looking at this photo, Famine appears to be the Terminator with his red left eye and daan & I appear to be sporting gold teeth! (must have been the bonus prize for the 2nd place finish in the endurance!!!)

* It works on this principle:- if you drop a cat it lands feet first. If you drop toast with butter or marmalade on, it lands butter or marmalade side down. Thus antigravity can be achieved by dropping a cat which has its back covered in butter or marmalade. In accordance with the above rules, the effects of trying to land on its feet will be negated by the effects of trying to land butter & marmalade side down, and hence the cat will float above the ground! :lol:
Damn I missed it...
Ah wouldve been fun playing gt4 for the 1st time....
Then again my mom wouldnt let me go anyway; I already had plans.:(
I'm going to practise my English, to get rid off my typical "bad sounding" dutch accent. Start playing GT4 again (haven't played in months) and try to attend the next GT party. I've always wanted to visit the UK. It's going to be very scary, driving on the "wrong" side of the road. Hehe :sly: . Maybe I'll be the first non English participant, maybe. I've got fear of failure, so........:nervous:
Rogue Ssv
Damn I missed it...
Ah wouldve been fun playing gt4 for the 1st time....
Then again my mom wouldnt let me go anyway; I already had plans.:(

I thought you lived in the US.
Putting a flawless and clean overtaking manouever over on TM out of "that" horrid left hander before the hill on Laguna Seca in our RS200 battle.
:bowdown: Yes, that is my least favourite corner in GT4, so to stick a clean move on someone whilst negotiating it is quite exceptional!...

Being too involved in a race to say proper goodbye to EXelero & The Cracker :guilty:
Me too! Hope to make it up by seeing you both at the next one though!

How does Emeryville, CA sound? :sly: You're all welcome to come!
Seriously though, anytime any of you fancy a holiday out here, let me know, we'll be happy to provide accomodation and make excellent tour guides too!
If I can persuade the boss to let us go to a conference in California (which is not as unlikely as it sounds) then I'd be sure to stop by for a wee dram 👍

From left to right, Roo, vexd, Famine, daan, Touring Mars, Specialized and Smallhorses

Looking at this photo, Famine appears to be the Terminator with his red left eye and daan & I appear to be sporting gold teeth! (must have been the bonus prize for the 2nd place finish in the endurance!!!)
:lol:... and I'm not sure when I lost the ability to stand up straight... :odd:
Touring Mars
Putting a flawless and clean overtaking manouever over on TM out of "that" horrid left hander before the hill on Laguna Seca in our RS200 battle.
:bowdown: Yes, that is my least favourite corner in GT4, so to stick a clean move on someone whilst negotiating it is quite exceptional!...

I would just like to thank our gracious hosts Vexd & Excelero for feeding the masses and sorting a superb venue 👍 :tup 👍

Thanks also to Famine for setting things up on the technical side and organising all the events.

It was great meeting up with those not met before and nice to see those i'd already met again. Everyone was great to get on with, its just a crying shame that i missed the post-racing cocktail party on both nights 👎. Here's hoping for the next event being a little futher affield so i can justify a night or two in a hotel.

The level of competition was very high and generally very clean, myself excepted ;). A couple of 5lap side-by-side races with Roo were particular highlights - can't wait to see the DVD!

I like the way i've managed to look both asleep and preggers in all the photos i've appeared in so far :odd: For some reason Famine's YouTube clips won't work for me, which is odd since i can view YouTube vids direct from their site?!?

Are they also posted there? - If so do you have a link or a keyword i should search for them with?

I appologise for leaving so suddenly on the Sunday without saying goodbye to everyone properly, i hadn't realised the time and was due to go out that night.

I also offer an extra special 'thanks' to the pikey kids who probably put a huge dent in the bottom of my passenger side door either intentionally or accidentally on the Sunday - next time i'm in the area i'll return the favour by burning down your caravans.

p.s.Daan and Touring's puns are just as bad in real life!
The three earlier videos are available by searching for Gran Turismo and GT4 - the latest one won't appear there for another few hours yet.
Nice pics and videos, guys(TheCracker looks a lot older than I thought. :sly: ). Must be loads of fun to hang out with the GTP crew, but you guys look very fast. :scared:

p.s.Daan and Touring's puns are just as bad in real life!
I would pay to see the showdown between those two. :lol:
I'm going to practise my English, to get rid off my typical "bad sounding" dutch accent. Start playing GT4 again (haven't played in months) and try to attend the next GT party. I've always wanted to visit the UK. It's going to be very scary, driving on the "wrong" side of the road. Hehe :sly: . Maybe I'll be the first non English participant, maybe. I've got fear of failure, so........:nervous:

If I would have gone I would be told to go back simply because of how I dress.

"Hey kid, this isn't the sixties convention. Go find someone who actually wears that kind of shirt."
Maybe I'll be the first non English participant, maybe.
Nope. I'm non-English :D and if you mean non-British, then we had a bona fide American at UKGTP3.

Speaking of a shirt, daan's "shirt" was really cool. 👍
Yep, I want a shirt like that. You know what you have to do, Famine.... :D