UK Gran Turismo Party 6

  • Thread starter Famine
Right chaps

Im out of here, got a few things to pack and the issue of clothes to sort out! Like Touring Mars i have beer to be drunk before meeting him at Kings X before 8am although i have to get up at around 4.30am! Stupid trains. I have PM'd race idiot with my phone number so should he get lost or anything at least he can contact one of us to help him out.

See you all tomorrow


PS looks like Roo and Ashley. are going to have a fun time driving up to Newark tomorrow with all this private checking going on :lol:
Drinking? At 8am in the morining? What are you a drunkard?

I'm gonna bring a networked ps2, 1 controller (should I bring another one?), gt4, crappy portable tv and a 4 plug extention lead. Also i've got a long cat5 cable lying around somewhere if there isn't enough cable.
I can already see which direction this weekends 'ribbing' is heading :lol:

I'll see you all tomorrow. I'll also be bringing my sleeping bag and a spare, clean pair of pants in case a night out in Newark becomes too much of a temptation 👍
I can already see which direction this weekends 'ribbing' is heading :lol:

I'll see you all tomorrow. I'll also be bringing my sleeping bag and a spare, clean pair of pants in case a night out in Newark becomes too much of a temptation 👍

Eh I can't find my sleeping bag anywhere for some reason, but spec told me that there should be other places to stay. Although i'm a bit wary of the cost because I havent booked in advance eh I suppose i'll just have to risk it anyway.
What am i to dooooooooooooooo!!

Anyone know if Famine will be online at any point tonight?

Right. I'm outta here. I'll check in this evening and see all (hopefully 11) of you tomorrow morning.

Oh yeah... just so you know, Famine, I intend to arrive about 10ish, although I'll probably be later than that. 11 max.
That's me packed and ready to get up at 5am tomorrow. I should be there by about 10.

I'm bringing 2 PSTwos (1 working, 1 will maybe possibly work for 2 days but will be noisier than Famine's mahoosive speakers), 2 DS2, 2 memory cards, 1 DFP, 1 19inch LCD TV, 6 gang extension and me.
My girlfriends going bonkers:lol:

Shes worrying im not gonna have any food because i havnt got any money. I said, i have £2.20 and a pack of rich tea biscuits, thats good enough for me.:D

I swear she was almost crying though.

1 TV, 1 DFP, 1 dual shock (mad catz) and 1 Williams F1 steering wheel (which is for sale btw, just incase anyones interested).
You are gunna be gone for 3 days living on biscuits and 2.20?
I dont want you to go, you havnt even told my mum you are going yet.

2 days. Il be back ON monday..

The way im going il wake up chained to the house.
im gunna be worrying about you
plus first time you have been away from me for more than a few hours in 4 months, with people you have never met, half way up the country, with no food or money

If any of you guys hurt my boy, i swear you will never see the light of day again after i have found out where you live!:P
Oh crap what is the postcode for the place, or at least the address. I swear I had it before but I can't find it in the thread now.

Also I setup my x-port to work on my laptop so I can help back up saves.
Ok now she is crying.

Roo, tomorrow will you be coming in for 5 minuts or we moving straight on when you get here?
You are gunna be gone for 3 days living on biscuits and 2.20?
I dont want you to go, you havnt even told my mum you are going yet.

:lol:! It's such a shame! Someone so young being soooooo under-the-thumb already! Not only to her, but to your mother-in-law too! And you're not even married yet! Talk about clingy! :scared:

They're all great blokes (and lass) he's going to meet, only interested in GT4 racing, beer and having a laugh. If they were all child molesters, do you think we'd have posted so many pictures of ourselves after the last meeting? :dopey: That'd just be an extremely silly way of getting caught!!! :dunce: :lol:

I'm still jealous, 'cos I don't get to go. :grumpy:
On the other hand it's 26C and sunny here! :D
he lives under my mums roof he goes by her rules, he has to tell her what hes doing

but no he left that to me as usual

hes all in a stress, i never said he couldnt go i just think its stupid that he is

no money to pay you guys
sponging off people for food and a place to sleep and to get there
hes gunna get in a car with someone hes never met and get taken to a place he has never been to meet god knows how many people he hasnt me
no food
no money for food
no money on his phone to contact anyone if he gets into trouble

if you think im being to clingy after i have stated all that ****e, then you need a head check. im just worried about him, it would be different if he had money and i know he was gunna have food and he wasnt going with someone he doesnt know what if they fall out hows he gunna get home

and he thinks im stupid for saying this ****


hes stupid for doing it while thinking he can live on biscuits that aint even his

and £2.20 which is actually £1.78 which is mine left over from me taking me and him to the cinema today.

he wants me to get up at stupid o clock to meet this guy


and hes asked him if hes coming in for 5 mins before they set off without even askin my mum, no not right

he didnt tell her he was going either

then we had an arguement and he said he isnt going coz i dont want him to blah blah then i went and said i never said he couldnt go i just dont like the idea of it but he ignored me

but roo still come get him unless he says otherwise
OK, Bite Me take a huge pinch of salt, and re-read my last post. See that laughing smiley at the beginning? Think maybe I was joking? Possible, huh? :D

@ Ashley., sorry mate, didn't mean to wind your GF up the wrong way! :guilty: And please don't take what follows too personally. Get out there and race up a storm. :cool:


Now take another.....

From what I know of these folks, they're not going to be too bothered about chipping in a quid or 2 extra for someone else's sake.
If it's a one-off.
However, Ashley. has been moaning about a lack of cash since way before UKGTP 5!
Back in April.
I'm not going to pry into his home, family or school life, but it wasn't that hard as a kid in England to make a couple of quid here & there.
It depends how lazy or not you are. ;) Get a job in a chippy, clean a few cars or something. I did. The work sucks, but it pays.
At 17 years old with no A-levels or a Degree, no-one is going to come along and offer you the Chief Executive's role at The Bank Of England & a fat six figure salary. :dopey:
Any job is better than no job, and any job (except maybe toilet cleaner :yuck: ) is better than sitting on your arse waiting for the next jobseekers allowance cheque to clear!
What sort of jobs are you applying for? Ones that require postdoctoral experience in advanced hypermathematics at the University of Maximegalon? :lol:

Anyway, all that said, he has a chance, but no cash to go. I have no chance to go. It's about 3 hours from starting and I'm 5500 miles away. :grumpy: But I do have the means. So to stop you and Ashley. worrying, I'll cover his entry fee, and a little extra for food/drink, so he can have a bloody good time playing GT4 and meeting some new folks on my behalf. How's that sound? :)

I'll be back in England at the beginning of December and hope to catch up with Famine, Touring Mars, Specialized and any other London-ish based GTPers who happen to be around then. If Famine will donate Ashley. 20 quid on my behalf, I'll pay him back when I see him, or you could PM me your address & I'll chuck a GBP Sterling cheque in the mail (still got my HSBC account over there! :sly: )

Sorry Famine, your loan-collecting henchmen will have to find someone else's legs to break & thumbs to pull off! :D
well theres a sign outside advertising free car cleaning just for you ashley!! we've decided you can stay for free just for the entertainment value!!!

how will you find time to race with all this car cleaning.....???

well everyones here except vexd, roo and ashley! all systems go!
You do realise if ash had said i could come then the money problem wouldnt have been a problem, my mum would have given me some.

Oh well, too late now i just hope they havnt crashed on the way up or sumink.

You know what ive got instore this fine day? A moody mother coz ash woke her up with all the noise this morning, and the fact i have to go food shopping with her.

I only woke up 45 minutes ago and its already turned into the worst day ever.

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