Bite Me take a huge pinch of salt, and re-read my last post. See that laughing smiley at the beginning? Think maybe I was joking? Possible, huh?
Ashley., sorry mate, didn't mean to wind your GF up the wrong way!

And please don't take what follows too personally. Get out there and race up a storm.
Now take another.....
From what I know of these folks, they're not going to be too bothered about chipping in a quid or 2 extra for someone else's sake.
If it's a one-off.
Ashley. has been moaning about a lack of cash since way before UKGTP 5!
Back in April.
I'm not going to pry into his home, family or school life, but it wasn't that hard as a kid in England to make a couple of quid here & there.
It depends how lazy or not you are.

Get a job in a chippy, clean a few cars or something. I did. The work sucks, but it pays.
At 17 years old with no A-levels or a Degree, no-one is going to come along and offer you the Chief Executive's role at The Bank Of England & a fat six figure salary.
Any job is better than no job, and any job (except maybe toilet cleaner

) is better than sitting on your arse waiting for the next jobseekers allowance cheque to clear!
What sort of jobs are you applying for? Ones that require postdoctoral experience in advanced hypermathematics at the University of Maximegalon?
Anyway, all that said, he has a chance, but no cash to go. I have no chance to go. It's about 3 hours from starting and I'm 5500 miles away.

But I do have the means. So to stop you and
Ashley. worrying, I'll cover his entry fee, and a little extra for food/drink, so he can have a bloody good time playing GT4 and meeting some new folks on my behalf. How's that sound?
I'll be back in England at the beginning of December and hope to catch up with
Touring Mars,
Specialized and any other London-ish based GTPers who happen to be around then. If
Famine will donate
Ashley. 20 quid on my behalf, I'll pay him back when I see him, or you could PM me your address & I'll chuck a GBP Sterling cheque in the mail (still got my HSBC account over there!

Famine, your loan-collecting henchmen will have to find someone else's legs to break & thumbs to pull off!