UK Gran Turismo Party 6

  • Thread starter Famine
I spoke to ash, seems like he doesnt care about how im feeling, more of how much fun hes having. he could have stepped outside the pub for 5 minutes

Oh the old "sorry i have to go play games" excuse, I've used that before. It's actually code for "I'm too busy chatting up girls in the pub".
He was probably too busy chatting up girls in the pub.

your probably right, sounds like they were drinking, and ash always told me he doesnt do drinking, but hey, i dont matter so its ok

im not gunna bother trying to phone him today, ill just get laughed at and get told in another pm to **** off and leave him be!
your probably right, sounds like they were drinking, and ash always told me he doesnt do drinking

Another male trick. I don't do drinking is code for "I'm doing drugs down the side alley".

But seriously I'm sure he's doing fine right now, although the hangover tomorrow will be a different story....
i believe ashley didnt drink last nite unless you count orange juice??

i happen to know the landlord of the pub they were in last night, and he has very strong views on under aged drinking, and i dont think ashley is worth his license!

honestly sue. relax, forget about it and get over it!

hes driving great, making new friends and having a good time. thats what its all about isnt it??

i also know that there is a very poor signal in the hotel they were in last night. its also a time about discussing the races of the day. all part of a gtp weekend.

btw way, you do know that pm stands for PERSONAL message dont you?!

i believe ashley didnt drink last nite unless you count orange juice?? juice with the Vodka Cass snuck in.

and he has very strong views on under aged drinking

Hold on, hold on! Ash is underage, hanging around strange bars with these strange guys, drinking and smoking!!!

hes driving great

Now he's driving a bunch of drunk strangers home from wierd bars!! Underage!

Why on earth would you let him go?!
day two....

wonder what the Famine has in store for us today??!!

everyone is suffering from the night at the pub, except me, cos i didnt go!! you can tell which side of his head ashley slept on!! lol

good job we all remembered to put the clocks back last nite. think there will be some curious stories about the entertainer at the bar too....

everyone's warming up now.... more details later!
Sounds like fun, I wish I had some spare money to come to this one.

It's not that loud. Be thankful I didn't beep the horn :)

We're at UKGTP6, and all that's happening is TheCracker is destroying a Honda at Tsukuba... on Forza :boggled:
If I came, I would have let TheCracker use my Xbox 360 to play some Forza through an HDTV, but there is always next year. Also Roo if I come along to next years one, you must make sure you can fit my HDTV in your Mini.

Damn. I'm so pissed I'm not in Italy anymore, I would have really gone If I was still there. :(

Don't fortget to post pictures everybody 👍

If I go to the next one and you’re be willing to fly over, I would allow you to sleep in my back garden, before setting out to one of these in the future.

My girlfriends going bonkers:lol:

Shes worrying im not gonna have any food because i havnt got any money. I said, i have £2.20 and a pack of rich tea biscuits, thats good enough for me.:D

I swear she was almost crying though.

1 TV, 1 DFP, 1 dual shock (mad catz) and 1 Williams F1 steering wheel (which is for sale btw, just incase anyones interested).
If I ever come one of these, I bring backup food for everyone, however I am still hoping my parents will go on holiday next year, so I can host one of these events around my house.

But I could event try to set one up, while there not on holiday.

Oh go on, make it November 25th & 26th instead! Please? :sly:
I hope this one could be a bit closer to where I live, like somewhere around London or Hampshire.
i thought all the lunatic asylums were up north?

Surely they dont let you out on weekends TVR?

Casio's the other side of the world, and as such can be safely ignored :)

Ash had 2 orange juices. That's it. Apart from me, he's the only one who didn't have alcohol.

If you don't mind me doing so, I'll pop in and say hi on Monday - you can meet the "chauffeur" :)

We're about to start the endurence race, 50 laps of Grand Valley East Reverse in Renault Clio Cup Trophy things. I'm partnered with Touring Mars. Predicting a vexd/donbenni team win :D
Sorry about the lap 15 forced spin Roo..

Yeah vexd and me just scraped the win after 59 mins of GT goodness. Some great driving from everyone, the race was very tight towards the end.

I some how managed to keep the car on the track for most of my laps, making it my best performance of the weekend, which was otherwise filled with crashes and making castles in the run off. Still has been an awesome weekend 👍
Superb race by me and Brett:D A grand last place after being lapped by everyone. I have now gone on to finish 6th in 2 races in a row.

Had a great race earlier with vexd and famine (yes i managed to have a 3 way battle with 2 great drivers) around la sarthe without the chicanes, until i coekd up with 2 llaps to go and finished 3rd in my Tuscan.
Sounds like fun, I wish I had some spare money to come to this one.

If I came, I would have let TheCracker use my Xbox 360 to play some Forza through an HDTV, but there is always next year. Also Roo if I come along to next years one, you must make sure you can fit my HDTV in your Mini.

If I go to the next one and you’re be willing to fly over, I would allow you to sleep in my back garden, before setting out to one of these in the future.

If I ever come one of these, I bring backup food for everyone, however I am still hoping my parents will go on holiday next year, so I can host one of these events around my house.

But I could event try to set one up, while there not on holiday.

I hope this one could be a bit closer to where I live, like somewhere around London or Hampshire.

That'd be good for me, nice'n'easy for me to get to.
👍 Fun is not a big enough word for it, really...

Just finishing off the 'Muscle Car' series now... Race Idiot needs to change his username to Speed Demon :sly:

Some brilliant racing, I just wish my memory allows me to enjoy them again later ;)

I can vouch for Ashley. too.... he was offered a beer, and of course the rest of us were all having a beer, but being the sensible man that he is, he stuck to the juice... 👍

Anyway, I'm up for my next race in a minute, so best be off...
Cheers fellas, was cracking fun :) Definitely going to attend another in the future, might have learnt how to use the wheel by then!

Good luck with the final races 👍
Cheers fellas, was cracking fun :) Definitely going to attend another in the future, might have learnt how to use the wheel by then!

Good luck with the final races 👍
👍 Great to meet you, John... I've never read a post knowing that it must have been made from a mobile phone! :cool: I just finished my last race of UKGTP VI : Roll on UKGTP VII: Ashley's Revenge... :P )
Cheers fellas, was cracking fun :) Definitely going to attend another in the future, might have learnt how to use the wheel by then!

Good luck with the final races 👍

Indeed it was good to meet you! who would have thought we would meet spider man and the mono-brow woman from dodgeball during the weekend.

Plenty of good times had by all over the weekend, you better get organising the next Famine!

Have all 6 been in Newark?

Nope. 1, 2 & 3 were in High Wycombe (May '04, Oct '04, May '05), 4 was in Sheffield (Oct '05) and 5 & 6 have been in Newark (May '06, Oct '06).

Anyway, I'm back home now. Totally shattered and absolutely without any foreseeable use at work tomorrow. Best. Weekend. EvAr.

I'll post results up sometime soon, probably in a new thread - which will also detail Unabrow, Spiderman, Phillip, a burned deep pan Piazza, a very tasty telepathic Pizza (no relation) and similarly-afflicted T-shirt (definately related) and a supremely talented cabaret artiste - who likes to tinkle (not necessarily ivories) whilst singing...

I can vouch for Ashley. too.... he was offered a beer, and of course the rest of us were all having a beer, but being the sensible man that he is, he stuck to the juice... 👍

The conversation went a little like this:

vexd: Drink?
Ashley.: Orange juice.
vexd: Nothing stronger?
Ashley.: No thanks.
vexd: Beer?
Specialized: E?
Famine: Smack? Heroin? Rent you a hooker?

I can't remember what he eventually had, but I seem to recall he hallucinated that Spiderman was coming in through the bathroom window...
Superb race by me and Brett:D A grand last place after being lapped by everyone. I have now gone on to finish 6th in 2 races in a row.

Had a great race earlier with vexd and famine (yes i managed to have a 3 way battle with 2 great drivers) around la sarthe without the chicanes, until i coekd up with 2 llaps to go and finished 3rd in my Tuscan.

Clio team looser crew represent yo

I was terrible, I couldn't turn a decent time because god I suck at automatic. Then god knows why I decided to start using the wheel mid race.

I am hella totally at home and yeah that was awesome.

Also i'd like to thank vexd for being awesome and helping me find where my bloody hotel was because I forgot to thank him earlier.

welp i'm going to bed because man that was a long journey home and i'm knackered. Although i'm pretty impressed with the mileage, I started off with a full tank and I still had 1/4th of it after a 300 mile trip. So the new fuel filter I put in has had a good effect on my mileage.
Nope. 1, 2 & 3 were in High Wycombe (May '04, Oct '04, May '05), 4 was in Sheffield (Oct '05) and 5 & 6 have been in Newark (May '06, Oct '06).

Anyway, I'm back home now. Totally shattered and absolutely without any foreseeable use at work tomorrow. Best. Weekend. EvAr.

I'll post results up sometime soon, probably in a new thread - which will also detail Unabrow, Spiderman, Phillip, a burned deep pan Piazza, a very tasty telepathic Pizza (no relation) and similarly-afflicted T-shirt (definately related) and a supremely talented cabaret artiste - who likes to tinkle (not necessarily ivories) whilst singing...

The conversation went a ttle like this:

vexd: Drink?
Ashley.: Orange juice.
vexd: Nothing stronger?
Ashley.: No thanks.
vexd: Beer?
Specialized: E?
Famine: Smack? Heroin? Rent you a hooker?

I can't remember what he eventually had, but I seem to recall he hallucinated that Spiderman was coming in through the bathroom window...
After seeing that talk, I wish I had come along now, because when Specialized said that, I would have dropped some hot oats on him to warm him up, because it sounds like he is cold lol.
Great to see everyone enjoyed it, and last time I thoroughly enjoyed reading the write-ups/results. Plus the flying M5 incident :D
Hopefully this'll be just as good 👍!
I thought at least one was held at your place??
see pictures: In your dad's spare bedroom.

Yep #4 in Sheffield.

am i in the wrong place.....??

where is the complete famine run down of the weekend? your slacking famine!


He fell a sleep at work because he was totally shattered.

Isn't far from the truth. It's been a fun morning at work though, with a little mayhem thrown in. I'm reviewing some pictures and video right now with a view to getting it all scribbled by this evening.

Maybe he should let someone else host the next one or maybe he should co-host it with someone.

VEXD and EXelero were our hosts for the last two - I just brought the switch and some ideas for races.
am i in the wrong place.....??

where is the complete famine run down of the weekend? your slacking famine!

Yea Famine! Wheres the write up? its not like you had to drive around 180 miles after leaving the venue at around 8pm is it.....................

As you may have guessed this post means im back home, well im actually at work the slave driving buggers! Just want to say thanks to everybody who came along and made the LAN what it was, i now have many stories which i will probably remember for the rest of my life and gained a few new friends too and strengthened the friendships previously made at the last LAN.

Thanks to Famine for sorting out the car lists and putting up with us all saying "what car am i in?" every 5 mins. An extra special thanks to EXelero for sorting out the venue, without you we would all probably be in some muddy field trying to attach all our extension leads together to get to a power source.

Well done to Ashley. for getting himself along, im pretty sure he had a great time even though i was trying to sell him hard drugs in the pub :lol: However i certainly wont miss your flatulants problem which you proudly demonstrated last night to those of us who sneaked in the pub for a cheeky half pint (ended up being 3 or 4) and that reminds me you owe me 1 car wash! :sly:

Daan (my endurance partner), TheCracker & Donbenni (my room mates) Touring Mars (Travel companion) Vexd (aka Evil Dave), RaceIdiot, Roo your all top notch guys and had some great battles with pretty much everybody at one point over the weekend and hope to see you at the next LAN in around 6 months. I might have even ditched my ever problematic DFP and got myself a G25 for everybody to try out.

Im looking forward to the write up Famine, im sure it will make me cry with laugher just like "THAT" night in the pub

The boss is cracking the whip now (not in a sexual way) so i better stop slacking off and do some work.

Before I do my own little write up, I'd just like to extend my uber-thanks to everyone who made this weekend as great as it was.
  • To Famine - for all his sterling efforts... not only making the LAN happen at all, but also for getting the people together and for thinking up (and testing out) all the events - all of which are so well thought out, and perfectly executed!
  • To Exelero - for organising the venue and for putting up with us for a whole weekend, and for making us all feel so welcome
  • To vexd - for his part in helping to ensure everything ran so smoothly.
  • To everyone else who turned up (esp. to those who made it along for the first time) - for making it such a worthwhile and fun event.
:bowdown: 👍
What a fantastic weekend. Thanks to Carys (EXelero), Famine and Vexed for all ensuring a smooth and enjoyable running of the lan.

And a big thanks to everyone for making me feel welcome and helping me to enjoy the weekend regardless of the circumstances on GTP *cough*bite me*cough*. I really had a great time and you can count on myself and Suzzie being at the next big one (not sure about the mini November one).

Grats to Famine and Vexd for beating me in one of the most intense races i did on Sunday at Circuit de la Sarthe 2 in the TVR's, was thouroughly enjoyable. Also well done to thecracker for edging me out in the last race of the weekend after a good battle:D.

Hears to a great weekend and see you all again at the next lan in May!:D