UK Gran Turismo Party 6

  • Thread starter Famine
That was brilliant. We should have one every weekend :D

A great big THANK YOU to EXelero and Famine, for the venue and the race preperation respectively. The work you put into these weekends are what makes them so successful. Thanks!

Great to see everyone, both "newbies" and "old hands". Looking forward to May already.

Suggestion: how about a "Member's Cars" pick'n'mix? I'm not sure how many of our cars are in GT4 - I've no doubt vexd's Honda and Race Idiot's MR2 will be in there somewhere, and probably daaaaaaan's Peugeot too.

I'm going through the photos now, hopefully I'll have them up later.

Oh yeah, and TVRs suck.
Suggestion: how about a "Member's Cars" pick'n'mix? I'm not sure how many of our cars are in GT4 - I've no doubt vexd's Honda and Race Idiot's MR2 will be in there somewhere, and probably daaaaaaan's Peugeot too.

Oh yeah i was gonna post that, ah well:D one of us was gonna forget..
Ashley after seeing you did a TVR race, I really want to come to one in the future even more. But Roo if you go to the next one, and I do would you be able to fit my HDTV in your Mini.
Ashley after seeing you did a TVR race, I really want to come to one in the future even more. But Roo if you go to the next one, and I do would you be able to fit my HDTV in your Mini.

A TVR race? Try 6;) In 6 different TVR's.

And good luck with getting your TV in his car;) We struggled with a portable tv..
I'd like to be the millionth member to thank EXelero who on top of getting the event setup managed to attend both days even with a nasty cold (get well soon!) and Famine for organising a fantastic weekend's racing. Seriously it was top fun 👍

More thanks to everyone else, was great to meet you all of you and you made it memorable.

And yes i'll second Roo's "hating TVRs" comment, it was all a bit hairy. Still Le Sarthe was pretty funny ay? :D
A TVR race? Try 6;) In 6 different TVR's.

And good luck with getting your TV in his car;) We struggled with a portable tv..
I have an idea, redesign, which involves use of a sledge hammer and a powerful saw to cut the roof off his car. And donbenni, I would of shown you guys how to handle one in GT4.
Depends. Can you get your HDTV to my house? You're in the opposite direction from me to Newark. I offered Ashley a lift because my route went more or less past his house anyway.

Ashley was awesome in the Tuscan against vexd (in an identical Tuscan) and Famine (in a Cerbera) at Le Sarthe 2. Certainly one of my favourite battles of the weekend.

Heh... donbenni and I found out how to handle one perfectly well ourselves - bump'n'grind :D

Amusingly, even if you did take the roof off my car, your telly still wouldn't fit... unless we redesigned it with a sledge hammer and powerful saw ;)
I have an idea, redesign, which involves use of a sledge hammer and a powerful saw to cut the roof off his car. And donbenni, I would of shown you guys how to handle one in GT4.

I dont think roo will appreciate you going near his car with them in your hand;).

You may like TVR but that doesnt nessacerily mean you can drive them. Perhaps if you actually came to one you can prove us wrong. Until then we pwn you at TVR driving!
I dont think roo will appreciate you going near his car with them in your hand;).

You may like TVR but that doesnt nessacerily mean you can drive them. Perhaps if you actually came to one you can prove us wrong. Until then we pwn you at TVR driving!
I'm talking about driving them in-game also never underestimate anyone, but it was a joke about the redesign. But a flat screen LCD should be able to fit in the Mini in the backseat.
Here is the size format from Amazon:

Dimensions (WxDxH): 78.8 cm x 12.3 cm x 45.4 cm

Thats about the size of roos mini ffs!

MWAHA yes im a happy bunny now i have ash back :P

Sorry for being a pain to everyone, and exleoereirheiubre or whatever your name is, sorry for being a beast!
Thats about the size of roos mini ffs!

MWAHA yes im a happy bunny now i have ash back :P

Sorry for being a pain to everyone, and exleoereirheiubre or whatever your name is, sorry for being a beast!
Either you got his Mini's size wrong or he crashed it into a wall, maybe of this lan party, but the screen size is 26 inches.
The back seat is 42 inches wide. Unless you can put it on the wheelarches, in which case you have 51 inches to play with.

You've got to remember that I will need to take a television in the back seat as well - it won't fit in the boot - plus any stuff acquired when there (I've returned with a cumberland sausage, a box of magic and a BMW Z4 this time).
Sounds like you all had a great time. I'm glad it went well and sorry I couldn't be there.
I am still so bloody tired, geez.

Although I would give the whole thing

Out of a maximum of 5
Here is the size format from Amazon:

Dimensions (WxDxH): 78.8 cm x 12.3 cm x 45.4 cm

To be perfectly honest it doesnt matter if you can bring your HDTV. when you are sitting litterally an inch from the screen even a 14inch portable becomes easy to use. It might be wise to just get yourself along to the next one as its better have an extra racer rather than not coming because your TV doesnt fit.

As far as the TVR's are concerned, yes they do suck! all of us were cursing the darn things and remember we had people like VEXD who is notoriously a fast driver on GTP and even he complained. What your missing though is that there are 6 people racing, which means 6 completely unpredictable drivers and anything can happen, especially when you got a couple of TVR's either side of you and your trading paintwork like its going out of fashion.

Winning at the lans isnt so important either, im mean obviously you want to win but sometimes the journey can be more fun than the destination ;)

Like i said though, leave the TV and just get yourself along to the next 👍

To be perfectly honest it doesnt matter if you can bring your HDTV. when you are sitting litterally an inch from the screen even a 14inch portable becomes easy to use. It might be wise to just get yourself along to the next one as its better have an extra racer rather than not coming because your TV doesnt fit.

As far as the TVR's are concerned, yes they do suck! all of us were cursing the darn things and remember we had people like VEXD who is notoriously a fast driver on GTP and even he complained. What your missing though is that there are 6 people racing, which means 6 completely unpredictable drivers and anything can happen, especially when you got a couple of TVR's either side of you and your trading paintwork like its going out of fashion.

Winning at the lans isnt so important either, im mean obviously you want to win but sometimes the journey can be more fun than the destination ;)

Like i said though, leave the TV and just get yourself along to the next 👍

That’s why I would show you how to handle one in GT4, because it sounds like some people gave them too much gas at the wrong moments around the corner. Also if I was there I would have just looked at everyone and then I would have said: "Swiftly moving on."

But when some of you said stuff about the TVR's, did anyone say: "I wonder what TVR&Ferrari_Fan will say."
That’s why I would show you how to handle one in GT4, because it sounds like some people gave them too much gas at the wrong moments around the corner. Also if I was there I would have just looked at everyone and then I would have said: "Swiftly moving on."

But when some of you said stuff about the TVR's, did anyone say: "I wonder what TVR&Ferrari_Fan will say."

What are you talking about? This is not one guy saying, "TVR's are junk in GT4!" that came from the majority of the people. You say that "some people gave them too much gas at the wrong moments around the corner" that's called throttle control. You're not going to tell me that all the people at the gathering had poor throttle control. Sorry, not going to happen.

Anyway, I would suggest that before you jump to conclusions about other people's driving habits, you drive with them first. Who knows, they might be right.
As far as the TVR's are concerned, yes they do suck! all of us were cursing the darn things and remember we had people like VEXD who is notoriously a fast driver on GTP and even he complained. What your missing though is that there are 6 people racing, which means 6 completely unpredictable drivers and anything can happen, especially when you got a couple of TVR's either side of you and your trading paintwork like its going out of fashion.

I only cursed that horrible v8 one because it was so bloody slow, roo however curses every tvr. Also dittoing the fact that winning isn't the be all and end all, the most fun is to be had in a mid pack battle that would make btcc drivers cry. I mean even when we got knocked off the track by someone there was no bad feeling because everyone was pretty cool and chillax.

It's a shame none of you knew how to get crunk.
That’s why I would show you how to handle one in GT4, because it sounds like some people gave them too much gas at the wrong moments around the corner.

Ok, but i still dont think you understand what we all mean and how the way we run the LAN's effects the way you drive. For instance, we had been driving a Clio Race Car on Racing Mediums for just under an hour, if i recall correctly, then we are told to drive a TVR on S2's. Adjusting to that after racing in the clio which handles very well is difficult in the 5 laps of each race. Then you have to adjust to a different TVR in your next race and so on. Im sure we all could have had the TVR's howling round the courses at breakneck speeds given enough time to get used to its handling and working out the fastest ways to drive the car but with the 5 lap system we use most of the time the first 2 laps are where you get to grips with how that car behaves then you can start to really lean on it.

Nearly every time we finished a race we would all be discussing how the car handles compared to each others and how that person found best to drive it letting each other know what to expect. The fact that this happens is proof enough.

The back seat is 42 inches wide. Unless you can put it on the wheelarches, in which case you have 51 inches to play with.

You've got to remember that I will need to take a television in the back seat as well - it won't fit in the boot - plus any stuff acquired when there (I've returned with a cumberland sausage, a box of magic and a BMW Z4 this time).

42 Inches? :lol:

Probably couldn't even stretch my elbows.
I loved the TVRs, personally.

*polishes prize*
That’s what I like to hear Famine, it also sounds like you know how to make a TVR handle. However remember not all TVR's are bad to handle like some people make out, because did anyone hear of a TVR called the Sagaris.

Anyway Roo that’s good to hear about the backseat size, which means my HDTV should be able to fit in there.
That’s what I like to hear Famine, it also sounds like you know how to make a TVR handle. However remember not all TVR's are bad to handle like some people make out, because did anyone hear of a TVR called the Sagaris.

the Sagaris isnt in GT4.

The Tuscan handled best for me..the V8S is ok but its so slow it doesnt matter. The T350c was my first ever car in GT4 so i knew how to handle that albeit not very well on the 'ring, the Tamora is a pain in the sh***er..understeeeeeeer. griffith wasnt bad either.
the Sagaris isnt in GT4.

The Tuscan handled best for me..the V8S is ok but its so slow it doesnt matter. The T350c was my first ever car in GT4 so i knew how to handle that albeit not very well on the 'ring, the Tamora is a pain in the sh***er..understeeeeeeer. griffith wasnt bad either.
I was talking about real life, when talking about the Sagaris, any how I may not be able to come to the one in November. But I try to come to the one after that.