UKGTP8 - The Ocho

  • Thread starter Famine
The marquee is right next to a fairly large beer garden / secret garden. I'm guessing you're asking where can you enjoy a peaceful cigarette, as opposed to how close can those nasty smokers get. :D
Ask them a bit closer to the time. For now, chill, and enjoy the show. I'm sure someone has started a pool on when I suffer my coronary.
"Go and have a great time! We'll pick you up Sunday"

Am i right?!

Sadly no, more like..."You want to spend a weekend with people that are much older than you!? Of course not..."

That is were I go off and cry.
Sadly no, more like..."You want to spend a weekend with people that are much older than you!? Of course not..."

That is were I go off and cry.

Just try and find a few good reason why you should be allowed, out of interest how old are you?

I have a good case, earlier this year they were willing to let my bro go to Holland to watch a few football friendlies, that includes staying over in some hotels in Amsterdam.

He is only 1 and a half years older than me, but it makes all the difference, he can drive I cannot, I best hope I pass my test very quickly, I just picked up my provisional lisence today, I am 17 soon, still it gives me just 1 and 1/2 months to pass, thats not great odds, but if I don't pass, then I am going to be lugging 2 TV's on the train halfway across the country, it's not going to help my case.

I shall wait until they are drunk, then I will surely get the go ahead :lol:
Sadly no, more like..."You want to spend a weekend with people that are much older than you!? Of course not..."

That is were I go off and cry.

Show them the 7 other Uk events we've had.

I can bring a TV if I'm staying with my relatives. Though I have no idea what's happening at the moment, because also there could be a possibility my Dad could be made redundant, oh the joys of the engineering industry.
Umm...I am...14

But they won't let me go, guaranteed.

Also I live in Lincolnshire so it is quite a distance for me.
Umm...I am...42
But they won't let me go, guaranteed.

Also I live in Lincolnshire so it is quite a distance for me.


fair enough I can see how 14 may strike them as a mild concern, but the way I see it, is err, nevermind what I think, since I have never been to a GTP, but I would assume there is no problem

P.S I hadn't noticed your age until I quoted it, and then realised it is in white colour and only size 1
Your parents are only looking out for your welfare, speedster - cherish it whilst you can as in all too few years, once you've flown the 'nest' you'll have to fend for yourself.

Your folks don't know that the kind of people that'll be attending a UKGTP are, for the most part (pre-pub), fine and upstanding, so it's actually a good thing that they're being protective of you.
Ask them to come along with you, could be a fun-filled family day out with 30 other beer-chugging people who start calling you their best friends after 2pm..
i'm now free for the whole weekend!!!

/* frantically searches dustbin for the trashed to do list /

:embarrassed: ;)

maybe Famine can move this to post #1.
Then I would appreciate it VERY MUCH if Famine can include autonumbering. I keep recounting this list every day and there's still 73 nights to go :scared: .
As he stated in another thread he knows exactly how to do that without referring to a coding example.
But just in case he doesnt ;)
[ list=1]
[ *] name 1
[ *] name 2

[ *] name n
[ / list]

ordering a round at the bar is going to be bad enough....
brainfart: everyone throws gbp X in the kitty and we order drinks from it.

I'm sure someone has started a pool on when I suffer my coronary.
Yep, Saturday morning 27 Oct when you find out the marquee is double booked, there's no alternative and we lose :D

Speedster, just show your folks the pics and stuff from the last few meetings - and even better, don't your folks fancy a weekend in Banbury themselves? I'm not saying teach them to play GT4!, but maybe they'd be up for a jaunt that would also allow you to join in for a bit?

As for meeting strangers you 'know' from the internet, your folks would be dead right to be cautious, but this lot are a very nice bunch (the ones I've met, anyway)... most of the time anyway! :sly:
You PM G.T and ask him nicely if he would mind if your parents call his parents and ask how UKGTP7 was. He after all had a similar situation....IIRC.

And you'll only be playing PS2 all weekend... it's not as if people drive real cars into the room, or almost take each other's eyes out with bouncy balls, or listen to ladies going to the toilet with cordless microphones... no, wait...
You PM G.T and ask him nicely if he would mind if your parents call his parents and ask how UKGTP7 was. He after all had a similar situation....IIRC.

Yep. I'm near certain my parents wouldn't mind taking the call.

I still suggest trying to show them the pictures of the last events though, speedster. That's what mainly convinced mine.

While I'm in here, I need to mention that I will more than likely not be coming to the next meeting. I have a College trip on the same weekend, and financially it looks like I'll be paying for everything due to the tight financial status of parents (unless I give more convincing...). I don't have the money for it all... Maybe for next time, but not for this October.

I could catch I lift off one of you guys to the venue, but I don't know whether I should...
Also I live in Lincolnshire so it is quite a distance for me.

Newark where i live is practically Lincolnshire! Get them to drop you off here and travel down with me. If i can take two kids to these events, your more than safe!!! James' parents also came in and met everyone and that helped alot (They're now planning to move as far away from these gatherings as possible!!)

pm me if my number will help. i partly arranged the last three lans, so i can answer any of their questions.

Not all of us are drinkers and no one in the group gets too over the top. We all know when to stop. With alcohol if not with brakes *cough cough

/* frantically searches dustbin for the trashed to do list /

:embarrassed: ;)


hope you find it..... 👍
maybe you should pm me in advance so i can be prepared?
I will still have to think about it. Just out of intrest what date is this?

Also, I don't want you guys to be embarassed by me, I have mad skills :lol:

EDIT: Found the date, I probably would be able to go on the 27th but definitly not the 28th...after all it's my birthday then.
We don't need more people with mad skillz - more folk with bad skillz will be more than welcome ;)

I was joking, I am a photographer from GT4 I can't drive quick......I have to drive slowly to get good shots. I have bad skillz.....
I could catch I lift off one of you guys to the venue, but I don't know whether I should...

I can pick people up but it depends on where you are. I am a good driver aswell so no need to worry.