Un-official GTPlanet BBC Topgear UK ThreadTV 

  • Thread starter ExigeEvan
That was a great episode!

The TVR piece showed that TVRs are much mpre livable and the Panda showed that JC can lose!

They still haven't mentioned that JC car has gone :( I thought they would make a big thing of that today but sadly not.

I'm not surprised she couldn't beat Jezza, but she had a damn good try. Only 1/2 a second per mile, that's amazing! :eek: How she makes the next season :lol:
A cracking episode. Loved the Sagaris, really want to get one of those!

What's the chances that 'Frau Nurburgring' is going to help out at Top Gear then?;)
Did anyone exeprienced any audio problems with last night show????

I still don't understand the "cool board"
I also liked this Top Gear. Very good. i was surprised when it ended because it only seemed like 1/2 an hour had gone :indiff:
Richard's job for next year doesnt seem too secure! :ill:
Justin Hawkins was good... seems like a really decent bloke and obviously a pretty good driver too... not sure about his new single though ("This Town Ain't Big Enough For Both Of Us")... incidentally, in the video clip they showed (where he looks like a darts player), the guy holding the mic was Russell Mael from Sparks, who wrote the song originally...

The music that The Stig was listening to was 'Hoedown' by Emerson, Lake and Palmer, a 'cover' version of Aaron Copeland...

I should get out more... :sly:
will sundays episode be repeated? im sorry 4 asking but i missed it!! arghh - i keep 4getting about it

It comes on tuesday about 11ish (check out tv guide im not sure of exact time)

EDIT: what was the TVR's time again, ive totally forgotten
Slick Rick
It comes on tuesday about 11ish (check out tv guide im not sure of exact time)

EDIT: what was the TVR's time again, ive totally forgotten

Sagaris I think...
Slick Rick
It comes on tuesday about 11ish (check out tv guide im not sure of exact time)

EDIT: what was the TVR's time again, ive totally forgotten

cheers mate i'll have a look at the t.v. guide for tues to confirm!
It's repeated this Tueday at 7pm, but it is normally later than that.
Shame there wasn't more on getting the van around the Ring in less than 9'59 but you can't have everything I guess!

Anyone else know why the listing on Sky bears little resemblance to what is show during the show? A couple of weeks back it said Davina McCall in the Liana and last night was supposed to be a review of the Flying Spur. I believe they record the in studio parts for the show four days before it is aired on the Sunday so guess there is some room for moving bits about.
That was in most TV guides actually, I can remeber seeing Damon Hill step up and I thopught, thats not Davina McCall. I was glad though cos Devina's talentless and minging. Probably wrong info from the BBC to the TV guide publishers that time.
Slick Rick
I didnt know Top Gear was aired in the US too.
It is on Wednesday's on discovery, but it is a chopped up version. There's no star in a reasonably priced car (I hate it anyway, but whatever), or any news. They show various clips from different seasons, like they had the Exige vs. Apache and I think they also had the DB9 vs. the Train in that epsidoe, too. I can't remember exactly.
It is on Wednesday's on discovery, but it is a chopped up version. There's no star in a reasonably priced car (I hate it anyway, but whatever), or any news. They show various clips from different seasons, like they had the Exige vs. Apache and I think they also had the DB9 vs. the Train in that epsidoe, too. I can't remember exactly.

Thats a bit of a shame then because the Americans dont know how good Top Gear really is then :(

But i do agree with you when you say that ''a star in a reasonably priced car'' is boring. It seems like they talk for hours!!