Un-official GTPlanet BBC Topgear UK ThreadTV 

  • Thread starter ExigeEvan

Talking of Hamster he seems to be appearing on more and more programs everyday. I saw him on something yesterday that seemed quite cheesy...

And James has bought a Boxster S :dopey: And is wondering how it is 'ghey'.
He must be taking up a new career as a hairdresser, I mean stylist (no difference but they seem to think so), so he NEEDS a ghey car for that.
Hamster.....i love that name, it suits him so well......

I know hes on Brainiac and i saw him on another program but i forgot what it was called....must of been crap then.
Richard Hammond was voted the weirdest man to be ok to fancy or something.

Yep, in Heat magazine, they've just mentioned it on TopGear.

The fat girl liked Hammond :lol:

That was a pretty good episode. Not the most memorable perhaps but still quite good. I'm sure Chrysler are happy that JC hasn't knocked them anymore.

[EDIT] And todays guests at the track, the British Arrows!
*stangles you*

Are you insane? It's twice as powerful as both of them and it has a Race Mode. :dopey:
*stangles you*

Are you insane? It's twice as powerful as both of them and it has a Race Mode. :dopey:

No!! out of the convertables.... not including the ferrari!!!

*stangles G.T* for interpreting my post wrong.

Anyway, ive got to go

See you guys.
Exige, I agree. My opinion may change if I got to drive a Ferrari but I'd be more tempted to go with something more exclusive and different. Something where you're car would be the ONLY one if you turned up at a millionaires party. You'd be gauranteed that there'd be a good number of Ferrari's outside.
wow the convertable section in iceland was a pretty decent part... just a shame i h8 those 3 cars as convertables, as coupes the 350 Z and the Chylser Crossfire are pretty decent (especially the 350Z)

Ive never liked the TT :yuck:

I only caught the section bout the ferraris at the convertable part, which look so so nice..... imagine it in black.... :drool:
Slick Rick
I didnt know Top Gear was aired in the US too.

I didn't either. Discovery Channel? Pttth, I use BitTorrent.

Hear what James said about the Skyline? I do have a gun and know how to use it. The F430 segment was great with Depeche Mode - Enjoy the Silence playing in the background. 👍
Viper Zero
I didn't either. Discovery Channel? Pttth, I use BitTorrent.

Hear what James said about the Skyline? I do have a gun and know how to use it. The F430 segment was great with Depeche Mode - Enjoy the Silence playing in the background. 👍
My name is James! :dopey:

I don't want to be shot though, I love the Skyline. :)
Anyone see that old re-run of ''Have I Got News For You' last night... they had Michael Gambon on and they showed a clip of him doing his lap on Top Gear, and hence revealled how the corner 'Gambon' got it's name...
Didn't you already know why the last corner was called Gambon? I'm sure it was all announced on Top Gear at the time.

It was a hilarious stunt ;)
Because its Shark Week and I'm glad it wasn't on. The show is so annoying to watch, if I want to know about cars I'll pick up Road & Track, not listen to some European run his mouth about how bad American cars are.
Yeah i agree they can be ridiculously nationalistic, but that's what all British people are. You get used to it.
Actually I can't get used to it, I've tried watching the show on many occansions. I about lost it when he talked about the Vette. I think for car shows I'll just watch AutoWeek on Speed even though I get the magazine, read it, and disgrad of it before the show comes on.
Because its Shark Week and I'm glad it wasn't on. The show is so annoying to watch, if I want to know about cars I'll pick up Road & Track, not listen to some European run his mouth about how bad American cars are.

Although Clarkson is generally anti-american cars, he, interestingly, loved the new Ford GT so much that he bought one before he got annoyed by the car's alarm system.
He seems like a hypocrite.

He openly hates American cars, yet he goes out and buys one of the most powerful American cars ever built.

Doesn't Hammond have (or at least wanted) a 'Cuda?
Chaps, I think that it will probably behove you to realise that at least half what Mr Clarkson says is designed to be 'conversation provoking'. Don't let it wind you up so much.

Plus, it is sadly true that American cars are not as good as they could be in the 21st Century. Don't get me wrong, they may be fine on dry, straight, smooth, American roads (not to mention it being a country where petrol is ludicrously cheap) but they don't cut it over here.

I don't mean to offend so don't get upset; just trying to put across why most of us Englishmen don't have a high opinion of cars built by our transatlantic cousins.

On the other hand, my missus is an intense fan and I have to put up with having her monumental Chevy Caprice in the garage (it goes in with about a half inch to spare each side and we have to chain the doors as it doesn't quite fit lengthwise) :(.
Yeah i agree they can be ridiculously nationalistic, but that's what all British people are. You get used to it.

Hello, Mr. Pot. I'd like to introduce you to Mr. Kettle!

Top Gear doesn't badmouth American cars. They point out that American cars just do not work, in general, on British roads. And they don't, unless you spend all of your time on the motorway. Which we don't. They're not about to mention that, in the interests of balance and fair play, that "x" American car works well in "y" situation that no-one in the UK cares about, because they're reviewing cars for the UK. This is why you've never seen a Ford Expedition review, or an Eagle Talon one. We don't get them. We don't care.

Clarkson had a Ford GT, yes. Hammster had a Dodge Charger (which he sold, and now has a Morgan). James May has just bought a new Boxster, I believe.
Because its Shark Week and I'm glad it wasn't on. The show is so annoying to watch, if I want to know about cars I'll pick up Road & Track, not listen to some European run his mouth about how bad American cars are.

Don't watch it and don't complain then 👍

American cars are generally built for different things than European/Asian cars. America has a lot of straight road, so a lot of American cars are fast in straight lines and have very very bad brakes/handling/steering. European/Asian cars are built for roads which aren't all straights and right-angled corners, so we have cars which are not only quick in straight lines, but also have the ability to "corner". You might not be familiar with this, but it's where the road goes a bit bendy and the car has to "turn". I know this might be overloading your mind, so we'll stop and have another lesson tomorrow.

Yeah i agree they can be ridiculously nationalistic, but that's what all British people are. You get used to it.

That's a very sweeping statement, and also totally wrong. I'm British and I'm not nationalistic at all.

Hammond wanted a Charger I believe, but I don't remember if he bought it or not.