Un-official GTPlanet BBC Topgear UK ThreadTV 

  • Thread starter ExigeEvan
Of all the guests they could've had this week, we get stuck with Blunt again?

Well I normally zone out during the SIARPC, so this shouldn't be any different.
Although, if they did get rid of SIARPC that's ten more minutes of absolutely awful awful awful "comedy" they'd be able to squeeze in.

So it's a necessary evil even though none of us are interested in actually watching it.
Although, if they did get rid of SIARPC that's ten more minutes of absolutely awful awful awful "comedy" they'd be able to squeeze in.

So it's a necessary evil even though none of us are interested in actually watching it.

So if you don't like the rest of the show, what do you watch it for? Personally, although most of it has been childish, the funny moments this series have really made me laugh out loud. I've actually skipped both SIARPC's as I had them on record. I never find them interesting unless it's someone I'm a fan of.
Here we go... will it be cringe-pain inducing... or will it be Top Gear on form?

--- I'm making notes as I go... cus I always forget.

"Hammond forgets the abbreviation for America..."

Actually, I laughed ALOT at that :lol:

Lord that Zenvo is Ugly.

Good news... it's a DACIA.. it's pronounced DACHIA!

+1 for Soviet sub-pens, awesome.

+100 for Lada getting the best of the up exclamation mark

+Some for nod to Tennyson and the Charge of the Light Brigade

... is it me, or are there less fitties in the audience of SIARPC these days. Although Captain Blunt's missus is alright :)

And, I do quite like James Blunt

Ukraine, interesting... Chernobyl :( .. No seriously :( :(

Alright Episode, not amazing... 7/10 .. 6.5/10.. still actually light on content
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Id give it a solid 7.5/10. Not amazing, but interesting with some really funny bits. No overly childish segments.
I did enjoy the challenge from Kiev to Chernobyl (Fiesta has a smaller fuel tank?), and seeing how difficult it is to get poor mileage in modern eco hatches was interesting to watch. The first 2/3 of the trip did seem a bit aimless for the most part, and I figured they hadn't even left the Crimean steppes when they checked the map. :lol:

The rest was forgetful. Clarkson killed a Zenvo and that's about it.
Just for the record, was the Chernobyl thing staged? Because if not, how the hell were Health & Safety OK with it?? And am I the only one around here that thinks James Blunt is funny?
There are tourist trips arranged to Cheyrnob", and that dome didn't build itself. There's just a limit to how long you're allowed to stay there.
Pretty 'meh' episode really, wasn't that bad, but it's not going to last in the memory.
Although, if they did get rid of SIARPC that's ten more minutes of absolutely awful awful awful "comedy" they'd be able to squeeze in.

So it's a necessary evil even though none of us are interested in actually watching it.
Does it occur to you that you don't have to watch it? I've never seen a post from you saying that you enjoyed the episode, yet you continue to spread the same opinion week-in week-out in this thread and the Premium one as to how Top Gear isn't what it used to be. Stop watching it, it will spare you the pain of disappointment, and it will spare the rest of us the pain of reading the same complaints over and over.
I wonder if the Zenvo fire burned up Top Gear's budget.
Surprised Zenvo allowed them to air the episode to be honest, this could very well be the worst appearence of a car on Top Gear ever.
Surprised Zenvo allowed them to air the episode to be honest, this could very well be the worst appearence of a car on Top Gear ever.

I believe that there must be a clause that companies must sign when their car is subject to review by Top Gear. I may be wrong, but it wouldn't surprise me.
Publicity is still publicity, it gets people talking about their car. Then perhaps multi millionaires with more money than sense will go buy one.

But at the end of the day it's another ridiculous "Look at me I've got a thousand horsepower!!!" car, that can't put it's power down and in turn is slower than a BMW M5 with half the power and more weight and costs more than 8 times less. And doesn't look ridiculous. And is reliable. And more comfortable. And more spacious. And classier. And more sophisticated. Etc etc.
I get the publicity bit, but undrivable, expensive, slower than a Focus that combusts by itself is hardly temptation for customers :lol:
So if you don't like the rest of the show, what do you watch it for?


Although I decided to follow through on my own threat to myself and didn't watch the last one.

Does it occur to you that you don't have to watch it? I've never seen a post from you saying that you enjoyed the episode, yet you continue to spread the same opinion week-in week-out in this thread and the Premium one as to how Top Gear isn't what it used to be. Stop watching it, it will spare you the pain of disappointment, and it will spare the rest of us the pain of reading the same complaints over and over.

I've lived in the hope that it will improve. I enjoy seeing cars getting mainstream exposure on television but it is difficult to enjoy this programme which germinated from a magazine programme into a formulaic sitcom because of the shift in demographics and content.

I know I'm hugely critical of Top Gear, especially Richard Hammond, and I make no apologies for criticising something which is badly scripted and poorly executed in my own personal opinion.
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Good episode last night, I enjoyed the road trip in the small cars but I thought it was a little boring at times, James Blunt put in an epic lap time in the worst conditions, the Zenvo review was a bit pointless and I thought the funniest moment was when Hammond said he wanted to be a drunk Queen, that part might have been scripted but was still funny!