Un-official GTPlanet BBC Topgear UK ThreadTV 

  • Thread starter ExigeEvan
Nope, Rubbish start, none of it was really funny although I laughed when I saw Hammond's Nova for the first time, it was in a right state, but apart from that it was mostly mindless juvenile stuff that aimed at people with a mental age of nine, pretty poor stuff
I know where they filmed the supermarket bit, its not a supermarket its a TV set, there's a sitcom on Sky1 called Trollied which is about the staff that work for a fictional supermarket chain called Valco, its quite funny and that's where they did the segment, I recognised the shop layout...and the food they have there is real..
I know where they filmed the supermarket bit, its not a supermarket its a TV set, there's a sitcom on Sky1 called Trollied which is about the staff that work for a fictional supermarket chain called Valco, its quite funny and that's where they did the segment, I recognised the shop layout...and the food they have there is real..
I'm surprised I didn't recognise it. I was wondering what supermarket allowed them to trash the place.
I'd give that episode 4.1/10. Bloody awful aside from a few moments such as James calling the police the "fifty".
I enjoyed it, it was good fun and I had genuine laughs, but some of the staged parts were just over-the-top. I don't mind if they plan some of the silliness, but they just kill it when it gets too obvious. The parts when Clarkson and May were still sitting down in the midst of the remnants after the explosion, for example. It's comical, like a reinterpretation of some good old cartoon moments from "Looney Tunes", and I had a brief smile, but in the end, that's not even superficially related to motoring. Basically, it's not really what I want to see when I make the decision to watch an episode of the show.

I love Top Gear as it's like a display of automotive passion in the most childlike, basic, and purest form, without being overly technical. I don't necessarily wish Top Gear to be highly informative, all the time. I will watch other shows and read from various sources when I want to get detailed explanations of how this or that works. As a whole, I see the show as a celebration of the automotive world, underpinning the concept of fun in motoring, portraying some cars as characterful works of art, and things like that. And they've successfully conveyed that to the audience through many of their challenges, reviews, and features on classics. I don't agree with some of the things they said, but that's fine.

They can juxtapose comedy alongside the motoring, but it's hard to appreciate it in the same way when it's barely relevant to automotive anymore. In some of the newer episodes, it seems like some of the factors I mentioned are lost. They seem to be going downhill. These days, it feels like they're barely about cars, even though there are cars in the show.

Back to some feelings from the new episode...the parts when James May kept escaping reminded me of this video:

Chase begins at 0:18. No more escaping from 3:00 onwards.
In case you guys didn't know Tom Hiddleston is the Guest this week, he is otherwise known as Loki from Thor and Avengers Assemble....
In case you guys didn't know Tom Hiddleston is the Guest this week, he is otherwise known as Loki from Thor and Avengers Assemble....

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I'm gonna say, big thing for me, is the music direction was much, much better in the early years of TG, helped to make the show truly epic at times... And the three stooges are comic relief between serious stories. I liked that format...

Ooo... and I liked how blatantly offensive they were...
Tonights show, race between Hammond in an Alfa 4C and Clarkson on an Amphibious quad bike across lake Como in Italy, Clarkson's review of McLaren P1 and Tom Hiddleston is SIARPC..
I honestly think tonight might be the first episode I intentionally set out to not watch.

Having Clarkson verbally masturbate over the P1 just makes my eyes roll.
I honestly think tonight might be the first episode I intentionally set out to not watch.

I probably would have done that last week if I knew what was coming.

Clarkson treating himself and a P1 to some Spa treatment aside, I'll be shocked if tonight's ep ends up being any worse.
Interesting that Chris Harris seems to have gotten hold of a P1, will be interesting to compare the 2 reviews
A little bit of jeremy humour in the review, but I enjoyed it. Best non-road trip episode in a very long time.
Yep. Much better. The Alfa/Quad race could have been more lively but I enjoyed how they rounded it off. That and the P1 test were pretty good though, while May's Camp Bastion segment was the highlight.
I thought it was far better than last week. Even the race didn't end in too much silliness as I was expecting. More of that please.
Holy crap...they actually did something resembling car reviews tonight.
pretty good episode, that alfa looked really tempting, lightweight, no powersteering, must be really good to drive. I don't think they did the Mclaren justice, it's mentally fast. Would have been good to see it in the dry, it would have been a lot more stable.
I think by now we all get how quick the P1 is, plus Jeremy stressed that fact numerous times already this season. Even though he didn't exactly go flat out in the end, the wet conditions made the test a little more hairy.

Spa and rain almost go hand in hand anyway, so it seemed somewhat fitting to conduct the test in adverse weather.
Don't forget it's coming back when Hammond tests the Porsche. It will be interesting to see how they compare.

Great episode though, one of the first for a long time that I will bother watching again on iPlayer.