Un-official GTPlanet BBC Topgear UK ThreadTV 

  • Thread starter ExigeEvan
It hasn't been a car show for quite a while now, if you watch a lot of the old episodes on Dave, they actually reviewed cars seriously a lot more than they do now.

Exactly. I still enjoy the old episodes more. Even the USA Special and all the big challenges seemed to be better thought out back then.
They should at least make it vaguely funny. The best Top Gear stuff is when they don't rely on special effects and just do stupid things.
That episode was just terrible...even my girlfriend left the room to wash the dishes as that was apparently more interesting. I watched until the end just because, but by the credits I too couldn't wait to clean some plates.

On a broader note, I personally feel Top Gear has run it's course. Regardless of whether it would replace Top Gear or not, I'd love to see a serious, well produced motoring show on TV. The BBC has shown some fantastic docs over the years on cars and motorsports, and I'd personally love to see a regular series which explores more car history and culture.
I know they're capable of doing far better than that. Even though I figured they'd go all out to turn this challenge into a sub-par comedy skit than a proper TG episode. Dedicating all but the news and SIARPC to pissing about with computer effects, crashing retro hatches and blowing stuff up made that abundantly clear.

Now that it's out of the way, I believe this season should only get better from here on out. If not, then lord help us.
Gosh that episode was poor, it started promising (the whole comparing 80's hatches to todays) but decended into total stupidity and the Police rubbish at the end went on way too long.

Years ago they talked about the TG formula urgently having to change and even the producers agreed but for some reason it didn't happen. It's getting angeringly predictable and they clearly are making it now as a very casual entertainment programme like the other typical junk you would see on a Saturday / Sunday night. Cars.... what cars?
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On a broader note, I personally feel Top Gear has run it's course. Regardless of whether it would replace Top Gear or not, I'd love to see a serious, well produced motoring show on TV. The BBC has shown some fantastic docs over the years on cars and motorsports, and I'd personally love to see a regular series which explores more car history and culture.
I thought it should of ended after the last series. That would've been 20 series, a nice run for the show, even though the last few series would've been a bit crap.
On a broader note, I personally feel Top Gear has run it's course. Regardless of whether it would replace Top Gear or not, I'd love to see a serious, well produced motoring show on TV. The BBC has shown some fantastic docs over the years on cars and motorsports, and I'd personally love to see a regular series which explores more car history and culture.
TopGear will never end.


20 years from now on this very thread we'll still be whinging about them good ol' days, when TopGear was a vaguely serious affair.
I think the highlight for me was May giving Hammond two fingers so non-chalontly as he jogged beside knocking on the window. :lol:

It's the little things like TGPD's Latin motto, the hillclimb sign and the odd gesture you mentioned that ended up being the only redeemable and funny moments in this episode. They may not make up for the episode as a whole - which was pretty dire - but they're better than nothing.

TopGear will never end.


20 years from now on this very thread we'll still be whinging about them good ol' days, when TopGear was a vaguely serious affair.

By that point, they could redo the Fastest OAP challenge. With themselves.
I thought it should of ended after the last series. That would've been 20 series, a nice run for the show, even though the last few series would've been a bit crap.

Yeah, exactly...the sad thing now is that TG will die a sad, prolonged death. It should have (deservedly so) gone out on top a good few years ago now.

I found the fact they were saying everything was better in the 80s very ironic...this definitely applies to Clarkson. Some of his segments and reviews on "old" Top Gear are superb, and mix humour with knowledge really well. Same goes for his old "Motorworld" series, which was great. He had youth, hair, and was clearly really into what he was talking about. These days he's just blergh....
I personally would rather let TG slowly die out a painful death than rather it ended a few years ago when it was at the top of its game as if it died a few years ago I would've been left wanting more but now I won't necessarily. Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed tonights episode and I'm proud to be immature. :P
It's the little things like TGPD's Latin motto, the hillclimb sign and the odd gesture you mentioned that ended up being the only redeemable and funny moments in this episode.

Am I right in thinking it's 'Ambitious But Rubbish' ? That was worth a chuckle.
Lol, don't check the thread if you don't want spoilers :D
I know, but I forgot it was today.

I'm watching the episode now. So far, it's quite funny. I love how they played Bangarang by Skrillex during the part when Stig's Teen Cousin was driving the SEAT.
Gosh that episode was poor, it started promising (the whole comparing 80's hatches to todays) but decended into total stupidity and the Police rubbish at the end went on way too long.

My thoughts are exactly the same. I did liked the "nostalgia stupidity" segment, but the supermarket segment was too decadent for me, I couldn't find even remotely funny how they wasted all those groceries.

But Top Gear is back, and the first thing you need to know is I have an erection :lol:.

(Could someone please make a gif of that eternally quotable scene?)
No more silly skits please, Top Gear. The hill climb challenge was good, but the supermarket and the police chase were terrible. Take notes on your previous challenges, like the British Leyland one. That one was far more entertaining and yet had much less scripting.
It's an average episode imo, compared to all 21 seasons. There've been better 'n worse. There were a few funny moments and a few stupid (and extremely scripted) moments.

Disclaimer: I'm not saying the rest isn't scripted, I'm just saying those bits were more noticeable than the rest.
If it wasn't the worst, what do we all think the worst episode was?
I thought The Sweeney one was hilarious, especially Hammond's jump and the chase dialogue :lol:
Something makes me wish they'd cut out a lot of special effects though, I still think the Police Car episode and the VW ad episode are two of the funniest ever.
Series 18 Episode 3, the one where Clarkson and Hammond helped film bits for The Sweeney.
I agree with that, I was very close to switching to something else halfway through that episode. Though the India special comes a close second for crappiness.
I couldn't find even remotely funny how they wasted all those groceries.

That was what I was thinking the whole time as well. Just because there is a huge budget you don't go destroying quality food like that. It's just one of those things you don't find funny to 'blow up'.

The episode started well, when they introduced the cars and showed how the Nova could be started without the key I thought this is great interesting stuff. I thought they were going to get 3 popular hot hatches from today (maybe the current equivalent VW, Ford and Vauxhall) and run them through various tests with the old ones.

I expected some sillyness but after the hillclimb oh my how the episode fell off a cliff.

On a side note, Vauxhall SRI rules ;)
I liked, not far as say I loved it, but I liked.

Things have been more silly since season 14, and the cartoon-ish challenge was a thing to be expected. TG is really more about road testing and road travelling, none of that was involved in the segments so it just suffered from repetition and saturation of the over-the-top segments. Yeah, things have been better in the past, and it would have been a good episode if it would have been a road trip instead of challenges, I had good laughs still, so is not ... bad.

They need to make stuff with really old, really near to scrap cars in long road trips, the best moments of the show are found there.
meh episode, thought some bits were funny but that police bit was awfull it was so long.

didn't mind everything else and laughed a bit too but it's incredible how they waste their budget on lame stuff instead of making a new segment.