Un-official GTPlanet BBC Topgear UK ThreadTV 

  • Thread starter ExigeEvan
More professional drivers, how do you mean? The guy they use as the Stig is as competent a driver as you need, he's a professional, and having one person do it is better than a different professional every week.
More professional drivers, how do you mean? The guy they use as the Stig is as competent a driver as you need, he's a professional, and having one person do it is better than a different professional every week.
I mean the guests that run those lap times on the show, usually they're regular celebrities. I would like to see more professional drivers, F1 drivers and the like, like we've seen a few times already with Damon Hill, Mark Webber, etc.
And the don of the moustache, without a moustache, I agree, it's okay seeing a few celeb's, but more driver focused people would be better, it is a car show afterall. But then again we wouldn't have got Ellen's time had it been that way, great lap that was. But maybe a non-racer or car presenter etc celeb every other week and a race driver, ex race driver etc every other week too, it'd be cool to see Tiff do a lap, never going to happen though, thank to Chanel 5, but it'd be cool to see how he stacks up on TopGear's track, I'd guess around Damon Hill's time.
Your not the only one, but I'm still hoping that a deal canbe made for them to test the Speed 12 as well, that would be awesome. As for the powerboard, what they might do, if it is a new location, is a: build a new track using the same layout as before, or b: test a couple of the poweerboard car's on the enw track and work out how much faster or slower the new track is on an average, not perfect but then neither is the powerboard as it is, or any track test really for that matter.
Remember a long time ago, they showed the Speed 12. But did not drive it. I reckon they will use the same track design.
I'd also like them to start bringing back a few of the past celebrities. JK, and Jodie Kidd for example. Even if it was a short feature instead of one every show it should be good IMO.
Yes, it's true, Top Gear will shortly be back on your telly. Huzzah.

But when the team reassembled to plan this, the eighth series, there was a problem. With an expectant world waiting, how could they keep the show fresh after seven storming series? New titles? A slicker studio? Take the presenters shopping and buy them all new smart-casual jackets?

Well, yes. But there had to be something else. And there was. An idea of such brilliance all other programmes will be copying it by the time the year's out. At a stroke, the show has been refreshed, reinvented, reinvigorated, all by just one simple action.

I wonder what this change is. I would probably have to wait six days later to find out, since I only have BBC World and they air new episodes on Saturday mornings here in Trinidad.
I'm wondering what it is as well, oh well, I'll find out in 7 days and just under 20 hours.
i think Top Gear should do a feature on driving and racing simulators, and try to find the most realistic, best value for money, etc. You'd have GT4, Forza, PGR3, GTR, GTL, TRD3, and others i'm sure. Wouldn't that be cool?
i think Top Gear should do a feature on driving and racing simulators, and try to find the most realistic, best value for money, etc. You'd have GT4, Forza, PGR3, GTR, GTL, TRD3, and others i'm sure. Wouldn't that be cool?
PGR3 isn't a simulator. ;)

Live For Speed would be a good comparison too. A lot of people think that's realistic.
PGR3 is an arcade game, now some of Rally games are a different story. Anyway I am glad Top Gear is back on next weekend guys.
i think Top Gear should do a feature on driving and racing simulators, and try to find the most realistic, best value for money, etc. You'd have GT4, Forza, PGR3, GTR, GTL, TRD3, and others i'm sure. Wouldn't that be cool?
Tbh, not really, it's a car show not a games show, I know there's a connection but I'd rather watch them driving real car's than comparing games. Besides that, JC already did a feature last year on GT4.
I wonder what the next big race will be, maybe they will use the AMV8 in the next race. or any other top British supercar.
And seeing as he did it using top gear they obviously reckon that its the most realistic.
They used it because it's the biggest selling racing game, and it's meant to be realistic, simple as. GT4 doesn't have a quarter of the calculations a game live Live for speed has, and from what I've heared, NetKar has just set the new benchmark. Console games have less potential when it comes to physics than PC's, a console is limited by more factors than a PC, GT4 simply could not be amde more realistic, but it's not the most realistic sim out there.
Guys when I get my Sky HD box installed, I tell you lot weather or not Top Gear is in HD or upscaled HD on the BBC HD Channel.
hey has anyone in the UK seen the new Top Gear promo which was on BBC1 last night? Good news, no presenter changes!

speaking of presenter changes, does Hammond still do that Channel 3 show or has that stopped??
BBC Southern Counties.. It was on the news a few days ago and sounds like its going to be a great feature..

All stocked up on nibbles for Ep1
I wonder what the next big race will be, maybe they will use the AMV8 in the next race. or any other top British supercar.
i heard hamster and james will be using the space shuttle and jezza the new still secret knnooeniggensegegs CCCXXRRR88, with 3000hp and a top speed of 636mph in a race from cape canaveral to hong kong. even though james will be using the ferry to cross the atlantic ocean, hamster and jame still loose because the start of the shuttle is delayed for three weeks because of a loose sealing.
Anyone know when its on? I saw a Coming Soon promo recently, but I didnt see a date.
i heard hamster and james will be using the space shuttle and jezza the new still secret knnooeniggensegegs CCCXXRRR88, with 3000hp and a top speed of 636mph in a race from cape canaveral to hong kong. even though james will be using the ferry to cross the atlantic ocean, hamster and jame still loose because the start of the shuttle is delayed for three weeks because of a loose sealing.

I think the three of them are the best combination of presenters ever...... theres something for everyone plus they are are such the odd trio its funny!

I hope they do some more stupid challenges with clarkson always in the car and always winning!!!

I didnt know Top Gear would come back so soon..... I thought they filmed in the summer!
Only 4 more days till Top Gear returns, now we getting to the time frame. I look forward to seeing the full review of the new XK..