Un-official GTPlanet BBC Topgear UK ThreadTV 

  • Thread starter ExigeEvan
I don't think referring to Richard Hammond as 'Hamster' would cause any offense, since it is clearly an affectionate name. Even Clarkson and May have been quoted in the press today saying that they "want their Hamster back"
Anyway, this accident was a tragedy, the only protection he had was a helmet and some metal bars which I seriously doubt can stand an impact of 280MPH...

From what has been released about the accident so far the car rolled on grass and the roll-cage embedded itself in the soil, rather than the roll cage failing.

This has long been a concern when racing 'open' cars and is the main reason why F1 circuits are moving from gravel traps (in which the roll cage and dig in and bury itself) to concrete run-off (that stop this happening).

While a roll cage may survive the impact (and by all accounts this one did) if it is buried then it can't protect the driver, the other principal concern of high-speed accidents is that of rapid deceleration, which place huge g-loads on the driver and can result in internal injuries.


From what has been released about the accident so far the car rolled on grass and the roll-cage embedded itself in the soil, rather than the roll cage failing.

This has long been a concern when racing 'open' cars and is the main reason why F1 circuits are moving from gravel traps (in which the roll cage and dig in and bury itself) to concrete run-off (that stop this happening).

While a roll cage may survive the impact (and by all accounts this one did) if it is buried then it can't protect the driver, the other principal concern of high-speed accidents is that of rapid deceleration, which place huge g-loads on the driver and can result in internal injuries.



I'm sure the roll cage did its job perfectly well. Unfortunately on the flip side of having a very strong metal cage around you protecting your head from external elements, it also means that you have a hard metal cage to bang your helmeted head against when you roll. No amount of padding, helmets or even Hans devices can fully protect your head and neck from the violence of a 300mph series of rolls. It would take a small miracle to have you walk away from a crash such as Richard Hammonds.
From what has been released about the accident so far the car rolled on grass and the roll-cage embedded itself in the soil, rather than the roll cage failing.

Backed up by the "good" old Daily Mail:


I have one word to say, and that word is (to annoy LeadSlead#2) 🤬!
Latest news on the radio states that he suffered 'serious brain injury' but is expected to pull through - make of this what you will. I can't find any 'online' news to back up this statement though.

The BBC website offers video footage of the crash site for those with a morbid fascination of this sort of thing. Unfortunatly my computer likes neither WMV or the latest Real Media streams :rolleyes:

wow, hope Hamster gets well soon.

As much as i love top gear, i dont think they should have let one of their presenters drive a 300mph jet powered car, seems a bit irresponsible to me.
Latest news on the radio states that he suffered 'serious brain injury' but is expected to pull through - make of this what you will. I can't find any 'online' news to back up this statement though.

Trust Sky.
I caught wind of this on my way out the door this morning, about 9:00AM here, about 2:00PM there in the UK. While I do have a great ammount of worry for Hammond, I know that he is indeed in good hands, and I'm thankful that he is allright.

...Although this mysterious "brain injury" seems a bit odd. A really bad concussion? Some bruising? Some swelling?

Thankfully modern medicine can fix it, and I will indeed be very happy to hopefully see Hammond back in time for the new season, but he certainly will need some time to recover.
I like this guy, i like this program, i will miss him if he doesnt return, and things will never be the same agin, i wonder if it was something i ate whilst on holiday, first steve irwin, now the hamster.....

My sincere thoughts (joking aside) are with him and his wife and nearest and dearest.


I like this guy, i like this program, i will miss him if he doesnt return, and things will never be the same agin, i wonder if it was something i ate whilst on holiday, first steve irwin, now the hamster.....

My sincere thoughts (joking aside) are with him and his wife and nearest and dearest.


you forgot brockie.....
As much as i love top gear, i dont think they should have let one of their presenters drive a 300mph jet powered car, seems a bit irresponsible to me.

Sorry but I don't agree at all.

As long as every possible precaution was taken, and it would appear at present that was the case, then I see no reason why they should not have done it or why it would be irresponsible.

From the information that is now available it would certainly appear that the emergency services were on site (eye witness account from a fireman of the accident), the car was fit for the purpose (as it currently holds the British Land Speed record) and the location was suitable (as its the place the current record was set), on top of that it would appear that the speed of response in getting him to a suitable hospital indicated prior planning of some degree.

Any attempt on a record of this nature involves a degree of risk and as long as those risks were minimised as much as possible and a plan is in place for an emergency then I don't see how it could be classed as irresponsible.


Sorry but I don't agree at all.

As long as every possible precaution was taken, and it would appear at present that was the case, then I see no reason why they should not have done it or why it would be irresponsible.

From the information that is now available it would certainly appear that the emergency services were on site (eye witness account from a fireman of the accident), the car was fit for the purpose (as it currently holds the British Land Speed record) and the location was suitable (as its the place the current record was set), on top of that it would appear that the speed of response in getting him to a suitable hospital indicated prior planning of some degree.

Any attempt on a record of this nature involves a degree of risk and as long as those risks were minimised as much as possible and a plan is in place for an emergency then I don't see how it could be classed as irresponsible.



From the information to be found, it doesn't sound like Hamster were holding off his right foot either...

Scaff - As always - You're as right as you can get !... 👍
Anyone heard the news that Hammond is expected to make a good recovery. Someone on the radio pointed out this might not mean a full recovery. :indiff:
Anyone heard the news that Hammond is expected to make a good recovery. Someone on the radio pointed out this might not mean a full recovery. :indiff:
yeah i wouldnt be surprised if he gets a fear of doing that kinda stuff anymore(the dangerous stuff) and tone down abit
Anyone heard the news that Hammond is expected to make a good recovery. Someone on the radio pointed out this might not mean a full recovery. :indiff:

My worst fear at the moment - There could be a big diff between a "Good" and a "Full" recovery....

I wonder if they'll continue TG if Hamster can't be there...
I think they'll continue the show, presenters have come and gone in the past, though he will be missed and it may cause delays. I 'm wondering if it's putting the new series back a bit, unless they just do all the studio bit's without Hammond. It's a shame, I'm not looking for the series to come back on asap, the series can wait if need be. The important thing is that Hammond is okay, the worrying thing is with the news of brain damage all over the net, no matter how optomistic the doctors and sugeons are, as Flerbizky said, there can be a big difference between a good and full recovery. A good recovery might still end his career as a presenter. But at least he's alive, and hopefully he will be fully functional when he's out of hospital. He's got two kids to look after as well.
I think they'll continue the show, presenters have come and gone in the past, though he will be missed and it may cause delays. I 'm wondering if it's putting the new series back a bit, unless they just do all the studio bit's without Hammond. It's a shame, I'm not looking for the series to come back on asap, the series can wait if need be. The important thing is that Hammond is okay, the worrying thing is with the news of brain damage all over the net, no matter how optomistic the doctors and sugeons are, as Flerbizky said, there can be a big difference between a good and full recovery. A good recovery might still end his career as a presenter. But at least he's alive, and hopefully he will be fully functional when he's out of hospital. He's got two kids to look after as well.

****.. If it takes him a year (or 2) to regain full power, so be it. Let the show wait that long !... I'll still be here, waiting, watching.. Meanwhile hoping for the best for Hamster !..

(The asterisks is for the S word, not the F word !.)
Man this really is bad news. I had the same thoughts as Exige when the doctors said he'd make a "good recovery"; that isn't great. Poor guy, he's so likeable. Really feel for his family too.

Saw Friday's The Sun cover page and it claims that Clarkson got a smile out of Hammond when he called him "a **** driver". Sounds slightly reassuring at least.
Wow. I heard about this on last night's news. Really shocking. :nervous:

I hope the Hamster really does make a good recovery - he is my favourite presenter of the three.

Get well soon, Richard.
Well taking things a step at a time, things are looking better to me. Granted he may still be in "serious" condition, things could be far worse, especially with a 300 MPH crash.

The Times is pointing to a possibility that the violent shaking of his head, and thus his brain, probably caused swelling of some kind, causing Hamster to lose conciousness. Although we don't know the exact consequences of the crash on his brain, one can assume that there was some bleeding of some kind. The problem would be if the bleeding would continue, or the possibility of forming a clot of some sort as well.

...That said, the Times was reporting that Hamster was fully-awake and talking with not only people who were visiting him the hospital, but also the regular folks around him as well. That is indeed a good sign that nothing too severe had occoured, atleast not enough to cause brain damage, so we could see Hamster back (although in limited appearances) to Top Gear in time for the debut in October.

(Linky to the Times Article)

Interestingly enough, the article points twards Sterling Moss' crash in 1962 that had many of the same issues arise. Although he was unconcious for several months, he for the most part was alright, although his memory deminished just a bit. Thankfully with modern medicine and advanced safety equipment, it appears as though Hammond won't be in the same boat per-se.


...And even then, if he can't get the help he needs in the UK, I'm sure that his family would be looking for the best neurological units in the world. Many of them are indeed here in the US, and I'm positive there are some excelent facilities in Germany and Sweeden as well.
The thing is, he apparently managed to break the 300.3 MPH record on an earlier run, and he was just getting more footage for the show on his final run.

I would've thought he would have stopped once he broke the record.


Saw Friday's The Sun cover page and it claims that Clarkson got a smile out of Hammond when he called him "a **** driver". Sounds slightly reassuring at least.

A four-star driver?? :P

:lol: I saw that this morning as well - trust Clarkson! I know it's too early to say, but that has got to be a good sign atleast.... I guess only a really close friend could get away with pulling a gag like that at a time like this, but where would we be without a bit of black comedy?

Also, apparently it was supposed to be James May doing the driving until a couple of weeks ago, but due to diary clashes, the job eventually went to Hammond.