Un-official GTPlanet BBC Topgear UK ThreadTV 

  • Thread starter ExigeEvan
Yeah, I think they do exaggerate things like that on top gear..... clarkson voicing his oppinion all the time doesnt help but I do admit the alabama bit was quite scary.....

It wasn't what Clarkson, Hammond and May were saying that put me off driving there, it was the shots of them on the highways. Everything looked so much bigger and busier. I guess it's just the unfamiliarity.

Obviously I wouldn't drive through Alabama with "Nascar sucks" or "Hillary for President" painted on my car. On the other hand, I can't think of anything I'd want to see there, so it probably wouldn't matter as I wouldn't have anything to go there for.

Cracking episode, nevertheless.
Great episode!

Fat Stig and the "Man Love Rules OK" on the side of Hammond's car cracked us all up. :lol: But yeah, I certainly wouldn't want to be running around with those phrases painted on my car... Quite scary. I've read numerous times in JC's books that he has had similar reactions from Americans in downtown areas before.
Was a hilarious one and the quotes on the cars were funny but the idea to do it in such a sensetive area was reckless and stupid by the Top Gear top dogs, it's bad enough it was almost cancelled because of Hamsters crash, if anything had happened there...god only knows.

Though next time I buy a camaro I'll know to make sure it's Cow-Tested, lmao
That was the funniest episode Ive seen in ages. Love it!

Alabama looks proper shifty. Those 'redneck hicks' remind me of pikeys in the UK.

Quite scary. I've read numerous times in JC's books that he has had similar reactions from Americans in downtown areas before.

What do you mean mate? He's done that before in the US?
What do you mean mate? He's done that before in the US?
Well, not exactly writing stuff on the side of his car. He's been to Detroit before for a program for the BBC a good few years ago now, and people would randomly go up to him and the crew and threaten them. That was a moment to run...

In other countries too he's had close encounters. I'm not too sure, but on the boarder of Switzerland somewhere he went through a hard time as the security guards were throughly searching them over. There are other experiences, but I cannot remember them off-hand.
Well, not exactly writing stuff on the side of his car. He's been to Detroit before for a program for the BBC a good few years ago now, and people would randomly go up to him and the crew and threaten them. That was a moment to run...

In other countries too he's had close encounters. I'm not too sure, but on the boarder of Switzerland somewhere he went through a hard time as the security guards were throughly searching them over. There are other experiences, but I cannot remember them off-hand.

This Swiss one was hilarious. He was pulled over by the Swiss police, who examined his car - a TVR Griffith 500 - thoroughly, before declaring it was too loud. At no point did they mention the loaded AK47 on the passenger seat.
Was a hilarious one and the quotes on the cars were funny but the idea to do it in such a sensetive area was reckless and stupid by the Top Gear top dogs, it's bad enough it was almost cancelled because of Hamsters crash, if anything had happened there...god only knows.

Though next time I buy a camaro I'll know to make sure it's Cow-Tested, lmao

Sensitive area is understatement. They got upset because someone wrote "Nascar sucks" on the side of their car. It's insane that she called "the boys" in and started attacking them with rocks.
Damn right, that was just backwards. Someone comes over here with BTCC sucks painted onto my car I'd just laugh.

It was a funny, funny episode.

But the thing is that they painted it on American cars, which is American pride, so no doubt that would have angered them as well

It's like if someone went over to Germany and wrote 'DTM sucks' on an old Ford Mustang, then it might cause a few fights, but if they wrote it on a Mercedes-Benz Gullwing, then I'm pretty sure that it'd cause a World War

I just want to see the amount of complaint letters the BBC get over Clarkson's Cow-maro
But the thing is that they painted it on American cars, which is American pride, so no doubt that would have angered them as well
They could paint it on a TVR for all I care, I'd just think it's a stupid way to ruin a TVR thats all.

It's like if someone went over to Germany and wrote 'DTM sucks' on an old Ford Mustang, then it might cause a few fights, but if they wrote it on a Mercedes-Benz Gullwing, then I'm pretty sure that it'd cause a World War
I'm not that sure at all. I think anyone who gets as worked up as thoes Alabamans over that needs some serious counselling.
You never know with Top Gear how much of it is a set-up for entertainment purposes.

I thought the same when I first saw it, but when you hear the rocks hitting the car and then see them switching to camera phone it looks real enough. You could also see that they were using Coke to wash the writing off the car.

Good entertainment but no doubt the BBC will receive hundreds of complaints.
I must admit though. I was very impressed at Jeremy's car. He got a working Camaro for less than £500. In the UK what decent working sports car could you buy for under £500?
Its also pretty amazing how little power you get from these huge American engines. What as it 190BHP from a 5 litre engine? :lol:
I must admit though. I was very impressed at Jeremy's car. He got a working Camaro for less than £500. In the UK what decent working sports car could you buy for under £500?

I can't see that a car in that condition would get an MOT in the UK. US regs must be slacker than UK ones in that respect.
Only British people have posted about this episode, when do the americans get to see this episode i want to see there reactions. lol

They'll have to wait until BBC America shows it. The BBC seem to be really cracking down on YouTube clips, the one of last weeks episode was taken down within days. I guess they could bit torrent it if anyones sharing it.
They'll have to wait until BBC America shows it. The BBC seem to be really cracking down on YouTube clips, the one of last weeks episode was taken down within days. I guess they could bit torrent it if anyones sharing it.

Yeah the bbc are trying to get rid of them youtube clips but usually someone else will post the same vid e.g the 250mph in the bugatti was posted at least twice, so i reckon youve still got a chance of seeing it on youtube
I must admit though. I was very impressed at Jeremy's car. He got a working Camaro for less than £500. In the UK what decent working sports car could you buy for under £500?
Its also pretty amazing how little power you get from these huge American engines. What as it 190BHP from a 5 litre engine? :lol:
Almost everything costs more over here. Even though $800 is equal to around £450, what you can buy in general with $800 in the US is more than what you can buy with £450 over here. Regardless of it being cars, computer stuff, DVD's, music, clothes ect. You can buy an MoT'd Capri for around £1000 pretty easilly, you can buy a 1995 imported Ford Mustang for under £2000, and theres a 1982 Cheverolet Camaro Z28 on autotrader for £1300. So you can find sportscars with a limited budget. If you looked in the right place you probably could find a Capri or something similar that has an MoT but will definitely fail it's next one for under £500, but I wouldn't reccomend it.