Un-official GTPlanet BBC Topgear UK ThreadTV 

  • Thread starter ExigeEvan
Finally got around to watching Ep. 3 of this season. Brilliant episode. I'd go into detail, but I think YSSMAN tree'd me with my own thoughts :lol:.

Top Gear is honestly the best TV series I have ever watched. Ever. Even though Clarkson is over-opinionated, hates Americans, and is extremely prejudiced against anything he dislikes even a slight bit, it's still a class act. I honestly like Hammond the best though. Wouldn't be the same without him 👍.
Even though Clarkson is over-opinionated, hates Americans, and is extremely prejudiced against anything he dislikes even a slight bit...
That's what makes the show so entertaining. :lol:
:lol: They did so well with the rocket! A great episode, loved seeing Simon Pegg on there and the Brabus is a beautiful car.

The rocket was very cool, was actually sat at home willing it to work.

On the Brabus SV12 S BiTurbo, it is indeed a beautiful looking car, but totally pointless, being completely incapable of putting the power down in any way. Power without control was perfectly illustrated by the car and its resulting lap time. The 911 turbo however, now that they should have put around the track as well, comparing the time with the Brabus would have been interesting.


Thought this weeks topgear was very, very cool. Loved Hammonds face after the explosion! Simon Pegg was quite funny too. As you can tell by my avatar and one of my signature links I am obsessed with Topgear it is like a drug once on it I cant get off it!!!

Oh and for those who didnt know how Clarkson got his Lambo here you go. Clarkson got his Spyder after J.May made him go and look at it by saying it was in style and looked good with him and is a very good car. Afterwards he left the dealership 3 months later he recieved a phone call from Lambo saying that the car was ready but he needed to choose the colour. Clarskon was shocked as he had been eyeing up a Ferrari F430 a week before hand. So now he has one.
I don't think that makes the Lambo an uncool car though.
That was a pretty funny episode. I cannot believe that the tank on the rocket didn't seperate! GAHH!! It was awesome while it was going up though, eh? That company they hired isn't just a bunch of hicks with rockets, they're real professionals. The thing went up straight and true until the thrust from the tank rockets started to wither and it didn't detach. Bugger. I think they should try it again, just to make it work.

Oh, and it seems everyones worries about the disappearance of Top Gear Dog were unjustified. She was there, and the show was better for it.

Hopefully the in the next episode they send the Turbo around the track. I want to see what it can do.
On the next Top Gear these will be the highlights:

Source: Top Gear

Never let it be said that Top Gear is trapped in the past. Times move on, things change, and we must all adapt and embrace new technologies.

Like biofuel, for example. OK, the stuff may smell like a particularly fetid kebab shop and require vast swathes of perfectly good countryside to produce, but apparently it's the future.

Intrepid entrepreneurs that our presenters are, they decided to see how easy it would be to produce their own fuel. Especially when they found out that it meant playing round in some big tractors on our test track.

Can the boys make enough fuel to power a car? And can Stig powerslide a tractor? Find out in our greenest episode yet...

Raging bull

You know how it is when you're out shopping for supercars. Sometimes you want a nice understated one, just to pop down to the shops in or ferry Granny to her bridge night.

Sometimes, however, you want a hulking lump of barely contained fury - an outrageously loud and unmissable display of brain-melting aggression.

You want, in other words, a Lamborghini. And with the new LP640 Murcielago out - six-and-a-half-litres of V12 fury - there's never been a better way to give a firm middle-finger salute to, well, everyone... if you've got the best part of two hundred grand lying around.

After a gentle day of rural pottering, what better way to restart the adrenaline than a foot-flat-to-the-floor road test in the meanest Lambo ever?

Kristin Scott Thomas

Yes, Jeremy has finally convinced the woman of his dreams to come on the show. If you don't know already, JC has a bit of a thing for the sophisticated actress from The English Patient.

Actually, that's not true. He has a very big thing for her. We're a bit worried he won't actually make it through the interview.

How will Kristin fare in our Reasonably Priced Car? Will Jeremy remember how to speak English? Will the entire front row of the audience be drenched in Clarkson saliva?
He he this will be good! With the tractor thing they are using someof their previous attmepts (Renault Espace convirtable, all the amphibians and the rest of the stuff) sounds cool can't wait.
Kristin Scott Thomas

Yes, Jeremy has finally convinced the woman of his dreams to come on the show. If you don't know already, JC has a bit of a thing for the sophisticated actress from The English Patient.

Actually, that's not true. He has a very big thing for her. We're a bit worried he won't actually make it through the interview.

How will Kristin fare in our Reasonably Priced Car? Will Jeremy remember how to speak English? Will the entire front row of the audience be drenched in Clarkson saliva?

I can't wait to see this :lol:.
Is there any way i can see any top gear shows? Im talking baout the full shows and not some parts with tests of specific cars that are around. Im talking about the full captured show, anyone having an archive of older or newer shows plz let me know!
Not legally, and we don’t discuss illegal activities here. Let’s just say though that Google can help you find just about anything.
Topgear has got crap. The cars are no longer the stars of the show, the presenters are. Good for non car enthusiasts, bad for car enthusiasts.
Today's episode hit a low, the Biofuel was boring, the star had very little to say and the Lamborghini wasn't as exciting as it could have been. No wonder the presenters have to be the stars of the show, without Jeremy's worshipping and Richard Hammond's village outing that show wouldn't have been worth watching.

Fine viewing, weak Top Gear.
Topgear has got crap. The cars are no longer the stars of the show, the presenters are. Good for non car enthusiasts, bad for car enthusiasts.
Top Gear is entertainment, full stop. To claim anything else would be lying. If you want some unbiased analysis of cars, you can find it on a million different websites and in a million different magazines. But Top Gear’s number one purpose is entertainment.
Exactly. TopGear wouldn't exist if it was a out and out car show, there just wouldn't be the audience, and it certinaly wouldn't be on at 8pm on a Sunday.

I actually thought it was quite a good show, certinaly had me entertained.

How some of you couldn't find the Kristin Scott Thomas interview funny is beyond me.
My brother watches Top Gear just because it's funny. It's the same case for most of his friends, and they don't know much about cars at all.

I do see where you're coming from though, as I too would like to see more cars involved, but it's still entertaining, so it still appeals to me. 👍

I found it funny when Hammond was going on about James' Panda only have two knobs on the interior, and then said there's actually three because James bought it. :lol:
Aww man, seriously? :guilty: Oh well, at least a new season of South Park starts that same week! :D
Today's episode hit a low, the Biofuel was boring, the star had very little to say and the Lamborghini wasn't as exciting as it could have been. No wonder the presenters have to be the stars of the show, without Jeremy's worshipping and Richard Hammond's village outing that show wouldn't have been worth watching.

Fine viewing, weak Top Gear.
The Biofuel was not that boring at all, it was really funny.
Kind of random question, but it’s bothering me: In episode 2, when James is driving the Veyron, what’s the title of that music playing? (The part from 6:00 to 6:30 is totally lodged in my brain right now.)

[edit]: Found it – it’s Duel of the Fates from Star Wars.
Every forum I go to there are two sides to topgear. Those that love it, and those that are beginning to loath it. I can understand why the BBC is making it more of a entertainment show, due to higher ratings, as more people do seem to be watching it, but the traditional top gear watcher, before all the farting about on road works and tractors are begining to get annoyed. The jokes are bordering on childish, the actions are predictable, and its become ever more apparent as to how scripted the show is.

Dont get me wrong. I DO NOT WATCH TOP GEAR FOR CAR REVIEWS. I wouldnt buy a car on what they said at all. What appeals to me with top gear is when they mess about in cars. The old top gear was great. The perfect balance. This new one quite frankly sucks.

If it carries on this way viewing numbers will dip, as even though most families watch it, its the petrol head in the family that will turn it on and the other will watch. Take the petrol head of the equation and the mothers and sisters will very quickly forget all about top gear.

Top gear needs to go back to clowning about in cars. Not truck, roadworks, or roadtrips in old american cars. Its amusing once, amusing twice, but 3 times is pushing it.

35 mins of messing about in cars, and 25 mins of entertainment and everyone will be happy.

If it carries on like this I will soon stop watching top gear, and going by some other forums it looks like I wont be the only one.
While I would agree that in parts this series of Top Gear has not been as strong as previous ones, I think that one thing needs to be kept in mind.

Hammond's accident will almost certainly have had an effect on the content of this series, both from a logistical point of view (he used to do almost as much of the testing as JC) and from the perspective of BBC politics. After all its not exactly a secret that elements of the BBC board would like to see Top Gear go (JC has mentioned as much on air).

Take a look at the format this (short) season has used, with the reduced testing (maybe the result of being a tester down for a significant period of time) and a 'safer' content. You see in the often 'Politically Correct' obsessed mind of the BBC board its OK to mess around in a tractor or building a road, and easier to sell a piece of railway safety; in fact its just about OK as long as it doesn't involve 'nasty planet killing cars'.

Its easy to forget the press comments about how Top Gear should be taken off air following Hammond's accident, slo if we have to suffer a 'milder' short series, as long as it allows the real Top Gear to return, then so be it. After all would you prefer to lose it altogether.

Just my thoughts.

Every forum I go to there are two sides to topgear. Those that love it, and those that are beginning to loath it. I can understand why the BBC is making it more of a entertainment show, due to higher ratings, as more people do seem to be watching it, but the traditional top gear watcher, before all the farting about on road works and tractors are begining to get annoyed. The jokes are bordering on childish, the actions are predictable, and its become ever more apparent as to how scripted the show is.

Dont get me wrong. I DO NOT WATCH TOP GEAR FOR CAR REVIEWS. I wouldnt buy a car on what they said at all. What appeals to me with top gear is when they mess about in cars. The old top gear was great. The perfect balance. This new one quite frankly sucks.

If it carries on this way viewing numbers will dip, as even though most families watch it, its the petrol head in the family that will turn it on and the other will watch. Take the petrol head of the equation and the mothers and sisters will very quickly forget all about top gear.

Top gear needs to go back to clowning about in cars. Not truck, roadworks, or roadtrips in old american cars. Its amusing once, amusing twice, but 3 times is pushing it.

35 mins of messing about in cars, and 25 mins of entertainment and everyone will be happy.

If it carries on like this I will soon stop watching top gear, and going by some other forums it looks like I wont be the only one.

Sorry, but I think you should quit bitching and leave the thread. Everyone knows that Top Gear is biased and not a good source for car reviews. As stated before, it's entertainment. We know this. Stop beating a dead horse.

And yes, the BBC is crushed that you and some other forumgoers are going to boycott Top Gear because it doesn't please you.
Sorry, but I think you should quit bitching and leave the thread. Everyone knows that Top Gear is biased and not a good source for car reviews. As stated before, it's entertainment. We know this. Stop beating a dead horse.

And yes, the BBC is crushed that you and some other forumgoers are going to boycott Top Gear because it doesn't please you.

Are you 7 years old or just really emotional?

TopGear is a car show. Thats what topgear is all about.
If I wanted to watch a entertainment show I will go and watch one of the countless of entertainment shows on TV.

Did you even read what I said. I dont watch topgear for car reviews, I watch it to see people mess about in cars. Not mess about in tractors or roadworks, but actual cars.
Top Gear is an entertainment show about cars. That covers a pretty wide berth. Personally I think there's good reasons for this series to not be a full as others, and that's mainly for the reasons Scaff pointed out earlier. After Hammonds accident they put filming on hold for a while, obviousely Hammond couldn't do any peices for quite some time, I just don't think they've had a lot to show this season. That said TopGear often has 2 or 3 series run each year, one of them is always a short one with less content.