This is surely going to rile a few people up.
Barely dressed women for sexual appeal are pointless in any motorsport. When your series is looking for sexual appeal to create crowd engagement, you've made a mistake in your racing. The WEC has gone the right way in abolishing the pre-race grid girls because it should be the cars and the drivers on show.
Not riled, I just don't think your reasoning holds water.
Plenty of series' that have Grid Girls also have appealing cars and great racing!...
man I hate it when British Motorsport fans diss the BTCC.
Why would being "pointless" single out young women for exclusion from motorsport when fairground rides, fly pasts, stunt demos, marching bands, live bands, manufacturer stands and the rest of the rich tapestry that is a race weekend, that also have no bearing on the cars or drivers, are not similarly be excluded?
And let's consider again this "pointless" comment. Grid Girls get photographed... Grid Girls where team and/or Series sponsorship... the relevance then of a promotional Grid Girl should be fairly obvious.
I'd also like to add, I am/have been "friends" (i.e. only on Facebook) with a number of Grid Girls, and if you've got some kind of stereotypical idea in your head about who these people are, you probably shouldn't - I suspect none of them would appreciate their opportunity to earn money doing something fun and a bit glamorous on the weekends as "pointless".
That's what grandstands are for. I'm not sure if it's an issue in Canada but at UK tracks people are taking their furniture (including full tents) and placing it right up against the fence to reserve the best views for the whole day whilst they walk off and do other things.
Clearly there must be an event you have in mind that's pissed you off, because outside of F1, BTCC and MotoGP I can't think of many venues that get busy enough for this to be a problem
I'm in two minds about this though...
Grandstand capacity at venues at all UK circuits is less than occupancy capacity - with the possible practical exception of Rockingham, so in simple terms - you could blame the circuits for not offering a seat to every person they sold a ticket to, but in any case, it's bonkers to suggest an increase in ticket price because someone would like to be able to sit down during 8 hours in the baking sun - or how about pouring rain, when people put umbrellas up that take up as much space and obscure your view even further.. would you want a brolly tax too?
Having said that, If they are not actually in their seat or fence side tent, then I don't think there's actually anything to stop you from taking that place for yourself - at worst just sit in their chair until they come back, or just stand in front of it whilst they are not there. If someone merely placed a "reserved" sign on the fence, you'd ignore it, a chair is no different.
Tents I agree are taking the piss a bit, an additional charge for trackside shelters bigger than a large sunshade or brolly would be fair, and a ban on anything that could class as a tent would be okay with me at many events - but then of course you're relying on crowd stewards to police it - which might be hit or miss.. but maybe still a better option.