Unpopular Opinions - General Thread

  • Thread starter Carbonox
Bottle. Flipping. Is. Still. A. Thing.



If only I was me admin.

EDIT: Request to make this the avatar for any and all banned users plz.
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Looking in retrospect. The Force Awakens was actually a very bad Star Wars movie.

Now it wasn't stupidly made by any means, it feels like it was intelligently created to grasp the Star Wars fans back after the Prequels.

That's my problem though, the movie feels massively corporate and looking at the bigger picture, kinda ruins the feel of watching a Star Wars movie (at least for me).

It was by the numbers on playing Episode IV, which if it was a reboot I would understand and enjoy it but this is a sequel. Why are we going through the same thing again like we're playing a Mario game?

While the prequels had problems with plot holes and contradictions of certain characters, Force Awakens completely invalidates what Luke, Layla and Han did in the original trilogy. All their effort for peace in the Galaxy, having to blow-up 2 Death Stars was for what? The remnants of the Empire to come back as The First Order make something even bigger and stronger than the Death Star even though they aren't in charge anymore (how did they even get the resources for it?) and cause even more destruction. With the actions of the original trilogy spoken as if it was a myth even though it was 30 years after?

Also is it just me or was Rey a massive Mary Sue, I never noticed it before until someone pointed out to me, how she was pretty much was handed everything and didn't earn anything. Even able to stand up to a Sith Apprentice who was once trained by Luke Skywalker before any sort of training. It took Luke Skywalker 3 movies to stand up to Darth Vader, and Obi-Wan was always the master in the prequels so it was believable for him to beat Annakin, but Rey able to stand up to Kylo Ren this early. Finn feels much more believable and relatable as a protagonist even though he was somewhat able to fight against Kylo Ren before just losing.

While it wasn't a bad movie by any standards and for me it met the hype built before release but I do feel it lacked some of the magic that the original trilogy radiated.

I can't think of anything I'd complain about other than it wasn't Empire, but once the benchmark was set after Episode V even most other sci-fi space movies fall short of the mark.
As far as the original trilogy goes, I actually liked Episode VI the best and Episode V was my least favorite. I thought V is a little overrated. I mean, I don't think V was bad, I still love it, I just enjoyed the other 2 more.
The Nerf Mega Lightning Bow is a decent blaster and is not as bad as it's made out to be.
The blaster has one of the most comfortable grips in the Mega line and possibly one of the best in general in my opinion, making it easy to hold and aim. So what if it's yet another "Jolt based blaster", but the blasters performance out of the box is reminiscent to the Magnus. Like the Magnus itself, it has great range and it's the best Jolt based blaster I know. While Nerf has made bows with catches before and this may not have one, but it's a bow and I don't go out buying them expecting them to have catches. Sure it can break easy if you pull it too hard, but so can the Thunderbow and Stratobow, yet no one ever complains about them.... :rolleyes: Even if it does break, it's pretty easy to fix. Did I mention it's kind of fun to fire it?

I feel like some of the Nerf Youtubers (LordDraconical especially) were just way too hard on this blaster when they reviewed it and were too distracted by the fact it was another Jolt like blaster. Some of the things said about it just seem exaggerated to me. I can justify some of the things they say about it, other things not so much. Yes I agree $20 may be a little much for it and better options do exist for that price or less, but I don't think it's a bad blaster. Not the best, but not the worst either. I have this blaster and I overall think it is a pretty decent blaster that got a lot more hate than it really deserved.
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I would never ask anyone what their "sign" is. In other words, the zodiac is meaningless to me.
The two main 'stars' in my star sign are in fact both binary stars. One's a pair of equal-sized yellow-white dwarfs 40 light years away, and the other is a supergiant/giant pairing over 250 light years away - and while they look similar and close, from here, they're ludicrously far from one another. If you were 90 degrees around the galaxy, you wouldn't even be able to see both at the same time, never mind make a pattern out of them.
Not sure if this would be an unpopular opinion, but I absolutely hate licking food off my own fingers. Just about everyone I know does it, but I can never bring myself to do it. I just have to wash the powder/sauce/or...whatever else you get on your hands from food off as soon as possible. I can understand the reason people do it as to not "waste" any of the food, however it feels gross to have your saliva on your fingers.
Not sure if this would be an unpopular opinion, but I absolutely hate licking food off my own fingers. Just about everyone I know does it, but I can never bring myself to do it. I just have to wash the powder/sauce/or...whatever else you get on your hands from food off as soon as possible. I can understand the reason people do it as to not "waste" any of the food, however it feels gross to have your saliva on your fingers.

Gross unless it's Cheetos. Then it's necessary.
Gross unless it's Cheetos. Then it's necessary.
If you aren't sharing a bag, the smaller bags are the right size to just hold them up and eat out of the bag, keeping your fingers clean. I'm sure people think it's weird, but I think it's weird not to consider an alternative to coating your fingers in Cheeto dust, or oil and salt from potato chips.
If you aren't sharing a bag, the smaller bags are the right size to just hold them up and eat out of the bag, keeping your fingers clean. I'm sure people think it's weird, but I think it's weird not to consider an alternative to coating your fingers in Cheeto dust, or oil and salt from potato chips.

I can appreciate those bags designed for that kind of usage. Mainly those trail mix bags, though they charge more for the "special" design. For "normal" snack bags, I still somehow make a mess. Also drives me nuts when people do it in the car. (Even if it's not my own car)

Just last weekend my cousin's boyfriend was riding in my brother's car and decided to pour the last of the peanuts into his mouth. Still managed to get it all over the back seats. :grumpy:

Also, to add to my unpopular opinion. I do not enjoy buffalo/bbq sauce covered wings because of the mess they make. I end up using a fork and knife to get the meat off...
Not sure if this would be an unpopular opinion, but I absolutely hate licking food off my own fingers. Just about everyone I know does it, but I can never bring myself to do it. I just have to wash the powder/sauce/or...whatever else you get on your hands from food off as soon as possible. I can understand the reason people do it as to not "waste" any of the food, however it feels gross to have your saliva on your fingers.
I love doing this with potato chips in particular. Whether this is a popular or unpopular opinion though, I'm not certain.
If you aren't sharing a bag, the smaller bags are the right size to just hold them up and eat out of the bag, keeping your fingers clean. I'm sure people think it's weird, but I think it's weird not to consider an alternative to coating your fingers in Cheeto dust, or oil and salt from potato chips.

You mean like drinking the cheetos (bag to mouth, pour in)? I do that when I'm riding so that I can keep one hand on the bars. I used to do it with McDonald's fries too because they're so salty and oily.

I kind of like cheeto dust on my fingers. It's an extra treat after the bag is finished.
Eating food off the bone. Why do we do this? Chicken Wings aren't food, they're half the time gooey tendons that don't taste of meat, or are a biology lesson as you try to rip the good stuff off the horrible texture of bone.

The worst is when you order a chicken breast and get given it with the ribcage left on. Get that off...
Eating food off the bone. Why do we do this? Chicken Wings aren't food, they're half the time gooey tendons that don't taste of meat, or are a biology lesson as you try to rip the good stuff off the horrible texture of bone.

The worst is when you order a chicken breast and get given it with the ribcage left on. Get that off...

I also hate fish bones with how small they are.
Eating food off the bone. Why do we do this? Chicken Wings aren't food, they're half the time gooey tendons that don't taste of meat, or are a biology lesson as you try to rip the good stuff off the horrible texture of bone.

The worst is when you order a chicken breast and get given it with the ribcage left on. Get that off...

I love meat off the bone. Especially a deep fried original recipe chicken breast; the ribs are deep fried and completely edible.
Only the marrow-minded would find that popular.

These days I'm a meagan. It's a new dietary philosophy I've created in which I avoid all green plants based foods and strictly eat meat and animal products (though cereal is acceptable as I'm not a strict meagan).
Good and Bad is mostly subjective and shouldn't be used in an argument as facts.

It annoys when I'm talking about a game or show with someone and they say the only reason they like is because it was "good". Why was it good? Also it annoys me because it sounds like everyone will think it is a master piece regardless of opinion. (for example a lot of people say Mario Kart 64 is good, I think it is rubbish).

Also, despite this good and bad doesn't equal like and hat even though I think both are subjective views. For example you can think something quality wise is bad but you still like it for whatever reason (like me with Sonic 06 (I like it even though I think it's really bad)), and you can hate something but you think the quality of it is actually pretty good (example, me with My Little Pony, I don't like it but I do think it has good quality)