Replacing the Kuda with the MP40 on Kino Der Toten in Call of Duty Black Ops III is a mistake.
When Zombie Chronicles dropped, the Kuda was there on the wall, but was later replaced with the MP40 in an update and I just never agreed with this decision. Sure some probably have fond memories of using it in Black Ops (myself included) and it may be more fitting for the map, but my issue with them replacing the Kuda with the MP40 is simply because it's an inferior weapon. Lower rate of fire, less ammo, less damage and it cost more than other SMG's. While it's only 50 points more than the Kuda, it's really not worth it's 1300 point cost especially since other SMG's are cheaper and more reliable than the MP40. 1000 points was a much more fitting price for it and it still is, they really should have kept it.
Now to be fair the MP40 is not useless, it's still a reliable weapon, it's just not as good as others for what it cost and it certainly doesn't replace the Kuda. It's like comparing the KN-44 to the Kuda in a way. I think the only way to get the Kuda anymore is through the mystery box, which is stupid because if you're going open it, may as well get something much better from it instead. Now I don't mind them reintroducing the gun to the map, what I have a problem is they replaced a better weapon with it. Why they couldn't just make a new wall buy for either weapon is beyond me.