Unpopular Opinions - General Thread

  • Thread starter Carbonox
I'm guessing this is unpopular since they apparently sold well enough to warrant multiple sequels, but I think the Paul W.S. Anderson Resident Evil movies are awful!
1. They share little to none in common with the source material. These movies are Resident Evil in name only, you could literally change the name of the movies, characters, and monsters without changing anything. The only things faithful perhaps were some of the monsters and costumes for the characters. That's it! The correct title is "Alice in Zombieland: Matrix Reloaded Extended Cut".

2. Inconsistent storytelling, there's multiple elements across the movies that break consistency always. The Red Queen for instance originally intended to prevent a viral outbreak on the earth by keeping the Hive lab sealed. However, the 5th movie then has it apparently wanting to wipe out all humanity with the t-virus. Then, the final movie ends up having her help the main character again. Albert Wesker was shown as a mere chairman, then the main villain wanting to kill Alice, then decided to instead help Alice in the 5th movie before going back to trying to kill Alice again in the final movie. Wesker's abilities are over the place aswell. He apparently was shown to be durable enough to survive getting shot in the head with a shotgun and bomb explosions. However, he gets killed by a blasted door in the final movie. STUPID!

3. The side characters barely do nothing, but get killed or just hand Alice weapons. Even when it seems like a side character finally gets to do something when Alice gets in trouble, Alice still gets handed the victory anyway.

4. Alice herself is sort of a marysue. She manages to take on anything with no trouble, even when Wesker took away her powers with an anti-virus in the 4th movie; it had no effect on her. She survived things that would kill another character.

5. Way too many clone plots! Jeez, why was Paul Anderson so obsessed with clones in this series? It seemed like he had something going with them originally in the 3rd movie, but then decided to just keep throwing them away or using them for twists. In which lost it's shock value by the 5th movie since he was overusing them.

6. Initiating plots at the end of one movie only to throw the idea away the next movie. I.E. The 4th movie ended with Alice and the Redfields on a boat ready to take on whatever Umbrella has next, but then the Redfields are never heard from again in the 5th movie. The 4th movie also threw away the clone Alice plot set up from Extinction. Lastly, the 5th RE movie ended with the major characters on the white house ready to take on the T-virus monsters only for those characters to once again not be heard from again in the final movie. and there's no explanation on what happened, I just have to make up what happened myself. Stupid!
I like it as well and it's pretty much the only GM vehicle I would consider buying from their current lineup (in fact I'm considering one to replace my PT).

I too like the look of the Cruze hatch, kinda sad though that the sedan's rear end took a nose dive in the looks department because of it. The only other Chev I'd consider is one of those little Sonic RS hatches, those look tasty.
  • Twilight does not deserve the hate it gets.
  • Prescription drug advertisements on television do not bother me.
  • Today's pop music is tolerable.
  • Avengers Infinity War is just another boring superhero movie.
Avengers Infinity War is just another boring superhero movie

Recently watched it and felt the same. Was scolded for not appreciating the "masterpiece" come together after 10 years.

I'm sorry but after 10 years 'muhVengers story line is getting a bit played out. I appreciate the story archs and story development on top of character development but it just didn't live up to the hype.

Guess I was supposed to watch in theatres :rolleyes:
I often wonder how more people aren't tired of the deluge of tired comic book flicks, but it occurs to me that more people probably are tired and the people who aren't or pretend to not be as if keeping up appearances are just louder.

The last MCU movie (indeed any movie of that sort) I saw was The Avengers and it was an utter disappointment even with the bar as low as I set it after Captain America. Iron Man 2 was a bitter letdown after having thoroughly enjoyed Iron Man, and while Thor was decent, I don't have any desire to see it again. I'm not even going to mention the atrocity that was The Hulk (not the first one but the one that was made almost immediately after, presumably to fit better within the MCU that was just being established)...oops, I mentioned it.

I just wish Shazam! came along sooner in the capacity that it's coming, because I liked Zachary Levi on Chuck and I almost want to give it a chance. And while I'm aware that it's DC not MCU, I just can't bring myself to even bother.
Modern comic books movies are like the action flicks of the 80's. They're a good watch when there isn't much else on, but not something I would go out of my way to watch. The last MCU movie I watched was Civil War, for DC it was the first current Superman and I can't recall seeing any X-Men movie since X-Men 3. I've never liked Spider Man so I've never watched any of the movies apart from The Amazing Spider Man, which I hated.

Having said that, I love Deadpool still even after seeing it probably a dozen times and can't wait until the 21st to pick up the 2nd. :D
I think the 1989 Batman film nailed a lot of aspects, Keaton was a good Batman and Jack Nicholson as the Joker was perfect for what the film was trying to achieve. Batman Returns went a bit too Tim Burton for my tastes and I'd have rather seen Walken as a lead bad-guy. The two Joel Schumacher films were terrible in pretty much every way except for Alicia Silverstone's bottom... (IMHO). At the time I thought Batman Begins was great, though I didn't really get into the other two Dark Knight films that much I think it's safe to say they were consistently better than any of the other films. Haven't seen any of the Affleck films yet though.
To be fair, I think Keaton is a better Batman than Bale.
Keaton does the whole slightly unhinged billionaire far more convincingly, he's also pretty menacing when he's Batman. The car ride after he saves the woman being a really great scene. He isn't a hero, but I think the Bale movies are, better movies in general. Though I really really hate Bale's 'Batman voice'... god its so awful
Apples and oranges--they're the same franchise but it's like comparing Daniel Craig with Sean Connery. Craig is probably the better book Bond, but the films are more fun than serious and Sean (to be fair, Roger too) suited that perfectly.

Batman Begins as a movie was pretty fantastic, but Michael Keaton as Batman is absolutely no contest for me and I still prefer the first movie. I may be inclined to give it to Michael Caine over Michael Gough, though.
Ya I pretty much dislike all super-hero movies since I think they're all more-or-less the same thing with a slightly different cover on them. I fell asleep through Batman Begins and then never bothered with the other two movies since I was so bored in the first one.

Nearly every Marvel movie is horrid for me too. I watched the latest Avengers movie and was unimpressed with it as it was just special effects and not much else. I didn't mind Deadpool but didn't see the second one since I really didn't have much of an interest. I didn't mind Guardians of the Galaxy though, but that was mostly because the music was good in it and I liked the raccoon.

I wish Hollywood would get hung up on something else. I don't remember the last movie I saw in the theatres. I think it was Wonder Women since work thought we should all see that and I was so bored that going back to the office sounded more appealing to me. Or maybe it was The Last Jedi, which kind of ruined future Star Wars movies for me to the point I didn't even bother with Solo.

I mostly like watching movies at home, but they have to be really good to hold my attention and typically I like films that are older.
I’m a fan of comic book movies as I read a lot when I was growing up. These days though they do seem to be getting tired as it’s always saving the whatever from the evil whatever.

I really liked Logan because It turned off from that generic path and Dredd for me was spectacular because he’s not a super hero and I frickin’ love 2000AD.

The Nolan Batman movies I found classy. The first time I watched Dark Knight I felt like it went on forever. After numerous watches I now consider Heath Ledgers character to one of the best bits of acting I’ve seen in any comic book movie. I prefer the Nolan movies to others because they aren’t so camp and ‘plastic’ - that’s the only way I can describe them. Don’t get me started on Arnie’s Mr Freeze.


I wish Hollywood would get hung up on something else.

Me too. Trouble is, the comic book well runs so deep it would take a few massive duds in succession for them to move on to something else to rinse money out of. And I can't see that happening anytime soon.

Rather than paying cinemas for the privilege of my backside, I'm getting into the habit of seeing movies at home. The last few movies I've paid to see were, whilst enjoyable, ultimately not worth the effort of seeing them on a bigger screen. And as it has been pointed out, the vast majority all run to the same tunes, just wearing different shoes.

In fact I'd go so far as to say the last time I left the cinema with a real sense of pleasure, was Interstellar... in 2014.
Steak tartare is now one of my favourite dishes but I used to detest the idea of it! I used to refuse to eat steak unless it was well done, then about 10 years ago I decided to try a steak cooked medium-rare. I loved it so the next time I tried it rare and enjoyed that even more; nowadays I only ever eat it this way.

Oh yeah, steak tartare is an absolute winner because it solves the texture "problem" with raw meat while enhancing all the natural flavour, it is just one of the finest things in life. Once you go rare you can never go back, well done steaks are just tasteless. It's funny to observe how the rare meat eating switch happens with young adults, I wonder if there is any hormonal influence to the palate or if parental influence plays a bigger role here.
Oh yeah, steak tartare is an absolute winner because it solves the texture "problem" with raw meat while enhancing all the natural flavour, it is just one of the finest things in life. Once you go rare you can never go back, well done steaks are just tasteless. It's funny to observe how the rare meat eating switch happens with young adults, I wonder if there is any hormonal influence to the palate or if parental influence plays a bigger role here.

My tastes have definitely changed since reaching my late 20s/early 30s, I used to dislike so many things that I now find delicious. Mainly alcohol. :cheers: I'm basically the opposite of my parents as they both have to eat their meat well done and like very simple food whereas I'll try anything providing I'm not allergic to it. The weirdest thing I had was wasp larvae in Japan; I couldn't see my dad eating that :lol:
My only problem with them is Bale himself. When he's Bruce Wayne, I can understand him.

When he's Batman, though, he sounds like he's been smoking 200 cigarettes a day for the role.

You'd think with all the technology at his disposal, a voice synthesizer/distortion tool would be among them.

Seemed to worked fine for Affleck. :sly:
GT Sport is not all its cracked up to be. And the Sport mode didn't fix itself till farr too late. The whole thing was poorly managed save for free DLC. Are they trying to create competiton?

Oh and while I like cheese, I prefer a nice smoothy to chips, cheese or anything resembaling said, but am often too lazy to make it :(((
I prefer Lego Star Wars 1 and 2 over The Complete Saga.
The only other person I can think of that seems to feel the same way is GTPVenomZombie, other than that, I feel kind of alone on this. While the game does have all the levels and characters from the first two and brings a few new ones, you'd think I would prefer it more, but I don't and I have issues with it. Things like:
  • They changed the hub and while it makes sense given how they have all 6 episodes in one game, I don't like it as good. My main issue with it is when you go outside of the Cantina, it's just too small and confined compared to previous games and I think they would have been better off reusing the old cantina from the 2nd and Dexter's Diner from the first for their respective episodes. To add salt to the wound, their is evidence in the games code suggesting it was going to be like this originally and I really think they should have done that instead.
  • They changed the blaster sounds for some characters, namely for Padme and the battle droids and it bothers me more than it should. Like with the battle droids, they had it right in the first game, but later changed it to something completely wrong. While it don't sound that bad at first, when you fight a large number of them in a level and have so many of them shooting at you, it just feels very out of place hearing the wrong sounds from their blasters. About the same thing could be said for Padme's blaster as well. They had it perfect in the first, then they changed it to something completely incorrect and I hate it! I used to play as her just to hear the blaster, but since they changed it for no apparent reason, I don't really care to use her anymore. To make matters worse, the original sounds for these blasters are in the game files, but they don't even use them. :grumpy: (I've been told some areas play the wrong music, but I haven't really taken the time to look yet)
  • Lego Star Wars II had this neat little glitch that allowed you use vehicles with characters that normally can't ride in them and I used to have a blast with it. They fixed it in The Complete Saga and while I can kind of understand why, I still hate that they did because it kind of takes some of the fun away from some levels.
I'm sure their is more I could say. I don't dislike it, it's still a good game, but I just think they made too many unnecessary changes to it and i'd much rather play the first two separately.
I prefer Lego Star Wars 1 and 2 over The Complete Saga.
The only other person I can think of that seems to feel the same way is GTPVenomZombie, other than that, I feel kind of alone on this. While the game does have all the levels and characters from the first two and brings a few new ones, you'd think I would prefer it more, but I don't and I have issues with it. Things like:
  • They changed the hub and while it makes sense given how they have all 6 episodes in one game, I don't like it as good. My main issue with it is when you go outside of the Cantina, it's just too small and confined compared to previous games and I think they would have been better off reusing the old cantina from the 2nd and Dexter's Diner from the first for their respective episodes. To add salt to the wound, their is evidence in the games code suggesting it was going to be like this originally and I really think they should have done that instead.
  • They changed the blaster sounds for some characters, namely for Padme and the battle droids and it bothers me more than it should. Like with the battle droids, they had it right in the first game, but later changed it to something completely wrong. While it don't sound that bad at first, when you fight a large number of them in a level and have so many of them shooting at you, it just feels very out of place hearing the wrong sounds from their blasters. About the same thing could be said for Padme's blaster as well. They had it perfect in the first, then they changed it to something completely incorrect and I hate it! I used to play as her just to hear the blaster, but since they changed it for no apparent reason, I don't really care to use her anymore. To make matters worse, the original sounds for these blasters are in the game files, but they don't even use them. :grumpy: (I've been told some areas play the wrong music, but I haven't really taken the time to look yet)
  • Lego Star Wars II had this neat little glitch that allowed you use vehicles with characters that normally can't ride in them and I used to have a blast with it. They fixed it in The Complete Saga and while I can kind of understand why, I still hate that they did because it kind of takes some of the fun away from some levels.
I'm sure their is more I could say. I don't dislike it, it's still a good game, but I just think they made too many unnecessary changes to it and i'd much rather play the first two separately.
To add to that:

  • General Grievous sounds are different in the Complete Saga. His back flips don’t sound unique anymore, they sound like a super jump now.
  • The music in ‘Through the Junderland wastes’ doesn’t change in the complete saga when you get to the Jawa bit where you get R2-D2 & C3PO. In LEGO Star Wars II, the music changes and it’s a lot better. Same happens in a few other Chapters in the complete saga.
Point being is that there is so unnecessary changed in The Complete Saga that didn’t need to be changes. Lego Star Wars 1 & 2 are nostalgic. The Complete Saga, however, is not *(to an extent).

* = Edits
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General Grievous sounds are different in the Complete Saga. His back flips don’t sound unique anymore, they sound like a super jump now.
Yea I knew about that, but I was mainly covering the ones that really bothered me most. I do hate that change though and I still wish they hadn't of changed it.
The music in ‘Through the Junderland wastes’ doesn’t change in the complete saga when you get to the Jawa bit where you get R2-D2 & C3PO. In LEGO Star Wars II, the music changes and it’s a lot better. Same happens in a few other Chapters in the complete saga.
Yea I remember you saying that, but I haven't looked to see if mine does too. Truthfully I don't recall ever noticing when I played it last, which is strange because I remember those levels pretty well from the 2nd game. :odd:
Lego Star Wars 1 & 2 are nostalgic. The Complete Saga, however, is not.
Eh, I don't entirely agree. The Complete Saga still has some nostalgia for me, but just not as much as the previous 2 mostly because I spent more time on them than I ever did on The Complete Saga.

Another problem I had with this game back in the days is they never released it for the PS2, which was a problem for me back then because I didn't have any of the consoles it was made for. While I have it for the Wii now, I still kind of wish they had made it for the PS2 because I prefer the PS2 controller over the Wii remote and I can't always play the Wii due to where it is in my house, whereas the PS2 I can.
Edit: I suppose I could just get the PS3 version and it would also fix this problem. :indiff:
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Timothy Dalton was easily the second best Bond (it's the movies that were bad*) and Pierce Brosnan was the worst (while the movies were mostly good--excluding his final, of course).

*That big rig wheelie in Licence To Kill...good gravy.