Unpopular Opinions - General Thread

  • Thread starter Carbonox
It's some weird cultural shift that happened after 9/11 and I agree, it is rather bizarre. I feel the same way about having to "support our troops" too. I'm not just going to arbitrability support a group of people because they willingly took a job that puts them in harm's way.
You said it better than I could.
What's wrong with "blue lives matter" is that it was created in protest of Black Lives Matter. Before Black Lives Matter became a thing in 2014-2015, people simply weren't talking about how much they love cops so much as they do now.

Feels like recency bias. Joey says otherwise above and he may be right but I don't think cops are loved anymore or less than they always have been. He does bring up a good point and man... 9/11 was ages ago now.

"Blue Lives Matter" was coined by right-wing white dudes

"We're not rascist they are!" Depsite you saying you don't consume at least TV media it's clear you do elsewhere with how generic and specific your views are.

The key difference is, Black Lives Matter was founded to bring a light to an issue plaguing marginalized people for decades and ending injustice. Blue Lives Matter, however, was founded to undermine a cause that was genuinely trying to do good. This is why I have a problem with it.

And not cops being killed for no other reason than being cops? BLM has had its massive issues plaguing its legitimacy for years but you're not about to call those individuals posers right?

They're both dead movements as far as I'm concerned and that's for the better.
This seems to be more of an America problem because America is like a caricature of a society, which creates a lot more us vs them within itself.
What's wrong with "blue lives matter" is that it was created in protest of Black Lives Matter. Before Black Lives Matter became a thing in 2014-2015, people simply weren't talking about how much they love cops so much as they do now. "Blue Lives Matter" was coined by right-wing white dudes who felt threatened/triggered by Black Lives Matter taking a stand against oppression and injustice, because institutionalized racism existing in the 21st century doesn't fit their agenda, and they felt the need to be victimized by something. These are the same types of people who went on about how much they hate Nike because they featured Kaepernick in an ad.

The key difference is, Black Lives Matter was founded to bring a light to an issue plaguing marginalized people for decades and ending injustice. Blue Lives Matter, however, was founded to undermine a cause that was genuinely trying to do good. This is why I have a problem with it.

The difficulty is that not all of these media-elevated situations are alike just because they're easily pigeonholed that way.

Everything matters...But that's not arbitrary enough, doesn't make profit, doesn't make headlines, and labels one a soft, silly peacenik sucker who would yield to anything rather than stand with the unruly mob.

I'll gladly support Blue Lives Matter and the like when about $2000 in societally-harmless traffic violations are refunded back to me.
Unpopular Opinion:

Peanut Butter Captain Crunch is better than Reese's Puffs.

The biggest issue with both of them is that they have a tendency to leave one's mouth raw. Tasty as all get out, but it requires a sacrifice.

Another unpopular opinion:

Honey Bunches of Oats is the best breakfast cereal, bar none.
The biggest issue with both of them is that they have a tendency to leave one's mouth raw. Tasty as all get out, but it requires a sacrifice.

Another unpopular opinion:

Honey Bunches of Oats is the best breakfast cereal, bar none.
Second best. Not sure of the unpopularness, but hands down the best cereal period is Cracklin' Oat Bran.
Totally agree on both fronts made about Capt'n Crunch though. It's good, but any version of it shreds the roof of my mouth.
Oh man. Ok, so I lied @TexRex. Vernors. That is the one ginger ale I really like.
That said, root beer is still better.
I don’t know why it’s so hard to find. The supermarkets near me don’t carry it but a popular bodega I go to does, and basically everyone who goes there gets it and they all agree it’s the best tasting soda. They must only sell to small stores or something.
The biggest issue with both of them is that they have a tendency to leave one's mouth raw. Tasty as all get out, but it requires a sacrifice.

Another unpopular opinion:

Honey Bunches of Oats is the best breakfast cereal, bar none.
Totally agree about the mouth shredding, and Honey Bunches of Oats.

I do generally let my cereal sit for a couple minutes, turn it and let sit some more to allow it to soften up some. Guess that can lead to another unpopular opinion...

Unpopular Opinion:

I like my cereal a little bit soggy.
I don’t know why it’s so hard to find. The supermarkets near me don’t carry it but a popular bodega I go to does, and basically everyone who goes there gets it and they all agree it’s the best tasting soda. They must only sell to small stores or something.
Not really. It's now owned by Dr. Pepper. I think it's more about visibility. Until about the 90s, the majority of sales were still in Michigan, with Ohio and Indian, second and third on the sales list, a far cry below. Even today, Michigan is still the number one market. Large stores outside of the mid west (and even some in the mid west) wont carry a niche product as the profits wont really add up. Smaller shops like bodegas though, who can buy just a few cases through their distributors, can make a few bucks off it selling it to people in the know.
Oh man. Ok, so I lied @TexRex. Vernors. That is the one ginger ale I really like.
That said, root beer is still better.
I can't remember the last time I saw Vernors, much less had any. It had a pleasant ginger flavor that I appreciated but I'm sure it's sweeter than I'd care for now. I prefer a dry ginger ale, but I haven't had any sodas in quite some time.

My "ginger ale" consumption now is limited to that which I concoct at home with club soda, simple syrup and ginger juice. I occasionally add lime juice.
Second best. Not sure of the unpopularness, but hands down the best cereal period is Cracklin' Oat Bran.

I've never even seen Cracklin' Oat Bran. At least not in my local market.

I like my cereal a little bit soggy.

Yeah you can leave now.

There is a small window of opportunity not far beyond the 30 second mark where the cereal-milk mixture reaches peak deliciousness. The cereal is crunchy and tastes like cereal. The milk is cold and tastes like milk. After too long the mushiness of soggy cereal doesn't have the same pizzazz as when it was crunchy, and once the milk absorbs the cereal flavor and comes closer to room temp, it makes it all a little more boring.

I find the first 2-3 spoonfuls are best, and then the rest is still tasty, but just not as good.
Vernors> any other Soda. Too bad it’s so hard to find.

In Utah, they sell it in the mixers section of the grocery store alongside the tonic water, bloody mary mix, etc. You might want to check there since for whatever reason it's not in the pop aisle.

And because Utah is Utah and they sell Vernors as a mixer, I pay almost $10 for a six-pack of it. I mean I don't care because as a native Michigander I'm convinced it's going to cure every disease on the planet. Also, Vernors and vanilla ice cream beats a root beer float any day of the week.
I've never even seen Cracklin' Oat Bran. At least not in my local market.

Yeah you can leave now.

There is a small window of opportunity not far beyond the 30 second mark where the cereal-milk mixture reaches peak deliciousness. The cereal is crunchy and tastes like cereal. The milk is cold and tastes like milk. After too long the mushiness of soggy cereal doesn't have the same pizzazz as when it was crunchy, and once the milk absorbs the cereal flavor and comes closer to room temp, it makes it all a little more boring.

I find the first 2-3 spoonfuls are best, and then the rest is still tasty, but just not as good.
I have to agree with when the milk gets slightly warm, it's not as good. Admittedly, I prefer the warm milk over a raw mouth.

I have put my cereal (post milk addition) in the refrigerator for about 5 minutes before and that's even better. But I hardly do that because it's just a slight hassle, and I know I'll forget about it one of these times. :P
I've never even seen Cracklin' Oat Bran. At least not in my local market.

Yeah you can leave now.

There is a small window of opportunity not far beyond the 30 second mark where the cereal-milk mixture reaches peak deliciousness. The cereal is crunchy and tastes like cereal. The milk is cold and tastes like milk. After too long the mushiness of soggy cereal doesn't have the same pizzazz as when it was crunchy, and once the milk absorbs the cereal flavor and comes closer to room temp, it makes it all a little more boring.

I find the first 2-3 spoonfuls are best, and then the rest is still tasty, but just not as good.
Unless your in a small town like Atlanta or are a yupper... it's in pretty much every Kroger and Meijer. If it's regional, it's mid west regional. Being is not a big seeker like fruit loops or frosted flakes it's generally stashed on the top shelf and just a single column. It is worth the effort to find.
Unless your in a small town like Atlanta or are a yupper... it's in pretty much every Kroger and Meijer. If it's regional, it's mid west regional. Being is not a big seeker like fruit loops or frosted flakes it's generally stashed on the top shelf and just a single column. It is worth the effort to find.
Off topic but... Atlanta is considered a small town now? It's the biggest city in the South I thought.
Unless your in a small town like Atlanta or are a yupper... it's in pretty much every Kroger and Meijer. If it's regional, it's mid west regional. Being is not a big seeker like fruit loops or frosted flakes it's generally stashed on the top shelf and just a single column. It is worth the effort to find.

Yeah, small town Michigan. But if it's as good as you say, it may be worth searching it out.
Fun fact about Atlanta, Michigan: It's home to the Sno*Drift Rally which is a massive drunken party in the middle of winter where everyone freezes their asses off. Occasionally some Subarus come along and interrupt the party for a few minutes.
My FIL lives there, we go most years, but sadly missed out this past event due to moving. Fun at the races, even more fun after at the bar. Great snowmobile trails.
Unpopular opinion. Winter is the best season, because driving while its snowing, snow rallies are the best rallies, snowmobiling, driving on a own back roads, and off roading in snow. And, I guess there is the occasional scenic moment as well.
In hindsight, maybe it's just snow that I like so much and not so much winter. If it could snow at like 40-50°f, I think I might like that better.
Unpopular opinion. Winter is the best season, because driving while its snowing, snow rallies are the best rallies, snowmobiling, driving on a own back roads, and off roading in snow. And, I guess there is the occasional scenic moment as well.
In hindsight, maybe it's just snow that I like so much and not so much winter. If it could snow at like 40-50°f, I think I might like that better.
Autumn is my favorite, but winter is second. Shoveling snow is infinitely better than stewing in humidity, and spring is so much mud and grit from the melt and rain. The chance to calmly drift corners on daily commutes is always great too. :)

Most of my outdoors work for my job is over the winter, so I'm out with a measuring tape, camera, and clipboard & pencil in freezing temperatures; I'll live if I can keep my hands warm enough. In July I can hardly exist outside. :lol:
Autumn is my favorite, but winter is second. Shoveling snow is infinitely better than stewing in humidity, and spring is so much mud and grit from the melt and rain. The chance to calmly drift corners on daily commutes is always great too. :)

Most of my outdoors work for my job is over the winter, so I'm out with a measuring tape, camera, and clipboard & pencil in freezing temperatures; I'll live if I can keep my hands warm enough. In July I can hardly exist outside. :lol:
I've heard heated vests do a really good job keeping the extremities warm. Warm enough to not need gloves in fact.

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