Update 1.07 now up

  • Thread starter Keshian
Just started the game and saw this in the news section

"We have disallowed gifts of high price cars in the 1.07 update, but because there was not enough prior notice we are temporarily disabling the limit.

The Limitation will be re-enabled as of March 3, 2011. Depending on your network environment, the timing may vary slightly, so if you have plans to give or traded high price vehicles, please do so within this time."
Clay, why didn't your parents press charges against that babysitter? In 4 years, your parents didn't notice something was wrong?
That's because the gifting feature reset occurs at 7:00 pm Eastern. Jesus people are stupid.

Try searching the forums or doing a little research before you start making ridiculous claims.

Honestly I spend more time playing gran turismo than I do researching it. Thanks for the info sir.
I was severly physically abused as a child, for almost 4 years. (to be clear it was not sexual abuse/molestation, nor was it at the hands of my parents, or family), but I got my ass kicked daily by my babysitter....in ways that would make an grown man shutter, make you nautious if you saw it. Only someone else who has been though it can undrstand it. I would be chased around and hit with a baseball bat or a boom stick, I would be thrown down the stairs (granite stairs no less, then a landing, then another set) She used to lock us in the closet for the whole day, No food (she never fed is anyway)but also no light, no water and no place to sit. This was also where she kept all the halloween costumes, pretty frightieng for a 6 year old in the dark. We could'nt cry because if she opened that door it wold be even worse than if we ust suffered in there and kept out mouth shut. I saw her get in pull a butcher knife and go after her son....in the melee they knocked my down the setps and split my eye open. I won't bore you with all every experience but one incident in particular I remember like it was yesterday. My sister was now being watched by the same babysitter. I was ....6-ish so she was about 2. Here it is 26 years later and I still remember it like it was yesterday(wierd how that happens) but my sister wouldnot stop crying. THe babysitter told her to stop (we called the babysitter "Auntie", I don't know why, she wasn't my aunt) I could tell she was about to start bawling so I snuck out of my nap room and tried to rock her and begger her to stop crying but it was no use. Well Auntie came back and saw me and she went into her sons room and got his belt. I remember it so clearly, I chased her in there begging not to hit me and she grabbed the belt that was laying on a desk right beside an unsolved rubiks cube. the belt had a metal pittsbugh steelers buckle on it and she beat me with it, she beat me with the buckel end. As I was running frantically arounnd the house trying to get away, I ran downstairs to try to get outside and runaway but she had the door locked in a funny way and I coldn't unlock it. So I ran the rest of the way down the staris now where the was no place to hide but I was running so hard and frantically I ran right ito an open doorway and split my head open and knocked mysef out The babysitter told my parents I fell off the swings. To he fair to my parents

My God man, that's absolutely horrible. :crazy:

I'd like to think you're making up this story, but sadly I know that this kind of thing is more common than most of us would like to believe.

I'm sorry you had to go through that. It really makes my stomach churn to read it. :scared:
Clay, why didn't your parents press charges against that babysitter? In 4 years, your parents didn't notice something was wrong?

They knew the babysitter. Not lke they were best friends but they were acquaintances. I was not only the ony kid there....I still wonder what happened to some of the other kids there.

She always had an excuse, I was a rought and tumble kid, split heads, broken bones, it didn't seem out of the ordinary for me to have injuries. I have another special gift in that I don't buise, I don't know why that is, but I don't.

The other thing was at that age I hd quite an imagination, so when I was telling my parents that she wasn't feeing me and locking me in the closet, the babysitter had an explanation for everthing. My parents finally did believe me and took me out, but by then the damage was done.
My God man, that's absolutely horrible. :crazy:

I'd like to think you're making up this story, but sadly I know that this kind of thing is more common than most of us would like to believe.

I'm sorry you had to go through that. It really makes my stomach churn to read it. :scared:

Thats not even half of it :( A number of times, though they were few (countalble on one hand) she wold get all the kids together, there was about 5 of us old enough, she would tie our hands together really tight with a shoelace, pull out pants down (girls included if they merrited it) step on our feet and hit us with a paddle....and I mean hard. And if we cried she would give us another one. I found out later the reason she used the paddle was because a belt or a hanger would leave a wealt that my parents could spot later.....she knew what she was doing. Pluse from playing with my oder boy friends at home I was always getting pretty banged up

The reason it took my parents so long is that the woman was a very convincing conartist, she had an excuse for everthing. And at the time, I had a very wild imagination, so It was hard for may parents to tell who was telling the truh. It was areally aweful time in my life....and now that I think about it, it only lasted from Kindergarted to second grade. Beigning of second grade I started a new school so it was actuallly only 3 years that it happened, but it felt like an eternity.

I've only told this to one person besides my familyl, I don't know why I spilled the guts here.....but I really, really enjoy collecting cars,, It's one of the things I look forward to the most, this is by far my most favorite GT because itI would give anything not to see it go.....and I hope that doesn't go away for got. March isn't long enough...maybe 4th of july, or the next big daytona race or soemthing.
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Clay, sorry to hear your story.

Back to the game. In trying to ensure the value of the million-credit-plus cars, PD have done the opposite. They've made those cars meaningless, and the marketplace will elevate the value of sub-1,000,000 cars, because that's all that can be traded now. Every "newb" will be furiously trading away, trying to find something that can go up against the LMP cars that they don't have and can't yet afford.
I'm sorry, Two more things and then I'll shut up. I know this isn't the place for this
One of the rare times she made us food, it was soup. It was nasty. I don't know if any of you have every seen the movie the sixth senths (spoiler alert, stop reading here if you haven't) but remember when she was putting drano in the kids soup to slowly poison her, that is what it tasted like. It wsn't a "I don't like this flavor" kind of dislike, I mean it tasted chemically....I couldn't not eat it. She tried to make me, and I tried but couldn't, so she jammed my face in the soup in the soup till I couldn't breath. All the other kids just ran, can't say I blame them, but she kept doing it over and over until there was no more soup left in the bowl, then she made me clean up all the spilled soup.

Another time (one of the rare times) she gave me spaghettio and meatballs in the can and cold, and I coulldn't eat it cold (kidst are picky) so she tried to force feed it to me, scooping it out with her hands and shoving it down my throat, making me gag and spit it up, she then brought me down a fork and told me to eat all of it, even all the stuff that I psueo-puked on the floor. To this day, I don't understand where that kind of cruelty comes from....I still have nightmares...and I'll never be normal.
But yes, backk to the game....I liked it the way that it was....I loved trrading all these special cars that each person doesn't have....it's an entire joy in and of it'self

I personally think PD struck gold with this one, because not only have you attracted the regular racer crowd, but you have also acced a constituency who enjoys collecting. You are all about sales, and I believe ou are thinking that they are the same constituency....but they aren't expecially with you 34-38 crowd....check with your marketing team
Since 1.07 it takes a long time to load anything,especially after an oil change or paint job.It takes about 60-90 seconds to get back to the main screen. Not a huge problem,but it gets frustrating.

Is there a reason that after updating to patch 1.07 my game won't even make it to the intro movie? It kind of frustrating and I was wondering if anyone knew of a fix.
Is it possible, that free X2010 was disabled at level 35 with this patch? Can anyone, that reached lvl 35 with 1.07, confirm that?

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