Update 1.21 Released

  • Thread starter Paiky

Considering the wait, are you happy with how the finished product appears to look?

  • Total voters
There is no point to make something for PS3 game on other devices and NOT available on PS3... It don't have sense...

It hasn't been said that it won't be on the PS3 though, only that these features are on the "Companion App", which means that its something to be used WITH the in-game version.
It does have sense if they couldn't actually make it work on the PS3 itself. You think they designed the original tracks ON the PS3?
Yes but I have that tracks on PS3... I didnt download app for phone with original track than add them to my PS account and than download them in GT5 or 6... You are so wrong...


Not really for reasons specified by @SlipZtrEm

Also, I happen to own a Tablet (Along with two Laptops) and it hasn't exactly been unless for me. Its something that's in between a phone and laptop and that's good enough for me.

:lol: ...but if you have a phone and a laptop what the hell is the point of having something in-between? Just plainly because you can afford it and wouldn't mind the brag rights? :D
Yes but I have that tracks on PS3... I didnt download app for phone with original track than add them to my PS account and than download them in GT5 or 6... You are so wrong...

Yes but those tracks weren't built using a DS3 on a PS3. They were built by PD using PCs and autocad programs and so forth. If you want a track designer that is anything more than the CM that was in GT5, you aren't likely going to get it on the PS3 itself...
:lol: ...but if you have a phone and a laptop what the hell is the point of having something in-between? Just plainly because you can afford it and wouldn't mind the brag rights? :D

Because I like being able to see on a screen bigger then what my phone offers while having that in a size that isn't too big when I go out to a restaurant. I got my laptops for school (though through strange circumstances, one has ended up becoming a low end gaming PC of sorts) and my phone's primary purpose is to keep in touch with my Family.

No bragging required (not even close to rich), just specific purposes.
:lol: ...but if you have a phone and a laptop what the hell is the point of having something in-between? Just plainly because you can afford it and wouldn't mind the brag rights? :D

lol. How bout this? I have a laptop, a couple Ipads, and an Iphone6. I don't like using the Iphone all the time because the screen is small and it's a pain to type more than a brief text message on. I use the laptop for things like downloading files and pdfs and so forth and web browzing and some gaming. I use the Ipad for watching netflix or reading pdfs and for some gaming. I don't like carrying the laptop around the house. I can use the Ipad anywhere including the bathroom if I want to. There's LOTS of point in having something in between...
:lol: ...but if you have a phone and a laptop what the hell is the point of having something in-between? Just plainly because you can afford it and wouldn't mind the brag rights? :D
Also, if I would buy a tablet, it would be a hybrid one(with keyboard attachement) running Windows 10. Why? Because with Windows, it is actually able to do something useful. It would be great as a travel companion for some on the go productive stuff.
lol. How bout this? I have a laptop, a couple Ipads, and an Iphone6. I don't like using the Iphone all the time because the screen is small and it's a pain to type more than a brief text message on. I use the laptop for things like downloading files and pdfs and so forth and web browzing and some gaming. I use the Ipad for watching netflix or reading pdfs and for some gaming. I don't like carrying the laptop around the house. I can use the Ipad anywhere including the bathroom if I want to. There's LOTS of point in having something in between...

Haha... ok man, why don't you watch Netflix on the TV though?
But 190 million iPads are already in the bin again with a broken screen.
My iPad 2 still works fine, hopefully will not need IOS9 to run the new app. I can see dragging and dropping, shrinking and expanding with fingers may be a pain, it may be time consuming to do real track replicas, to get curve radii and straights correct.
Haha... ok man, why don't you watch Netflix on the TV though?

I do. I have 2 kids and a wife though and sometimes they use the TV. And Netflix isn't nearly the only thing I do with the Ipad. There's some great games for it and it's a fantastic reader. Great for web surfing in bed and what not too...Look, all I'm saying is the suggestion that owning a tablet is some sort of weird thing is pretty odd at this stage. They are sort of dominating the market right now...

HDMI cable from laptop?

If you can afford apple products then you can probably afford a decent TV to watch shows on.

or...Netflix on a PS3! crazy!

BTW, my boss pays for the phone and one of the Ipads is an Ipad2 we've had for 4 years. The other is an Air we just bought...it'll be 2 gens old in a few weeks.
If someone can kindly please make a simple, mile and a half oval that looks like this:
Just to show me it can be one, that would be awesome.
Just because they're supposedly dominating the market, doesn't mean it's not weird.

I will always find tablets strange...

Oh well.