Update 1.21 Released

  • Thread starter Paiky

Considering the wait, are you happy with how the finished product appears to look?

  • Total voters
it's their opinion, let them be. If they love GT, it doesn't mean you have the right to put them into the ground just because they don't like a game you like

All I see is a bunch of people who's sole purpose is to linger around the GT6 forum just to boo the game and make repetitive comments about how much you hate the game. This section of the site has become more of a "boo-site" if anything.

All I see is a bunch of people who's sole purpose is to linger around the GT6 forum just to boo the game and make repetitive comments about how much you hate the game.

I have no problems with people voicing their opinions, but it's always the same people who've already deserted the franchise. And then, whenever you try to defend GT, they'll attack you.
Is there even a fan of GT in GTP nowadays? It just seems everyone hate GT Franchise nowadays inclusing the older PS1 & PS2 gens which at that time had one of the best games on the whole console.

I hate GT6 and I always rant about it but at least I don't hate the whole series and such because of a single game...

gran turismo forums..a.k.a the primary part of GTP is just seems to be dying and all members do nowadays is just post on offtopic threads or just rant about GT...
Is there even a fan of GT in GTP nowadays? It just seems everyone hate GT Franchise nowadays inclusing the older PS1 & PS2 gens which at that time had one of the best games on the whole console.

I hate GT6 and I always rant about it but at least I don't hate the whole series and such because of that game...

There are many people left on GTP who still enjoy GT as a whole.

Some of the people who don't like it are pretty modest about it, and they are don't go around attacking GT players based on their preferences.

Then you have the other half (which is really only a very small amount of members, now that I see it) who use constructive criticism bash the game pretty often, despite cutting their ties with the game series/franchise, while also attacking those who disagree, or those who try to defend GT.
Why not go look at my forza 6 pictures instead, it'll stop you ranting and joking and bashing GT6 "Info about news update 1.21 very soon". Plus you'll be able to do it "very" "soon.er" than PD! :D :lol:
I as well play GT6 everyday. There are a lot of things I dislike about it, but I suck it up and enjoy the game as it is because it's still overall a great game! It seems the GT bashers aren't good at making do with what they have. GT6 might not be the best Sim racing game on the market, but dammit, I do everything to make it feel like it! 2 years later and I'm still not sick of GT6. Just wish I had more active drivers for series on GTPlanet.
That's because now Forza 6 is out. It's obvious people are going to move on. I love both games but GT6 doesn't give me any enjoyment anymore. Forza 6 gives me good simulation, good sound, high resolution modeling plus interiors every car, drag racing all the customization and painting in the world, more tracks in superb detail, and the career is actually excellent and not boring. Why would i want to stick with GT6, Kaz should have had something ready for the PS4, and PD made bad decisions bad move. Its been 24+ plus months, thats is how old the PS4 is now, we are getting fed up of no next gen GT, when all the other developers are able to create something in shorter time frame than PD. I love Gt and can't wait for Gran Turismo 7, but I'm loving Forza right now, honestly go and buy and play that if your all fed up of PD and GT otherwise stick with it. Play something else while your waiting.
...With exception of this page (which might change soon) this thread's got a lot of likes going around.

For a tweet with two seemingly innocuous little words "very soon". Man, how desperate are we? Gaahhh.
Is there even a fan of GT in GTP nowadays? It just seems everyone hate GT Franchise nowadays inclusing the older PS1 & PS2 gens which at that time had one of the best games on the whole console.

I hate GT6 and I always rant about it but at least I don't hate the whole series and such because of a single game...

gran turismo forums..a.k.a the primary part of GTP is just seems to be dying and all members do nowadays is just post on offtopic threads or just rant about GT...
Yes. They just sneak to the Online Racing section passing the main.
Oh my god here we go again!


Just shows how often I'm in this part of the forum I guess. I'll always be a fan of GT, but I'm tired of the constant complainers, insane hype of even the smallest things, and just all the nonsense.
Agree. There are many of us who are probably like you but all of the hype with the Course Maker is getting old. PD could save the Course Maker for GT7 because it looks almost like they are dealing with really bad issues worse than what Rockstar probably went through with Heists for GTA Online. *Knowing that both GTA V and GT6 are two different games, both of them had something that is or was taking forever to come out that also lead to people becoming over-hyped psychopaths and both of these games came out in 2013.* What we're all waiting for is something that is probably going to result in cancellation at the end.

I have made a bunch of jokes about the course maker and you may think I'm supporting the course maker hype-train but I'm not one of the people a boarding the train to Course Maker. Those jokes were more like sarcasm. I hate the course maker hype and back in late June to early July, it has stir up a lot of controversy leading to a couple of threads over at the Gran Turismo 6 forum getting locked. I mean there were caps lock posts made by people who went crazy over the course maker while on the other hand, you had people calling Famine the devil and the worst person ever for locking a bunch of threads which I believe were because of the Course Maker hype-train. May be wrong on some parts most specifically threads getting locked because of over-hyped pupies calling Famine the devil for locking threads because of him stopping the course maker hype but I know for a fact he was involved. I mean who are you going to call to lock threads over at the GT6 forums when there's people causing trouble? Kazunori Senpai? Honestly it's best to not mess around with the admins on any forum site.

Now I think people need to keep the course maker topic to theirselves if they really want it that bad. And please fair advice, don't get into trouble with the mods or admins on here.
Damn dat human drama! When Kaz talked about wanting human drama, GTPlanet is the best place for it. :lol:

We need to ease up...

I honestly don't understand how people seem to think that PD isn't working on GT7 just because they're not announcing any news about it. What's the logic behind that kind of thinking? :confused: My head hurts just thinking about it. People who have no idea how much effort it really takes to program a video game really have no right to complain when said video game or video game feature takes quite long to release. Personally, I'd rather have PD take their time instead of following Ubisoft's current trend (that is, cram all promised features into a video game and don't bother fixing or refining them before releasing said game).

However, if the lot of you do insist on news about GT7, I can give you one. This year's 24 Hours of Nurburgring. We all know pretty much that Kaz competes in this glorious endurance race every year, but for this year he didn't participate. He had to sit out on this one. Sounds familiar? (#GT6Spec2PointOhAndGT7Confirmed :lol: ) But yeah, that's as close to any news or info as someone could possible get at the time being. You can tell that Kaz feels the pressure right now because his [particularly small dev team] has to work on Course Maker, Vision GT cars, the promised sound update for GT6, GT7, and possibly more race tracks (i.e. Pikes Peak). THAT is a lot of work needed to be done, and so he had to sit out on racing for this year.

I honestly don't understand how people seem to think that PD isn't working on GT7 just because they're not announcing any news about it. What's the logic behind that kind of thinking? :confused: My head hurts just thinking about it. People who have no idea how much effort it really takes to program a video game really have no right to complain when said video game or video game feature takes quite long to release. Personally, I'd rather have PD take their time instead of following Ubisoft's current trend (that is, cram all promised features into a video game and don't bother fixing or refining them before releasing said game).

However, if the lot of you do insist on news about GT7, I can give you one. This year's 24 Hours of Nurburgring. We all know pretty much that Kaz competes in this glorious endurance race every year, but for this year he didn't participate. He had to sit out on this one. Sounds familiar? (#GT6Spec2PointOhAndGT7Confirmed :lol: ) But yeah, that's as close to any news or info as someone could possible get at the time being. You can tell that Kaz feels the pressure right now because his [particularly small dev team] has to work on Course Maker, Vision GT cars, the promised sound update for GT6, GT7, and possibly more race tracks (i.e. Pikes Peak). THAT is a lot of work needed to be done, and so he had to sit out on racing for this year.
Wasn't it already mention that they were saving the sound update for GT7 and it would not be released for GT6?
Wasn't it already mention that they were saving the sound update for GT7 and it would not be released for GT6?

No, GT6 is the one going to have a sound update, and that GT7 is going to have a whole different sound engine.
No, GT6 is the one going to have a sound update, and that GT7 is going to have a whole different sound engine.

GT6 is not going to have a sound update... that was debunked early in 2014.

At least for GT6 the Z4, M3, and Sauber-Mercedes are still going to be vacuums.

The course maker is the last thing left for GT6... then a smattering of VGTs.

If PD does not manage to follow through on the course maker... I feel that might be the final nail for the core fanbase. It has been blunder after blunder since GT5.
I am become off topic, destroyer of threads.

Haha good one, good one. "I am become death, destroyer of GTP worlds"


You can tell that Kaz feels the pressure right now because his [particularly small dev team] has to work on Course Maker, Vision GT cars, the promised sound update for GT6, GT7, and possibly more race tracks (i.e. Pikes Peak). THAT is a lot of work needed to be done, and so he had to sit out on racing for this year.

Yeah Kaz should sit his butt down and get working on GT7 himself capisce? Sorry :lol: that was unduly called for but wth eh ... hehe WE LOVE YOU KAZ, REALLY WE DO...!

Kaz probably in bed with a Bugatti PR or a female exec or something :lol: [not]

This post explains my sleep insomnia, posting nonsense at 2:33a.m in the damn morning because of sleep deprivation. Going to make a Cuppa tea.
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