Do they not qc the patches? Or are we the test mules?
2 years later, the online portion is what's keeping this title alive. To screw it up like this is inexcusable.
I think Kaz wants to retire, so he's doing everything possible to stop people playing GT5 so he doesn't have to bother anymore..
Seeing as updates were bug-ridden 2 years ago, and they're still doing it now, there's no surprise anymore...
The PP system wasn't perfect before, but now it's totally destroyed. PD really made a mess of this last update.
They were going for a hat-trick - 2.08 & 2.09 & now 2.10
On topic: just been through my garages checking road cars, we've raced these wit same regulations for nearly 2 years now, so was interested to check to see which ones had pp changes.
The "Z"'s have all dropped from 530pp to around 500 (some below, some above).
Two of the biggest "cheat cars" for historic road racing (Merc 190e and Nissan KPGC10 '70) have dropped from 450pp to under 400pp - they were almost untouchable at 450pp before, but now?
Same at 530pp - the Amuse 380rs and 350Z rs were very, very fast at 530pp, now they're under 500pp.
But the EVOs are the same - slow as 🤬
Interestingly - BMW M3gtr still at 530pp...
Some of my 400pp cars are now 360pp too... There's no correlation 100%, but alot of FR cars (from historic to modern day) seemed to have been given a huge boost.
I bet someone at PD was supposed to do an adjustment for a specific drivetrain/genre but did a typo on the update and some FR cars got updated in error instead. Some of the cars (i.e. Merc 190e / Amuse 380rs) getting huge PP "boosts" were so fast before 2.10 - no way can that be right.
But then again, it's PD we're talking about, so.....
Once again all the organisors who've spent so much time testing cars to equalize performance (for series) now have to do it all over again.
This is the 5th/6th/7th time now - it's beyond a joke.
PD & GT5 = biggest failure in video gaming history 👎