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true when you look at that aspect of it...but glitches have been around as long as there have been video games. No game is glitch free...so why try to be something that you can't be? Patch it if you find it...but to let something happen relentlessly while knowing of it...really isn't showing much pride in your program. PD should have removed the SS7 course as soon as the glitch was first exposed. By allowing people to exploit it..they opened the door to the candy shop and turned their back. I blame PD for allowing it to happen more than I blame the people who exploited it.
What have they just done, they have fixed it and as soon as they noticed it. Do you really think these things can be fixed any quicker? PD are the leaders at the moment in this area. No one is complaining they fixed it just justifying their use of it. I new they would fix it and quickly that’s why i had a few late nights, still haven't got all cars i wanted or XP but now have some cars i really wanted and would have had to wait for months for.