Vice City Record Book v2

ok, i've got a few updates:
CR: 288741
Playing Time: 143:05
People You've Wasted: 56542
Road Vehicles Destroyed 15641
planed and helis destroyed: 616
Criminals wasted: 29963
Accuracy: 104%
Criminals Killed on vigilante: 41370
Highest Vigilante Mission Level: 1658 :(

i ran into a building while performing a stunt, bounced off and landed in the water and died..... i'm not having very good luck with these vigilante missions... tell me what i need pictures for and i wont count it, because i have no way to post a picture.
Originally posted by IntegraGS-R
so no one has any objections to any of my updates?

As long as you've no objections to mine...

Playing Time - 205:10
Boats destroyed - 497
Helicopters and Planes destroyed - 317
Number of headshots - 869
Gang members wasted - 9020
Max. INSANE jump dist. - 208.00
Max. INSANE jump height - 31.00
Max. INSANE jump rotation - 893
Total fires extinguished - 271
Fire truck mission level - 16

You came close to my vigilante record though, eh?

Originally posted by KieranMurphy
As long as you've no objections to mine...

Playing Time - 205:10
Boats destroyed - 497
Helicopters and Planes destroyed - 317
Number of headshots - 869
Gang members wasted - 9020
Max. INSANE jump dist. - 208.00
Max. INSANE jump height - 31.00
Max. INSANE jump rotation - 893
Total fires extinguished - 271
Fire truck mission level - 16

You came close to my vigilante record though, eh?

they look fine to me :)

you decided to do some firetruck missions too eh? i got to level 14 and accidentally pressed triangle again... i suck

those vigilante missions are really getting to me... one day i'll make my goal of at least 2000 without ****ing it up somehow :D

also, where did you get the rotation? i have no idea where i got that 700 something degrees and i can't find a good spot to get a good rotation...
Originally posted by IntegraGS-R

also, where did you get the rotation? i have no idea where i got that 700 something degrees and i can't find a good spot to get a good rotation...

I can't remember. I was just flying along on the PCJ and hit something and the bike flew into a crazy spin.

I found a good spot in Vice Point for getting rotations, but I can't get more than 700 there.

lately i have been trying to launch off of traffic .. so far the highest i have gotten is 714 or something like that... its hard to hit it just right though...
Originally posted by IntegraGS-R
ok, i've got a few updates:
Playing Time: 143:05
People You've Wasted: 56542
Highest Vigilante Mission Level: 1658 :(

i ran into a building while performing a stunt, bounced off and landed in the water and died..... i'm not having very good luck with these vigilante missions... tell me what i need pictures for and i wont count it, because i have no way to post a picture.

well i'm going to have to see a shot for the people wasted, so you better take it off! :D nah, just kidding i believe you cuz you just did 1658 levels of the vilgiante :( but i'll get my killing record back, you can bet on that ;)
alrighty, while playing around with the tank, i managed to do what the game says is 3 flips, but i think i did 10 or 15 :) and a 977 degree rotation.. all in the same insane stunt.. i was spinning and flipping like a madman... woo hoo it was exciting :)

edit: did i mention this was done in a tank? that made it extra exciting :D also i finally broke the $200 mark for the insane stunt bonuses

also got a new max jump height of 44 meters.. i think it was 151 ft if anyone cares.. broke $200 again with a flip added in :)
I was bored...


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Originally posted by IntegraGS-R
i've got a few of my own
fastest time in dirtring: 5:11

I hate you.

I got 5:46 the other day and I've been trying since to beat 5 minutes, but I always screw up one of the tricks and it takes me like 10 attempts to get it.

Oh, here's another stat I've improved inexplicably...

Seagulls sniped : 59

I don't know what that means or how I've improved it, but there it is nonetheless.

Some other stats that can get me into the record book that I never bothered posting before:

Pizzas Delivered : 93
Ice Cream sold : 72
Best percentage of hits for shooter : 92

And my Seagulls Sniped is now up to : 62

Criminal Rating : 294936
