Wed 20:30-21:30 UK Time - CLOSED - Suspended until further noticePS4 

Results: (yeah, it works !!!! :D:D)

Hockenheim GP GT3.jpg

(forgot to save quali, was too surprise that it was all like in pcars1)

@AndreasR Is that PCars Dash?

Nice start of the race by the way. You were behind getting closer and closer.

@Friday_GTRP you will get bored of racing with us soon. No way I could follow you :bowdown: I need to improve a lot the braking.

I had a warning and slowed down for being a tad too wide on turn three. Then you got to first place and that was it. Was trying to keep the gap under 7 seconds but made a stupid mistake 30 seconds before the end. Was looking at a back marker spinning and missed my braking point :indiff::lol::lol::lol:

As for the rest, sad to hear there were issues here and there. I hope you enjoyed the race though.

Weird what happened with @jod08...
@AndreasR Is that PCars Dash?

Nice start of the race by the way. You were behind getting closer and closer.

@Friday_GTRP you will get bored of racing with us soon. No way I could follow you :bowdown: I need to improve a lot the braking.

I had a warning and slowed down for being a tad too wide on turn three. Then you got to first place and that was it. Was trying to keep the gap under 7 seconds but made a stupid mistake 30 seconds before the end. Was looking at a back marker spinning and missed my braking point :indiff::lol::lol::lol:

As for the rest, sad to hear there were issues here and there. I hope you enjoyed the race though.

Weird what happened with @jod08...

Hell no, i was having some difficulties in the beginning, car felt different (think that it has something to do with tires and temperature setttings)
I was struggling and yelled to myself too keep the pace and keep it calm.
As i was hunting you down :) believe me that was anything but boring.

As for braking, accelarating, etc. i want you to take a look at the awesome video's that were made by @dyr_gl :

Sorry to hit you i think it was @AndreasR who spun out coming into the stadium section.

From my point of view :


TV broadcast
Hell no, i was having some difficulties in the beginning, car felt different (think that it has something to do with tires and temperature setttings)
I was struggling and yelled to myself too keep the pace and keep it calm.
As i was hunting you down :) believe me that was anything but boring.

As for braking, accelarating, etc. i want you to take a look at the awesome video's that were made by @dyr_gl :

Sorry to hit you i think it was @AndreasR who spun out coming into the stadium section.

From my point of view :


TV broadcast

I'll take a look to the video at some point. Cheers mate!

The car was much heavier on fuel than on qualifying. Tires were hard to get up to temp and I didn't get a single complete good lap. Good sectors here and there but struggled a lot with finding the sweet spot for braking. One lap I was braking too early the next one missing the apex or blocking the wheels.

Also, I felt the car and physics different than pre patch.

Good race anyway, although I never had your pace. Congrats!
@AndreasR Is that PCars Dash?
Weird what happened with @jod08...

The hole night was a mess mate. Connecting to the practice lobby and my wheel was not working forcing a game reset, when i rejoin i can not get out the garage? I had to leave and rejoin about 4 times so only manged a few laps. This followed by not getting an invite to the start of quali and when i did there was 14 mins left and i was not able to leave the garage again. Forcing me to leave and rejoin that session aswell. I basically qualified on a banker lap struggling for grip. Also who ever is setting up the practice sessions can you please make sure you use the right day,time & weather settings. The track was totally different in sicks lobby and took me by surprise. Come the race i had a lightning start and jumped two people and all i saw in my mirror's was a pileup on the start line? The first 3-4 laps of the race was interesting i lost the back end a few times and had so many ******** track warnings. At one point tree and someone rub and spin out at turn 3, I go around them to be hit with a return the position warning counting down from 20 secs wtf Really?!?. So i slow down to let them back passed, i almost have to stop as there was no sign of them in my mirrors. As the timer hit 2 seconds the warning vanished off my screen. Without them passing or even getting that close to me COME ON GAME WTF. At this point i was already in a bad mood. About two laps later somebody has lost it at turn 6 the tight left after the hairpin. No warning / yellow falg from the game and as i take the apex and bang. He was reversing onto the track i think and was basically parked across it? It was like a police road block from need for speed! My window screen was smashed bonnet all bent up (forcing a pit stop). I get back going again and leave him on the grass/side of the track don't know don't care. About 20 yards down the road some other idiot is using reset to track! As i go passed his ghosted car I get another return the position warning WTF? I think no way game your not ****ing me over again. I'm probably going to lose a lap in the pits getting repaired. So i ignore it thinking its going to vanish like before. But no I'm hit with a 10 second penalty in a messed up car heading for the pits racing with some people who don't know the rules. ARRGUHHHH Nope im off and left the session. I know i vented in the psn chat after this and all i will say is it was a good job i was not on the mic!
Message to all Drivers
The rules of this room are listed in post 5 on page 1. Everyone is expected to comply with them. If you have not read them please do so before the next race and then ensure that you comply. The key points are restated below:

Key Things
This is a hobby and we do this for fun, including me!
If you make a mistake and gain an advantage - give the place back.
If you make a mistake and go off the track - be careful when you rejoin not to get in the way of oncoming cars (Note reset to track is not allowed and is considered cheating - if you are struggling to stay on track slow down to an appropriate pace).
If you get upset - don't retaliate.
If you get upset - quit the race and calm down.
If you need to complain about someone's driving wait until the next day then send a private message via GT Planet to Sick Cylinder - DO NOT complain about other drivers on this thread or any other public forum.

DO NOT send text messages during qualifying or the race - they are very distracting - wait until after the meeting.

Reminder to all drivers - Reset to track is not allowed and is considered cheating.
I learned a lot this past Wednesday.
Thankfully I didn't have any trouble getting into the lobby this time (unlike round 1 at Zolder).
This was the first proper pCARS 2 race I've took part in and I felt a bit like a fish out of water,
a bit out of place. I was taken aback when the lights went green as I didn't have a gear engaged.

I went through the practice session and the qualifying session using an automatic gearbox as I
didn't feel comfortable yet using manual. When the race started though my auto box had automatically
changed to a manual one (I realised later that this was part of the rules, to use manual), I just wonder
why the game allowed me to use automatic during qualifying.

But in any case, those first couple of laps were spent just staying out of everyones way and finding my feet.
Like I said I learned a lot, learned how the brakes work and how to correct and save a slide or an oversteer
situation. I got more brave as the race went on and towards the end I had improved my lap time by almost ten
seconds (!) or so. Had I found just two more tenths I'd have had the seventh fastest lap and that would have been
a nice achievement for me. It hasn't been easy on my brain last couple weeks switching back and forth between
GT6, GT Sport and Project CARS 2. I play all three games and they're all different from each other. : )

Project CARS 2_20171015235252.jpg
Not sure I'm joining, I'm just not having fun no more.
I really dislike every single car we are currently driving. It's making me frustrated during the race costing me points on my driver liscense due to going of track.

I've had the most terrible bad luck of having cars crash in a way I can't drive anymore (on it's side with no reset to track means end of race plys me sitting there for the remainder of the race).

Enjoy yourself guys.
Not sure I'm joining, I'm just not having fun no more.
I really dislike every single car we are currently driving. It's making me frustrated during the race costing me points on my driver liscense due to going of track.

I've had the most terrible bad luck of having cars crash in a way I can't drive anymore (on it's side with no reset to track means end of race plys me sitting there for the remainder of the race).

Enjoy yourself guys.

I was thinking the same after the last race tbf. But dude you are one of the originals you can not quit lol! If your car is on its side you have no option but use reset to track tbf. But using it correctly when you don't influence anyone else's race. I know i don't need to tell you personally about safe re-entry 👍. But after the last race thought it necessary to make a comment for those that dont know. I would also like the penalty's turned off if possible they really messed up my last race.
Just have to stay between the white lines, then you´ll get no penalties. :D

Like I told you I'm getting fed up zfter driving these thing people call cars aftet a mere 10minutes.

The more one gets frustrated to more mistakes, the more mistakes the more frustrated one gets... It's a viscious cycle...
This car requires gentle inputs. It's also hard to drive after driving any other car, you need to spend some time with before start pushing it.

I might be able to set some training races tomorrow (maybe one today around 7pm BST).
Just have to stay between the white lines, then you´ll get no penalties. :D

To get a slow down warning for one tyre on the curb is a joke! Also what about the stupid illegal overtake penalty's? No more overtake anyone at all to be on safe side lmao. All jokes aside the penalty system is there for a reason but can be so **** sometimes.
Hi Guy's,
I think it helps a lot when the referee takes a look to the replays of the race and that drivers who dont following the rules get Some penalty's for it. On this way everyone take cares for them selfs and other driver.
I think also that Some players are angry because they are involved in situations and its not their mistake.
This car requires gentle inputs. It's also hard to drive after driving any other car, you need to spend some time with before start pushing it.

I might be able to set some training races tomorrow (maybe one today around 7pm BST).

If you mean the porshe... It doesn't need gentler inputs it needs it's brakepressure lowered. Not even after a straight have I been able to press the brakes more then half before the tires lock...

As an engineer this alone is enough to just ragequit... This is not tuning this is common sense... If more then half of the travel of a pedal is unused it means the pedal is worthless... It's like buying a saw and just using half of the blade :embarrassed:

That's why I dislike this car so much.
Not sure I'm joining, I'm just not having fun no more.
I really dislike every single car we are currently driving. It's making me frustrated during the race costing me points on my driver liscense due to going of track.

I've had the most terrible bad luck of having cars crash in a way I can't drive anymore (on it's side with no reset to track means end of race plys me sitting there for the remainder of the race).

Enjoy yourself guys.

No problem Mr Tree - best to take a break if you're not enjoying the car and track combinations. This series is 6 rounds long and we're almost half way through - then we switch to the Group 4 BMW M1 Pro Car, which is really lovely to drive - even nicer on PC2 than it was on PC1 - maybe rejoin for that series. You will be welcomed back by everyone.
No problem Mr Tree - best to take a break if you're not enjoying the car and track combinations. This series is 6 rounds long and we're almost half way through - then we switch to the Group 4 BMW M1 Pro Car, which is really lovely to drive - even nicer on PC2 than it was on PC1 - maybe rejoin for that series. You will be welcomed back by everyone.

I probably will! Don't get me wrong I'm currently just burning myself so fast I'd probably wouldn't want to join a'ymore by then ;) so let's just do some relaxee racing until then ;)
If you mean the porshe... It doesn't need gentler inputs it needs it's brakepressure lowered. Not even after a straight have I been able to press the brakes more then half before the tires lock...

As an engineer this alone is enough to just ragequit... This is not tuning this is common sense... If more then half of the travel of a pedal is unused it means the pedal is worthless... It's like buying a saw and just using half of the blade :embarrassed:

That's why I dislike this car so much.
What pedals are you using mate?

It would be a shame to lose you...
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What pedals are you using mate?

It would be a shame to lose you...

I'll rejoin ;)

And I.use the logitech g29 pedal set.

But that has little to do with the pressure unless I can figure out a way to callibrate them as to virtually reduce brakepressure ;)
Not sure if you know but if you map buttons for the brake bias +/- you can adjust it on the fly even with it being locked to default setups. i didn't realize this till the other day my self. As i thought you could only do this on the little pop up menu that gets disabled when locked to default setup
Pedals do a lot to help you modulate the braking. I mean a lot.

I have the T3PA set with the brake mod and I have no major issues with the 911.

I agree that it is hard to find the sweet spot for braking pressure on this car, but maybe it is like that IRL. My company car is a regular golf and the braking pedal is like an on/off button while my personal car has Brembo calipers all around and although initially you could think that it brakes less because it doesn't have that point of sudden hard braking, it's all about how easy is to modulate.

For obvious reasons it's better to be able to modulate the braking but in the end of the day, you can get used to both types, both in real life and in the game. However, in game, a nice set of pedals help (a lot).

Of course, do as you please and don't race forced of you don't want to. Maybe think of it as a challenge. Would you let the car win?
Pedals do a lot to help you modulate the braking. I mean a lot.

I have the T3PA set with the brake mod and I have no major issues with the 911.

I agree that it is hard to find the sweet spot for braking pressure on this car, but maybe it is like that IRL. My company car is a regular golf and the braking pedal is like an on/off button while my personal car has Brembo calipers all around and although initially you could think that it brakes less because it doesn't have that point of sudden hard braking, it's all about how easy is to modulate.

For obvious reasons it's better to be able to modulate the braking but in the end of the day, you can get used to both types, both in real life and in the game. However, in game, a nice set of pedals help (a lot).

Of course, do as you please and don't race forced of you don't want to. Maybe think of it as a challenge. Would you let the car win?

Better pedals help I can find the spot. It's that you're only using about 30% of the total length the pedal can travel. This means 70% of the pedal is useless.

As the brakes are a hydraulic system one could lower the pressure of said system. This would make for less braking force when the pedal is pressed just smas far. This means you could use.more of your pedal.

Irl this means a better use of the cars hardware.
Pedals do a lot to help you modulate the braking. I mean a lot.
I have the T3PA set with the brake mod and I have no major issues with the 911.

I didnt like the way the mod felt when i tried it. It just felt like i restricted the brake pedal travel from 100% to 50%.

Ourlton park tomorrow, skinny track should be an interesting race. Look out for the for blue flags :odd:. I could do with some proper practice for this especially after last weeks embarrassing rage quit lol

@Sick Cylinder in post two have this with no mention of date (Conditions - Clear skies and 15:00 real time) by real time do you mean the real date as in tomorrow's date, or do you mean real time progression for the session? If it is the latter what do you set the date to?
Also can we clear this up?
If your car is on its side you have no option but use reset to track tbf. But using it correctly when you don't influence anyone else's race.

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