The way I have mine setup it's crucial to brake with some gas as well to keep it going straight, once you have it turned in to the corner it's all about balancing the chassis with the throttle until apex, then I use the throttle to steer the car where I want it to go - little less throttle makes the car turn in, more throttle can push it wide, (I'm talking quite fine margins here, like throttle position differences of 10-20%).
I listen to the squeal of the tires, little bit is good, when it gets louder your loosing more traction until it starts to skid. Learn to listen for that threshold as another cue that your on the limit.
Pick out and memorize braking markers, hit them every time, then when your consistent try braking a little later to see if you can still make it through the corner, if you can, then that's your new braking marker.
I have been tuning the gordini specifically for each track because a general tune is only generally fast, since the gordini can be a handful to drive consistently it's worth it to retune it for each track.
I'll pm you some of my tuning secrets, but since the series is not even halfway done I'd like keep my tune a secret just in case I have discovered some sort of advantage
If like to hear some more driving/racing tips if anyone else feels like sharing