Weekly Race Series, Week 40

  • Thread starter boombexus
@Boom, thanks for the welcome back. Good to see you're still keepin on keepin on :) I don't recognize many of the names in last weeks results.

Anyway ...

Switched from the Evo VI to the EvoVII, drove a bit more seriously, and dropped my lap time by 2.xxx., down to 34.0 / 58.9.

Guess I gotta work on T1. Anyone else hanging the ass end out in the first tunnel rather than braking properly?

I like the EvoVI's handling much better, but the transmission is to narrow :irked: Oh well.

This would have been a more interesting race if the Evo's weren't eligible. I tried out a pile of different cars, and there were half a dozen in the 4.2-4.5 weight-to-power ratio range, but nothing else under $30k matches the Evo's 3.6.
luxy, do you use asm? quite usable in that turn, let's you brake late and reckless and it "saves" the turn. Asm at 3-4 seemed like a good level.
Nah, I've got ASM off, and TCS at 1.

If I get it just right, I can get the nose to stay tight to the inside until the car slows down enough to stop sliding, and end up at a speed that keeps me tight to the inside throughout the rest of the turn. I just don't hit it that well too often ;)

I'll give the 3-4 ASM a try :) and see if that helps my consistency.
Originally posted by GTJugend
luxy, do you use asm? quite usable in that turn, let's you brake late and reckless and it "saves" the turn. Asm at 3-4 seemed like a good level.

Actually, I have found that ASM reduces steering capabilities; something you don't want to do, especially in an EVO...
Originally posted by Jpec07
Actually, I have found that ASM reduces steering capabilities; something you don't want to do, especially in an EVO...

I agree. It reduces steering caps. Although asm at low levels in low power cars only sets in when you are going rough. I've given up on this weeks race so I won't do any further testing, but in week 14 i set the fastest time overall with asm at 4 on the evo7...
Originally posted by Luxy

Switched from the Evo VI to the EvoVII, drove a bit more seriously, and dropped my lap time by 2.xxx., down to 34.0 / 58.9.

Guess I gotta work on T1. Anyone else hanging the ass end out in the first tunnel rather than braking properly?

I like the EvoVI's handling much better, but the transmission is to narrow :irked: Oh well.

I agree. I think the Evo VI's lighter weight is to thank for that, and I until I saw Talentless' T2 time (with as fast as my big ego thinks I went through that last section, I doubt that I could make up a half second) I was thinking that last section is where the VI could take the lead. It seems like I had to slow down a lot more in the VII. But I think if I get used to the VII's handling I could do a bit better, or I may just stick with the VI.
well im done for the week having not dropped my overall time in 50+ laps so i am going to submit my time and see how i do
Some good times here fellas. I might not get a time in myself, but I will be looking forward to watching what you all could do with the evos.
Tried the EvoVII with ASM at 3 and just didn't like it. Too much understeer for my taste. It was worth a shot.
Originally posted by Luxy
Anyone else hanging the ass end out in the first tunnel rather than braking properly?

I enter it from the right, point the car toward the inside lane, braking to 90 or a bit slower, then steer/throttle so I can keep a tight line along the inside. Preferably, I'll be no lower than 87, but 85 is ok. There is some sliding.

I've submitted my time.
I would like to submit my times, but I don't know which one to submit.

I ran the track and have my time, but when I load it into the analyzer it totals up the time .03 seconds shorter.

Right before I go into the analyzer (when it says "processing") in the upper right corner of the screen my time is as expected. Then when I go into the analyzer the time is .03 seconds shorter.

Which do I submit? Probably I shouldn't care about .03 seconds.
is there any way to see your T times without pressing start and taking them down as you get them or watching the replay again??:confused: :confused:

oh btw i tested or the civic SiR-II for shizzles and giggles and i got a T2 time of 1'.04.9xx hehe not to shabby for only 210hp
i am guessing you are all using the same lancer now? im confused as to which lancer that is and also if someone wouldnt mind would any of you let me know which parts you are using, thanks a bunch.;)

i am off to bed is 3:26am here and i need to get up somewhat early to watch some football hehe:D will definetly get some hardcore racing in tomorrow and some respectable times to keep you guys challenged:cool:
Most of us are using the Lancer Evo VII RS (25, 180cr., right after the FTO at the dealership) with Lightweight 1, a Racing Intercooler, and an Oil Change.
Question: Are we going by the Replay Theatre's time?

I've been doing the wet this whole time.
Originally posted by Zrow
Question: Are we going by the Replay Theatre's time?

I've been doing the wet this whole time.


We never use the replay theatres time or the analyzers time.

Always use the time marked on the file data when you either go to load or save a replay.

Always keep your replay, and of course, always keep it clean.

Good luck, Im sure you will feel a whole hell of a lot faster once you get off the wet.
Perhaps others are keeping hush, but I'm surprised no one else has come out and indicated they have a better time. I thought I'd see a 0.5 second improvement over my time by now.
I'm still half a second behind you, at 33.8 / 58.8 - no mystery there, still trying to bring down my T1 time, but not having much luck.
Probably not qualified, but I'll try to help you with the T1. Try to enter the tunnel at 140, hopefully you won't drop below that. As you come to the tunnel you'll notice the right side entrance seems to curve inward some, enter as close to it as you can. Drive toward the second to inside or inside lane, and find the braking point where you can slow to about 87 or better. Don't let the Evo ride move toward the other lanes. If you have to, lift a fair bit, re input steering, and brake, in order to keep the line tight. Try to keep the average speed above 87. If the Evo is a bit past the tunnel when the timer reads 13 seconds, you're doing well. Try to take the coming right hander so that you clip the inside kerb, done well and you could be at 102. For the left hand turn, brake in the second to inside lane down to 57, or so, lift once or twice if necessary. You should ride the inside kerb, but not all the way. I'm not sure if you need to ride the next one, but if the timer reads 25 seconds and you've past it, you're doing well.
I'm going to put the VII away for a while, and see if the VI could pull anything better. I can get the T1s down, and I've seen T2s of 58.3, but that last section is just a hastle.

Well.... I just got a 33.9 in the VI. I know it can be done.

The rest of my attempts will be in the VI. I just can't seem to beat anything in the VII. I'm selling the VII and the Camaro..... now. I'm growing gray hairs just from deciding which car to race.
Originally posted by Talentless
I'll be 5th or worse overall. I do predict.

Don't doubt yourself. Those were some fast times. 👍

Where is Oliver and Carbon? I'd like to see what sort of psychotic times they're pulling.

Well..... I lied. I went back with an Evo VII, and after many winded trials, I got these:

T1: 0'33.678
T2: 0'58.123

And I've been wondering, are the sector times in the Replay Theater accurate or optimistic? Sometimes they seem a bit too high, but these seemed to be very close to what I saw.
Well, good news and bad news.

The bad news is that I only managed to drop my T1 from 33.8 to 33.7. Thanks for the advice Talentless. I couldn't seem to keep above about 82-83 through the first tunnel. I'll have to watch your replay to see what I'm doing wrong.

The good news is that somewhere between T1 and the end of the lap, I found a full second over my previous best time.

My best clean lap, and the one I'm gonna submit is a 33.7 / 58.2 with 270-odd miles on the odometer and 357hp under the hood. I know there's at least another 0.5xx left on the track, but I don't think I'm gonna find it.
Well, I am completely in dismay this race. My car has no chance in keeping up with any of the top dogs this week, but I am going to put in my time for the little four banger I gotz.