Originally posted by milefile
Per capita and household statistics don't only take into account wage earners. Even if they only considered adults the figure is skewed and essentially meaningless. Twelve thousand dollars is ridiculously small. Think about it. The wealthiest nation in the world is riddled with poverty? I don't think so. A good example would be Kennilworth, IL, one of the wealthiest towns in America. The household income there is just under $50,000. Now these people drive Rolls' and live in Mansions. Their guest houses are bigger than my whole house. They have paid "help."
I got to thinkin about that statement and now I demand an explaination.
Where did you get that # (50,000)? Cause compairing an annual houshold of 50,000, to rolls royces and mansions,...... just aint workin out in my head.
I'm one person,... making approx $30,000 yr. I own a $100k house, a 25k vehicle, a 10k motorcycle, and another 10k in assets. So, my average household income is $30,000,... I know 100% for a fact, that with only 20,000 more a year, I couldt afford a Rolls and a Mansion,.... not even close. SO, how do these other people pull it off?
$12,000 is rediculously small? That may be an indication of your ignorence concerning poverty. Do you know how many thousands of households in the urban communities have multiple children with no real financial support? Fathers in jail, or if the kids are lucky, he's not and works 80 hours a week to support a family of 9?
Originally posted by milefile
There's no way their houshold income is $50,000 in real terms. My houshold income is more than that.
So WTF? Now your contradicting yourself? Your income is more than that? Think about how average your life is,.... then subtract 75% of all your money,... add three kids to your life,.... then tell me the figures are skewed and meaningless.
Now, I'm no expert,... but common scence, concerning that above, is all thats needed. Maybe you should concentrate more on that, instead of trying to debunk every-single-friggin-word that comes out of my mouth.
I'm done today,.... I'm sure you'll report this as antagonistic.