- Chasecam: Wider adjustments for height, distance, lateral rotation axis sensitivity and an camera shake adjustment oprion.
- Cockpit/hood cam: FoV adjustment, wider adjustments for seat height/distance, option to remove the steering wheel in the cockpit camera, add a new hood camera and another one closer to the dashboard.
Tickets: Offer tickets based on distance traveled and game time instead of a single ticket for completing the daily challenge. Ex. First ticket for completing 50Km, second ticket for completing 150Km, bonus ticket for completing a 3-hour daily section and so on with any possible goal.
Tuning/Customization: Offer the option of a shortcut to access tuning/customization directly from the race menu, similar to the menu for buying tires and ballast.
Garage/showroom: Add the option to view the car in 3D, similar to the Showroom VR mode, with the same locations, some new ones and the return of the GTS locations.
AI: Add voice recognition and AI options to the interface to make menu navigation easier and faster. For example: "Granturismo, take me to the Café", "Granturismo, take me to the garage" and so on.
Granturismo 7 already has great foundations, but a lot could be done to build the game even further if SIE/PD/Yamauchi-san were willing to step out of their comfort zone and learn to count on the help of the community instead of living closed in their hermetic bubble where they think they know what is best for the game and for us players.