What are you Eating/Drinking?

  • Thread starter Super-Supra
I started out with egg omlet, bacon and sausages along with a slice of Danish Rye bread (for the first time) as a Brunch. Dinner was just cold cuts on the same Rye bread.
Taco Beef Kidney Bean Casserole with Chipotle Sour Cream and Mad Anthony's Hot Sauce with a side of tortilla chips.
Taco Beef Kidney Bean Casserole
Chicken and sausage gumbo soup for supper. Lunch was two plates of grub at HuHot. Breakfast was a protein shake. Tonight's snack is undecided.
Oh! C'mpn, gtavcfan - chorizo? longaniza? Do explain; I guess I could google, but googling is such a lonely game . . . but, we'll take those words, Oh! yes, we will, we English-speaking folk love to take any word as our own (as long as it means something) so what are these things?

Did you try it with butter like I suggested? I cant stand franks red hot by itself. BUT if I melt some butter in a small bowl and mix in the Red Hot its delicious with any chicken. I don't really like FRH on anything other than chicken. And only with melted butter.

Never directly tried it with butter, though there may have been the occasional buttered dinner roll that was bloodied (either by accident or design) with smears of Franks Red. I'll try to work it into some recipe soon. Last time I had it mixed was with Blue Cheese dip (I think there was a post about that some pages back.)

Today was one of those odd food days: Woke up late afternoon famished, with already several things not done. I'm starving, hungry for protein. Ignoring the assorted raised eyebrows I threw a butcher block burger on, then stuffed it into a Kaiser (large bun) that was load with onions. No time for splashing on Hot Sauce or any other distracting edibles - this was wolfed down in several quick scoffs washed down with mugs of tea. Then on to all the different chores, errands, etc, etc - and no time for any other 'proper' meals. Don't even ask me what's proper - I take it that people usually have breakfast, lunch, dinner - that sort of thing. Which is why I said it was a somewhat odd food day.
Then during the day - bananas, hands-full of nuts, a mini pig-out on assorted chocolates, 4 slices of buttered toast and later on when I visited my Mom with some Burger King for her, she offered me slices of cake, and a platter of fish pastries, with a mug of root beer - these were absent-mindedly inhaled, too (I was too focused on my Mom, so the food was kind of a background sensation.) Back at at home I grabbed a bowl of chicken soup and a toasted 12-grain bagel (I was feeling snackish - and was planning on what I had most wanted to do during the day - play GT6 - so I wanted to 'tank up' some energy.) Throughout the day there were cups of tea - and a surprise cup of espresso, and in the middle of gaming, a Scotch meat pie and a bottle of Ginger Ale.

That's the status as of now. Day hasn't ended yet - and I'm beginning to feel peckish. Wonder what next. Probably bacon and eggs to end the day. I'll never get proper this way. Let alone prim.
Bread with syrup.


Pumpkin/sunflower/chia seeds, raisin, milk, different fuitjuices, honey, walnuts, blue berries. All mixed together.
Just finished off hotdogs with roast chicken... yes, the chicken was in the bun with them. It was delicious so nothing else matters.

Fried chicken sandwich with franks red hot/ melted butter, sliced tomato, cheese, lettuce, on wheat bread. I have been addicted to these things!!! Yummy!!





My friend also suggested I try these sometime. He calls them "Penny pancakes". Cut up hot dogs or sausages and cook them with the pancakes. Turned out pretty good but I had to cook them quite a bit longer because the sausage grease mixed into the pancake mix. Pretty good.
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Dinner was a spinach salad with six pieces of steak. Dessert was a 210 calorie key lime cheesecake.

Brunch was peanut butter and crakers and a few tea biscuits.
Just made a huge veg chili with homemade salsa, guacamole and flatbreads. It may only be a force 3 outside, but it'll be a force 10 in the bedroom tonight! :scared:
Some beans and a few tortillas, didn't want to buy hamburgers after work.

Oh! C'mpn, gtavcfan - chorizo? longaniza? Do explain; I guess I could google, but googling is such a lonely game . . . but, we'll take those words, Oh! yes, we will, we English-speaking folk love to take any word as our own (as long as it means something) so what are these things?
Don't know if any English words exist for them - both of them are spicy sausage used a lot in Mexican cooking, just prepared differently. Longaniza is a bit longer and spicier. Chorizo cooks down to small pieces, similar to the way ground beef does while longaniza has to be smashed down with a spatula or large spoon.
Took Litte Booger to grandma's house for her birthday. We had pizza delivered. Round Table King Arthur Supreme. She loves that and I haven't had it in a long time.

The 'healthy eating' continues today, too. Hot dog, potato salad and potato chips for brunch. Tomorrow, nothing but salad.
Then start working out.
Burn them calories.

Super late - I already do that. Doesn't mean I shouldn't also pair it with eating healthier, or at the very least, in moderation. Speaking of, the no-alcohol bit didn't last long; had one pint of beer when out with a client this week, but that's all.

Eating a bizarre chicken noodle soup with pineapple and coconut milk right now; friend brought it to me on account of getting a cold. Yesterday was decidedly less healthy though; hit number six on this list of best cheeseburgers in town with a different friend in an effort to try the entire list. The Priest still wins.
Dislike how you can see where the quote was from.
The old software put a little arrow next to the quoted from and it linked back to the post.
After not eating for 30 hours I open the fridge to find somebody has taken a bite out of my Snickers bar and folded the wrapper over the damage to pass it off as new... As of now I'm eating it from the side which hasn't got a hole in it.