What are you Eating/Drinking?

  • Thread starter Super-Supra
Since going mostly vegetarian (I’m not ruling out the odd pizza or burger) I’ve been snacking on whole grain bread with Nutella and fresh tangerine juice.

I feel healthier already [he claims, puffing on a cigarette].
Lunch - Chashudon:

A £4.99 meal from a South Asian run KFC-like that was probably one of the best I've ever had roughly equivalent to the mighty bucket. Had a Kaspas choc-chip milkshake there too, very handy for when I had the wings - spicy isn't the word!
I am at a food truck competition at the lugnuts stadium downtown Lansing. I am waiting on my street tacos and a pork tamale. The wife picked up something from the three little pigs smoked meats truck. Pictures to follow.
A photo:
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I've been meaning to hunt down a recipe for chilli chicken. Finally did yesterday and made it today. Not quite as good as my go-to Indian restaurant but for homemade, it ain't too bad.

The chicken, post frying

Veggies, pre cooking

Chicken and veggies, post cooking with sauce

Plated. Or, more accurately, bowled

Edit: It must be pretty good as everyone went back for seconds. Glad I tripled the batch!
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Fixed BLTs with "Caesar" mayo and had pepper-parm fries and an Electric Jellyfish IPA to go with it.

I'm presently enjoying a Hennessy Sour made with an egg white base and freshly squeezed sour orange juice.
First time eating (and cooking) purple potatoes. Cubed, fried and seasoned. I don’t know why I expected them to taste different from regular brown spuds. They’re very similar.

I have fallen way off the horse. Today we ate at a coney island. I smashed on a loaded coney, a buffalo chicken pita wrap and lots of fries dipped in the left over chili and cheese. But... I didnt have a pop, so, that's good right?
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I ended up buying some pasture-raised hen eggs. The yolks are much more yellow/orange than the other eggs. I think the problem I'm seeing with open-range eggs and cage free eggs in addition to the lower amount of space, is that a lot of these "premium" eggs promote a vegetarian feed on the box. That's what the pasture fixes. Out of curiosity I bought open-range eggs to compare.
I just snacked on a bag of Sweet Chili Doritos. Does anyone else feel like they could live on Doritos?
For me... Kraft Mac n Cheese. Sweet Chili has to be my favorite non-traditional Doritos though.
I had half a pepperoni pizza at my local kitchen for supper.

Local kitchen? Does that mean your kitchen? I’m confused. Somebody else’s kitchen?

Pepperoni pizza is awesome wherever it comes from.