What does your user name mean?

  • Thread starter Jordan
I decided for apokalipse, because i needed a new internet username I would use.
I first used maj212(maj is my name) not knowing it sounded really stupid.

So i wanted to go with something powerful and i just came up with apokalipse.
"SUPER NUMBBER" is a phrase I heard (or I thought I did) while listening to a techno song. I modified it to be a play of words - I've played GT for so long (thus "∞", an unlimited, "super number") that my thumbs were left numb (self explanatory, also applicable to my opponents in GT).
I'm yaywalter because I like Walter Sullivan, fictional serial killer extraordinaire.
Mine, contrary to popular belief has nothing really equine about it and definitely nothing to do with Shetland Ponies!
I've always loved challenging races in GT games and have shyed away from overpowering my opposition with huge turbo or power upgrades.
When I joined :gtplanet: I was obsessed with winning the Rome Endurance race in GT3 in a Mini Cooper, something even when fully modified had much less HP than the cars it ran against.
My username came therefore from a contraction of "Small" and "horsepower" which is, I believe, still the best way to race, something borne out in my many 200 A-spec endurance reports in underdog cars. 👍
K, which stands for my first name, "Kyle" and Faction... I don't even know. I deprived the name from a clan on an MMO I used to play.
"crazy" coming from doing some pretty much unexpected stupid stunts, and the "tortise" just from being slow minded at times. It was origionally given to me in the spanish version Tortugo Loco but i like the English version.
The only problem is that the correct spelling is "tortoise." And the (rough) Spanish translation would be "tortuga loca." :lol: Still, a misspelling isn't bad; it makes you more memorable. But then again, do people try to PM "crazytortoise" and not reach you?

Smallhorses, I really should have made that connection earlier, but somehow, I missed it! :dunce: That's certainly a much more imaginative and descriptive name than, say, mine.
Mine was conceived out of laughter at excel saga where "thatman"
was going against ill palazzo or something. There was also thatmanthere, thatmanoverthere ect. plus you know who your talkin about when you say thatman...also its better then my user name of old; which was JFSX. Hmm I think that could very well be my initials + an X.... I was young(er). But now i may shift to A Man hamster as i apparently eat like a hamster according to my GF. plus I get asked all the time "what the **** is a man hamster" to which I replay "We are a proud but small race...." So yeah thats about all of them.
I came up with this username when I first got my PS3... I always used the name Blitz on other games before but when I signed on to PSN it was taken... So I kept thinking and added 187 to it since I found it fitting playing CoD 4 online:D In other words... BlitzMurder ;) The 187 came from the days I listened to NWA :P The name just stuck since then...
I used to be Bigracer because of my lenght and my driving ambitions. After a few years I decided I just wanted to be me. "steven" was taken by some guy that never posted once in GTP but Jordan wouldn't delete his account for my sake. Later on thru some GTP rule change he could and did it for me. Now I'm quite happy with my username 👍
Mine is quiet simple:
When I bought my fiat coupe some years ago I was so happy to have a turbo that I combined this with my name (Kai).
Before that I was named RS-Kai in some forums because I owned a Ford RS2000 (little brother of the Cossi!)...
Mine is pretty simple. MEJ are my initials, 1990 is the year I was born, and the TM is just for Trade Mark. Me being clever I guess. Or at least trying to be.

My name is, the Subaru car called the Subaru SVX.
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Mine is an old university nickname, I had a friend called Dan Long who we thought sounded like a pornstar so we decided we'd all have pornstar names. Mine was Dick Giant, the 2000 came because I originally wanted dickgiant as a hotmail account but someone had it so I added on the 2000 (unsurprisingly this was in the year 2000!)
Mine is to honour the late great Colin McRae, he's known the world over for his uncompromising "maximum attack" driving style.

Something I wish I could emulate, even if it was only just a little bit.
I have Ichthyosis, a rare skin disorder. One of the symptoms is the inability to perspire, hence the name "overheating". In the summertime here, the most simple of tasks can be frightening. I try to stay indoors as much as possible.
Seismica was a name I came up with, just as an online alias so to speak.

I just took the word Seismic, and put and 'a' on the end :lol: Though i'm pretty sure it means something in some other language, like Storm or something, or I guess, something to do with earthquakes/seismica activity.
Although I know I'm gunna miss the name Diablo' it didn't have any meaning to me anymore so I decided to change it.

I know I don't have to explain it, but for those who may not know I own a 1966 Barracuda.
For me, this wasnt really a hard decision.

Drove outlaw karts for 6 years in the "open" division.

Then came the name "opendriver". stuck with it ever since. either that or cantturnright
I'm new here, so I guess I'll post here.

I was over at my friend's house when I made this account. They're German and my friend's mom made Schnitzel. I had no idea what name to pick, so I just went ahead with WeinerSchnitzel. :)