What does your user name mean?

  • Thread starter Jordan
My name comes from Disc Golf.

The Innova Starfirebird is my go to get out of trouble disc.You can tomahawk,thumb,skip and do just about anything with this disc.

So Starfirebird is worthy for my user name :)
Well, mine is for depicting two games that I love.

Ezio, as in Ezio Auditore from "Assassin's Creed II" and the upcoming "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood" (by november 16th).

GT, well, do I need to say ??
I was opening a new office for my company and was shopping for some funiture. Went into an office funiture place that also offers lease furniture as well.

They had an aquarium on display that included everything and they even offered to throw in fish in the lease. I thought it was funny and told the salesmen, "Wow, fish for rent?" He says, "yeah and when they die, we'll just replace them for you."

I thought about it later and decided it was an appropriate commentary on the corporate world, and decided it fit, as my career is somewhat like that.

My cynical side also thinks it says alot about society in general; we are all just Fish for Rent in a big aquarium. :ouch:
Mine mean I'm a cold blooded killer who don't take crap from no one!!
Na, it means I was bored a few years ago and just went with the first thing to pop into my mind while signing up for PSN and decided I would use the same name on here.

Might make a whole new profile on PSN and just have this name changed.
My username is just what most people on my friends list call me. The full PSN name is Zadreth, which I picked out of a random Dark Sun book, back in the day when I played Ultima Online (Europa server).
A odd, random username. During sign-up process, I thinked about many names and come up with this user name. :lol::embarrassed:

FYI, Tank could either meant a tank used during war or a tank top, while o is the seperator between Tank and roded, while roded is mispell of rounded. That's it. ;)
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Hmmm, I never thought of where mine came from! i think after hearing the word unobtanium, i made up a fictional element composed of completly carbon :dunce: ( i know its diamonds :drool: )

Wikipedia defines my name as a blasting agent used in early mining :yuck:

Go watch more culturally significant movies.

Me, altho I pronounce my GTP username as aynes (rhymes with rains)

And that's a bass guitar btw..
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Mine was made on IRC. Before then, I had joined Wikia as SPARTAN-984 (surprise, it was Halopedia, and I was strikingly unoriginal). But on another channel one day, somebody made a passing reference to Back to the Future, saying "Sparty McFly" in it.

A few months later, I decided to use it as a new nickname. Eventually, when I finally got to join GT Planet, I used it as my member name.

If you haven't already gotten the fact, Sparty McFly is a modified name of Marty McFly.
Mine is the name of my alter-ego.

Ok, I know it sounds strange, but dare you say anything about it and I'll tear you in half.

By the way dear, mind some more tea?
Mine is volcano in Portuguese. The correct would be Vulcão, but that's a special character, then I chose Vulcao. It was absolutely random, I needed a PSN and then I wrote the first word that came into my mind. Actually, I don't like my username.
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NITROVIOUS ( Nitro vee us )

Basically it's nitrous with VIO added .
VIO stands for " victory is ours "
So it means, Nitrous victory is ours .
l was originally going to go with " NITROUSVIO " but didn't like the way it sounded .
It's a reference to the F35 Lighting fighter jet and also anime character Zechs Marquise, who goes by the alias of Lightning Count as a pilot (used to be a big Gundam fan back in the day).
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When i was younger (grade 3 or so) my nickname was small fry ( i was easily the shortest grade 3'er and probably shorter than 95% of grade 2 and some grade 1'ers). So when i was hunting for a Internet Alias many years back i decided to pick that and add the _ between the words and a z on the end of it as it sounded better :sly: As well as capitalise the S and F . Hence Small_Fryz was born. I have a hotmail, and lots of forum names and even a gmail account (that i dont use :lol: ) for Small_Fryz 👍, if you see that name its a very good chance its me 👍. Especially if it has the Cartoon Frys avator :lol: 👍

Its very original and because im only 165cm (5'6) & 65kg (145lbs) its quite fitting also 👍

Cause its a good story...
Though now I'm 71kg (156lbs)... Need to drink less rum:grumpy:
Ross is my given name. I was at work one day and one of my good friends was messing around with me calling me names and blurted out 'Rossticles.' I stood there immediately knowing what she said had sounded vulgar, she hadn't. When she did we both laughed about it and since a few people were around the nickname stuck.
One of my main hobbies is photography of Fairground vehicles. The storage boxes seen beneath the chassis are bellyboxes. Many people believe it's because I'm a bit fat, which coincedentally, I am!
Sonic fancharacter (if you can even call him that anymore) that I've had for YEARS, developed over and over, and still hang onto for some reason. X3