What does your user name mean?

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Zed comes from my name Zayan, the extreme is something I used a lot when referring to my earlier vehicle designs:dopey:, while the 8177 is the numberplate on a friend's motorbike, and also one of my common flight numbers on Microsoft Flight Sim X:D

I've used this username on nearly every website I've signed up on:)
^ Now that you've mentioned it, it sounds like something from The Matrix:D Although it does have a meaning in Arabic, can't remember what though...
I honestly cannot remember the exact origins, but it had something to do with 'salamander'. And probably NOS (the brand by Holley).
Came up with it a long time ago for WarCraft III.

Well, some maybe think of the Band "Smile Empty Soul", but that is wrong.
I just wanted a name, that sounded dark and not to Emo for Metal Standarts.
I signed up in several Boards, and so EmptySoul became a part of myself.

And no, I don't have an Empty Soul :D
My story is pretty lame.

Miles Prower = The real name of my favourite game character
32 = Originally a typo, I meant to type 42, the answer to life the universe and everything, but I ended up sticking with it. Hooray.
It's the name I've been called by nearly everybody who knows me since I was a little kid, so it's almost like my real name. Only work, my wife and my mother call me by my real name.
Shem is a shorter version of Seamus, an Irish name meaning James.
nizmo_bro... I started using that as a handle about 4 or 5 years ago. I've always loved nissans, and when I was too young to drive, I talked my brother into buying a Nissan 240sx. Got him hooked on Nissans(even though he is back to driving Hondas now, he wants another 240 though).

I'm the nismo 'bro'ther. The z is intentional, only in the attempt to make it look more like the old Nismo logo. You wouldn't believe the people who tell me I misspelled nismo, as if I didn't know and as if they were all knowing, when they don't know the difference between an Silvia and an Integra(I've seen rice boys thinking an S13 was an ITR) and those who don't know what motor would be best for my Skyline, a Gallo 12 or Gallo 24. :sly:

I had to let off that bit of steam, hahaha.

Only weird thing is, I've yet to own a Nissan myself. Only have had a Subaru Legacy and a Ford F150 :ill:. No worries though, saving for a nice S13 or possible S14.
Skython was just a random name I came up with a few years ago when thinking of a cool new name, and 11 is my lucky number. Skython11 is the name I use on all sites I sign up to, so if you see one on another site, it will almost definitely be me.
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My best friend from Junior High to High School and I used to be really into skateboarding, and with that came all of those trips to different schools and shopping centers to find fun spots. One time we were getting yelled at by some lady at a school and she called us "nothing but villains."

Villain then came our idea of a brand name for the skateboard company we never started. The number 12 means a lot to me as well. It was the first number I ever picked for myself on a sports team. I was in Kindergarten and my older brother was 12 years old I thought he was the coolest person in the world, so I picked 12 so I could be 12 with him.

Add the two up and you get my PSN ID xViLLaiNx12 and that's a screen name I've used on AIM and other chat clients for over a decade. I almost always pair Villain and 12, but I noticed that few on here had numbers, so I just stuck to plain Villain.

To sum it up, I've used number 12 for almost 20 years (every sports team, username, always) and Villain for just over 10. I'm also a fan of The Offspring, so that's why I have been known to combine their logo with my screen name for avatars:


alex - my name
1369 are the points that M.Schumacher achieved in his F1 carrer (1991-2006) when he retired back in 2006
Now he is back in F1...
PedanticNerd contains two random words. When said aloud, it sounds like my name in real life (I don't think I'm allowed to post my name here, but take off the 'Pe' and last 'd' and that's it).

I really don't like the user name because I'm not (or at least I try not be be) a pedantic nerd. I try my best to be a nice guy :)
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