What does your user name mean?

  • Thread starter Jordan
My favorite car in GT4 and real life was a an Audi Quattro '82 so I set out to master said vehicle in rally racing and become the AudiPro
Main character of my story. I can go more into detail what it actually means, though. Ryou is the Japanese name meaning brightness, or distant, or reality, or refreshing. I used mine along with the meaning of distant.
Well klassy i just made up because klass is my last name. Kid is because im 12 and 98 is thats the year i was born and 01 is the year my sister was born
Bass, because I like to fish, Terror, because I'm good at it; 84 DOB.

I guess bass could also be bass, like treble's worst enemy, that would sound cool too, i guess... Like a really good sound system.
I love the band 311, P-nut is the name of the bass player, Tim plays guitar but when he signs his name he spells it backwards miT!! so I mashed it all together miTnut311!!
My name was based on a fighter spaceship in a shoot 'em up called R-Type Final. It was red, and it shot flames as its main attack(s). I thought it was cool.
EliteDreamer originated from my username on a forum called pixeleration, a pixel car RPG site. (Not advertising as it doesn't exist now) It was originally NismoDreamer. When thinking about my PSN username, I didn't want Nismo in it as that would seem I lean towards a certain car manufacturer. So, I took the word Elite from the (at the moment) desire to acquire the Elite Rifle in Star Wars BattleFront II for PS2. The name caught on and I have also chosen it to be used as my "global" account username. And there you have it.

Seemed kind of odd as I played GRID for 2 years and always thought "My username is going to look really stupid when I reach Legendary." Oh well. Never got past Superstar anyways. Stupid players who perfected their driving.