What exactly is so shameful about using Racing Soft tires?

  • Thread starter JLawrence
Installing RS tires on my cars is the very first mod I do on any car if I cannot win a given race, and I can easily remove them in favor of the stock tires once the race is over.
I like to use tires appropriate for the race.

In A-spec and Seasonal challenges, I use the tires the rest of the field is using.

In online races, I want the same grip as the other players. So, if racing soft tires are allowed, then I use them.

I enjoy challenging races, but I don't want to be left in the dust because I was stubborn about tire choice.

When I'm setting up my cars, I start on Sports tires because the racing soft tires hide the flaws. Once I've dialed things in, I put RS tires on for fast and consistent lap times.
If you play the game enough, you will probably get bored of RS tires. I played through a-spec using RS tires and most aids on. I don't see this as negative...I haven't played a racing game since GT3 and I REALLY sucked at first. Once I beat most of A-spec (waiting on endurance saves) it was feeling a little arcade-like. I started doing seasonal events with the same tires and the competition with aids off and it was like playing a whole new game. It really put the fun back in and now I'm going through the A-spec races again.
It really depends on the way you play the game, if you are looking for a challange offline forget about the racing soft at all. If you want to be competitive online you need the best set of tyres allowed.
I don't think it's necessarily "shameful". My opinion: Putting racing soft tires on a production car makes them more boring to drive, though. They tend to erase a lot of a car's natural handling tendencies, which erases the challenge of driving such cars. I'd rather have a challenge, personally. I only use racing tires if I'm actually driving a car of full-racing caliber.

But if you want to use them on your NSX or whatever, go ahead. :) You won't get any 🤬 from me.
I don't think it's necessarily "shameful". My opinion: Putting racing soft tires on a production car makes them more boring to drive, though. They tend to erase a lot of a car's natural handling tendencies, which erases the challenge of driving such cars. I'd rather have a challenge, personally. I only use racing tires if I'm actually driving a car of full-racing caliber.

But if you want to use them on your NSX or whatever, go ahead. :) You won't get any 🤬 from me.

That is false in so many levels. By your logic, you do not tune any of your cars?
I wouldn't call it "shameful", I just think they're boring. I play the game to have fun, I don't find those tires fun, therefore I don't use them.

When I'm setting up my cars, I start on Sports tires because the racing soft tires hide the flaws. Once I've dialed things in, I put RS tires on for fast and consistent lap times.

If you retuned the car for the grippier tires your times would be even faster.
Well i think it is shameful to be running around in 276hp 4WD car's on racing soft tyres. If you modify your car power wise then tyre upgrades are needed to your preference.
But to take a standard car and put RS tyres on and race defeats the purpose of a physics system, lets just play project gotham racing or something.

I would say that being able to take a standard car and put RS tyres on it, proves that as far as tyres go, there is no real physics system.

The tyres just don't seem as though they are modelled on a physics level in any way, it just seems like there is +1 Grip, +2 Grip etc... It's pretty poorly implemented.
There is one thing I don't like when I race a 450pp room or slower street cars with racing soft is overkill. And to top it off SRF is not turned off. I usually only race with Sports or Racing hards.
I would say that being able to take a standard car and put RS tyres on it, proves that as far as tyres go, there is no real physics system.

The tyres just don't seem as though they are modelled on a physics level in any way, it just seems like there is +1 Grip, +2 Grip etc... It's pretty poorly implemented.

Could you elaborate on that? How does putting race tires on a street car prove the tire physics are bad?
I think anyone that wants to race on anything less than racing softs, which most online lobbies use, is free to create any kind of lobby he or she likes with any kind of tire restrictions he or she likes. I like racing softs, and I also like the challenge of running on sports softs or any other kind of tire. I do all my driving online now and adapt to whatever the host wants and if I don't like it I leave and find somewhere else to race. I create my own lobbies when I feel like racing a certain setup and hold everyone to the same setup.

If we all did that, there'd be no need for this thread...lol.
Lol I see what you mean about the unreal physics... I decided to throw RS tires on my Spitfire and run the Laguna Seca 200 endurance event. I am now 3 1/2 laps ahead of the second place Corvette Z06.... I wish the Spit in my garage would handle half this good.. lol
It was built into the game it's there for a reason! The same way RM models and tuning is so vast! People need to get over themselves. I love R3's and they come with their own set of limitations and require skill to use to their full advantage
Someone said it earlier, tires need to be accounted for in the PP system. On a basic road car changing just the tires from sports hard to racing soft is far more beneficial than adding 200hp, which is probably going to be between 80-100pp.
I don't think it's necessarily "shameful". My opinion: Putting racing soft tires on a production car makes them more boring to drive, though. They tend to erase a lot of a car's natural handling tendencies, which erases the challenge of driving such cars. I'd rather have a challenge, personally. I only use racing tires if I'm actually driving a car of full-racing caliber.

But if you want to use them on your NSX or whatever, go ahead. :) You won't get any 🤬 from me.

Yes,and it's just too damn easy and boring.No real throttle control needed.
Depends on how you want to drive the car.

I use Sports Soft on my Delta S4 cos they have just the right amount of grip that I like for that car, with which I like to get sideways going around Deep Forest. I may not get the fastest laps but I find it extremely fun.

On the other hand I've just started trying to drive the Yellowbird, and with anything less than Racing Softs I can't keep that beast on the track!
Depends on how you want to drive the car.

I use Sports Soft on my Delta S4 cos they have just the right amount of grip that I like for that car, with which I like to get sideways going around Deep Forest. I may not get the fastest laps but I find it extremely fun.

On the other hand I've just started trying to drive the Yellowbird, and with anything less than Racing Softs I can't keep that beast on the track!

You'll keep er on track eventually with practice.I love mine and it's on the stock sport hard's.Good drift car.:)
It was built into the game it's there for a reason! The same way RM models and tuning is so vast! People need to get over themselves. I love R3's and they come with their own set of limitations and require skill to use to their full advantage

The limitations are negligible and skill level to deploy them not high.Just more delicate steering movements.Tuning is not vast either look at Forza Motorport 3.As for RM models there are only ~10 which dosent seem like a "vast" amount either.

One reason I suspect they're there is for beginners to "adjust" to the physics of GT5.I also started with them many years back after coming from playing NFS since 6 years old.Help's learn the basics.

Another reason is they're simply requisite to some for the 1000bhp monsters you can tune in the game.

I also reckon it's like a "sprint" tyre in V8 supercar racing.Supposedly high grip short duration but in GT5 tyre wear is not controlled as such and the grip they serve up is way too high.

Nothing shameful about it,but it's just not even slightly realistic and as mentioned,dull's the fun and handling character of some car's.
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I just wish there were some cost/benefit where Racing Softs were concerned.

In the previous GT's, if you picked Racing Softs, they degraded quicker, a lot quicker, than Racing Hards.

Now, that's no longer the case. There is no reason not to choose racing softs.

But, as to why people have a negative opinion of them, I assume its because they believe that racing softs make the driving unrealistically easy.

I can't really comment on that, as I haven't driven 99% of the cars in the game, but I will say that, just to see what it was like, I put Racing Hards on a lot of my higher powered cars and it was an entirely different ballgame, and I am enjoying the challenge a lot.
Meh it doesn't really matter, they're a bit unrealistic, as long as everybody uses the same tires.

It's not shameful to use racing softs, only to use them when people are having a serious race and you're using better tires. It makes it completely unfair, but that's what tire restrictions are for. Racing with softs only though dumbs down the game a bit and makes it so that you lose some throttle discipline.

Just make sure you can drive without them :cheers:
Depends what you're doing... I like having fun in comfort softs and Sports softs. Each tire has it's own unique characteristic.

I find oversteer incredibly fun in overpowered cars like muscle cars so I put on some comfort softs and drive around in the rain.
I don't get all the comments about "unrealistic grip". If you've never driven that car in real life on slick tires, then how would you know what's realistic? A well-modified sports car on high-performance street tires can have insane amounts of grip, I'm sure a race car on slick racing tires would be somewhere beyond insane in terms of traction. Have you guys ever watched touring car races? They go through those turns pretty dang fast!
People who don't use RS just want more of a challenge. Especially now with PSN down, I'm going back to A-Spec races that I won on RS and doing them with SS.
I don't get all the comments about "unrealistic grip". If you've never driven that car in real life on slick tires, then how would you know what's realistic? A well-modified sports car on high-performance street tires can have insane amounts of grip, I'm sure a race car on slick racing tires would be somewhere beyond insane in terms of traction. Have you guys ever watched touring car races? They go through those turns pretty dang fast!

Someone who hasn't driven such cars calling out people who may or may not have is a bit silly don't you think?
You're effectively guessing that someone else is guessing, and that their guess is wrong.

There are a large number of people on the forum that race, take part in HPDEs, autox, etc.
The problem with race soft tires is that they offer corner speeds higher on regular street cars than this:
These 2 things sum it up:

For the bragging rights...
Cause they like challenge and prefer a more realistic driving experience.

Basically if you're a hardcore gamer who's played racing games for a long time, and are looking to "feel the road" more, then slicks don't seem "as realistic", and I think people in that situation, in order to not become totally bored with the game, get an aversion to racing tires.

If you play a game enough, the excitement and immersion sensation will naturally decrease. This happens with everything involving experience/sensation/emotion, etc... just ask a sky diver, adult film addict, a long-time chef, someone who eats lots of really spicy foods, someone who works at a garbage dump (or somewhere else stinky)... etc. The ability to get strong sensation decreases with repetition of exposure. It's called desensitization.

That's why you notice some people who wear way too much cologne & think, don't they know they STINK?? No, they don't, because they've been using the scent so long, it's no longer that intense for them. They have no clue anymore that they're practically asphyxiating others with their cologne. :dopey:

You should never have to apologize for playing a game & enjoying it, no matter what. LOL There's no shame in playing a game the way you enjoy it, just because someone enjoys different things, or doesn't enjoy certain things anymore.
Some people like to collect all the cars, some people can't imagine why someone else would want to do that. Etc etc. There's no right or wrong there.

Frankly, I think some hard core gt5 players are maybe jealous of those who still have the ability to not be bored with certain things in this game. ;) And I think that's why some get so cranky & snooty patooty. Haha.

And that some of those people will actually berate people about it is just a side-effect of the anonymous nature of the internet - no consequence from being off-putting & rude to strangers on a forum.

People remember negative comments a lot more intensely than the positive ones, so it might seem that lots of people are intensely "biased" against slicks altogether, when really it might just be a loud minority who posts negative comments lots, without even qualifying or specifying when/how/why. (IE, example: "they suck", "they're dumb", "they're for n00bs"... doesn't tell you much of anything about their viewpoint, position, or why they feel what they do... but you're sure to remember off-putting comments like that.)
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