In this edition of grumpy old man reviews...
Playing Enthusia now. I got a race or two into it way back when and something annoyed me about it so I put it down. Getting back into it, and the graphics and driving physics so far (still very much in the beginning stages here) have held up incredibly well. But my god, the menu system is terrible. It doesn't even have a consistent 'back' button! Sometimes circle works, sometimes triangle, sometimes square, what fun. Oops, accidentally used triangle that time, which has turned into the Help button, and now I have to skip through a bunch of crap I don't care about. And then there's the annoying "Enthu points" system, and leveling up/tuning that I don't understand yet because right at the beginning they overwhelmed me with way too much info to memorize before even getting into my first race. But I finally figured out how to switch from my first car to the Volvo V70R wagon that excited me to unlock, so onwards...