Wasn't feeling Ghostwire Tokyo, the Deck is just a bit too weak for it, so I decided to take advantage of the Steam sale and bought just Metal Gear Solid from the MGS Master Collection (I'll pick up 2 and 3 later as it's actually more expensive to buy the bundle than the games individually!) and just Yakuza Kiwami 2 because it's slightly cheaper if you complete the Kiwami/Kiwami 2 bundle than it is in the Yakuza complete bundle. I would've bought both complete bundles at a cost of £65, except someone threw a rock through my window this weekend which wasn't super cheap to address.
Anyway, I loaded up MGS VR Missions to chip away at it, age hasn't slowed me down one bit as I blew through the 15 practice sneaking missions with little trouble, did some practice weapons sets and managed to get some top scores in some 1 min battles against targets then went back to practice sneaking w/SOCOM missions before deciding I was too tired to continue last night. I look forward to discovering the limits of my muscle memory when I come to try the time attack grenade and PSG-1 missions, I remember those being absolutely awful and impossible even back when my hands remembered the controls better.
It's funny though because I've played MGS and VR Missions a lot in the last 27 or however many years and yet it still feels new to me somehow, maybe because of how it's packaged with the different versions of the games and the digital books and stuff and playing it on my Deck which does feel more like a console than a PC, yet saying it's instantly familiar would be an understatement because I know the game like the back of my hand (which reminds me, I should see a doctor about the new mole on the back of my hand...) and picking it back up again is easy, though mastering it again as the gulf between the controls MGS had and the easy controls we have now in all other games widens with time isn't so straightforward.