Needs.... hmmm.... moooooaar. Yes, that should do it.
I just washed & vacuumed my car today, like I do every Thursday. Unless it rains, I never let it get dirty.
1stlsxHavent actually done the work yet, but ordered Pacesetter long tube headers for the truck, Flowtech universal X-pipe system and Flowtech Warlocks. Should be here mid next week and I'll install it next weekend. Can't wait to hear the motor thru 3" true duals, should be amazing!
That reminds me that my dad just picked up some old glass pack mufflers for our 69 cutlass. They aren't cherry bombs, but something similar and a lot older. I can't freaking wait to hear the car with those on them!
I had DynoMax Bullets on my race car before I switched to the Warlocks, IMHO the besting sounding glasspacks on the planet!
I'm rocking pacesetter longtubes and no cats with a powerstick glasspack on the Z28 and I think it sounds pretty epic haha. Glasspacks can be pulled off I suppose.
Havent actually done the work yet, but ordered Pacesetter long tube headers for the truck, Flowtech universal X-pipe system and Flowtech Warlocks. Should be here mid next week and I'll install it next weekend. Can't wait to hear the motor thru 3" true duals, should be amazing!
They always seem to whistle at startup with pipes over 2 3/4", never liked that. Nice system though.
How does the IFS hold up on your truck? I've done a lot of work on that specific model and I've seen that the tie rods like to break under any kind of real stress. Converting to a solid front axle is a huge pain in the ass as well. The 10 and 14 bolt rears like to blow out rather easily too, especially on Suburban models.
Guess you got lucky. From what I've seen they weren't the most durable models from Chevy. I much prefer '70s and '80s models of any truck though. The truck we got was very abused over the years. It's rusty as hell from sitting now (no driving it at 3-6mpg) though.
Haha love the badass mean cars and truck and the boss status whip!
Well I found out a mouse chewed through one of my power steering hoses. Went to move the pickup and it had no power sterering....which was odd because there was no leaks on the ground and it was just moved a few months ago....fillled her back up and worked fine. Got a video of it moving, and opening the power steering you could hear it sloshing around. Really loud.
BTW Slash, I did get ur PM, just been so busy with work and home havent responded yet
Headers came in today!![]()
Not my car, but I'm adjusting the clutch on my bike and it's making me feel like an idiot. I can't get it to grab close to the bar without having HUGE play in it while it's out. The book says it should only have a dimes width of play in it, but with that adjustment it grabs way out at the end. Close enough to the end that it might be slipping. I don't feel any slippage but it's both worrying and puzzling me.
Anyone have experience with this problem?