Has anyone tried that wipe on plastic restore stuff? Thinking about trying it on my mirrors since they are faded.....
So why didn't you get the back fiberglass fenders too? So that you don't have a mis-match?
Also why only Plastidip a little bit of it and not do the rear too? Or did you?
And finally why Plastidip a black vehicle? Were you planning on painting the dip?
I don't mean to question you,Its your truck do what you want, I'm just curious is all.
But "The Count" uses it!![]()
That's not a big deal to fix. At least you didn't break a head bolt in the block like some idiot did to a Chevy 350 they were rebuilding in my class.
I hope you used high temp paint. They had a 3.8L '81 Camaro in my shop last year and had the valve covers and cleaner cover painted and it was all smoking and melting off because they didn't use high time paint lol.
Also you need to take off all that jungle gym stuff on the pulleys haha. No need for it. Love that little 302 though.
Typo. Oopsies haha.
Also check your visitor messages. If you still stand on the $150 for the 302 in your derby car I might knab it off you if I get that Mustang and it turns out the motor is trash. Don't know if the headers will fit though so if they don't I'll still pay the $100 for it.
Done & done. 👍
& Yeah, I'd still sell that motor for $100, I mean 390,000 KM and a demo derby later? All I think it would be worth no more. Again, I don't want to have a 302 just hanging around my place so it would also be more of a "Just want to get rid of it" type of deal, while making money back from the car we're smashing. Besides I'd rather have it go to someone who would maybe use it rather than have it crushed with the car.
If I don't use it in this car I might be getting it'll either
A: Get stuck in something else I might buy down the road
B: Get sold to my buddies dad (same guy that owns that blue Cobra) for use in one of their street cars or race cars (might not use it, he just got rid of a 302)
C: End up with my spare 351 block sitting in the shed
Anything works for me.Of course, this is all depending if we can bring the car back home or not (If it's running, yes, even if it can't drive it we could use the loader at the derby to life it on the trailer.) IF that's the case I could attempt to pull the motor myself and have it ready for someone to just come and pick up.
Wonder how much it would cost to ship it. Probably like $200 lol
What trans is it paired too?
I've never seen a manual trans LTD Crown Vic, that would be cool..
Everyone I have see is Auto.