What is happening to some people in the Sarthe enduros?

  • Thread starter Zardoz
Some people may have said this already but I always find raising the ride height to around 90mm at least (on both front and rear while keeping the same proportion, e.g. 80mm front 85mm, rear changing to 90mm front, 95mm rear) and softening the springs (same front/rear proportion as stock) works. I also suggest changing the rebound to a lesser value.
My b-spec'er had no "glitches" but he was just slow and couldn't keep up with the more powerfull R92CP. I was running in the AMG CLK-GTR Race Car with 820bhp compared to the 950bhp R92CP that was also alot lighter. So if I slowed him down for the fist chicane. (NEVER LEAVE HIM ON LEVEL 5) he could keep up everywhere but the long straight. I ended up winning after making up a 2 lap defacite he incured in a 2 hour time frame!!
Post 119 and 121: Two more reports of success with raising ride height. We have to conclude that RH is a major factor, but exactly how having the ride height too low actually causes the problem will probably always remain a mystery.
In the Nissan R92CP I did the Le Sarhe II race without problems. I just put in the Stage 4 turbo and had him on Steady. Ride height was 65mm all around, R2's in front, R1's in back, low camber. Worked pretty well. Told an R8 and a Sauber what racing's about.
Just finished it overnight with the Jag XJR-9, with Bella set to 3 as opposed to 5. She completed 423 laps and won by 1 lap (and about a second, they hit the line bumper-to-bumper), ahead of the 787B. Though I did notice that the last-placed car, a 1969 Ford GT40, went of at precisely the same place as Bella did in my last attempt, just before Indianapolis, on lap SIXTY-TWO. That's right, Bella lapped him 420 times! And as it turns out, you can't do a thousand-minute lap. The GT40's time was stuck on 999'59.999 seconds.
It's not funny racing handicapped AI cars who crash alot into barrier's (left and right down mulsane strait

I've completed GT4 100% on pal and ntsc
on ntsc i have 14gold 66silver and 0 bronse (just trying for silver on all) A-spec points 13229 and B-spec skill 9038

I can confirm that the pal version has som glitches, regarding wall slamming on mulsane strait on Sarte 2/1when YOU let the B-spec driver go over 250km/h, so tune your gear ratio there-after.

On pal version the cars is much slower than the us edision, (maybe a glitsh when polypony did 60hz to 50hz conversion, aka ntsc to pal, so maybe they detuned AI cars to prevent even more mayhem on mulsane strait.) so A-spec driving is harder on us version
On the usa version the cars like to go fast so you can give the b-spec Chaparral 2J 70 full turbo and enjoy over 400km/h (when drafting other cars)

The ntsc version also has alot better picture when using 480p proggressive signal, wich give 50% more vertical lines in picture. + fullscreen on tv (without black bars on top and bottom on the telly, aka 50HZ mode)
so get the US version

here is some speed comparison's on pal vs ntsc (on some cars)
Best: Lap times*ca.top speeds*laps between pitstop
Sauber Mercedes C 9 > 3'16.914*330km/h*7 laps........ 3'12.012*354km/h*8 laps
Mazda 787B > 3'17.877*330km/h*9 laps........ 3'14.670*345km/h*9 laps
Minolta toyota 88C > 3'16.974*327km/h*7 laps........ 3'12.109*351km/h*8 laps
Jaguar xjr-9 > 3'17.465*340km/h*8 laps....... 3'15.279*357km/h*8 laps
Nissan R89 C > 3'19.002*317km/h*7 laps........ 3'14.306*344km/h*8 laps

The minolta goes up to 374km/h when drafting the Chaparral 2J down mulsane, on ntsc
On pal version he would have colapsed long before reaching that speed.

for pal users try Chaparral 2J '70 with (for deminish wall slamming aka spinn out, aka b-spec driver taking a nap at the weel, down the mulsane :D
(with just 800hp you win by feuer pitstops)

spring rate F:5.3 B:5.4
ride hight 105 f/r
bounce 1 f/r
rebounce 1 f/r
chamber 0 f/r
stabilliser 2,7 f/1,0 r
gearratio 16 (if you go down to 15, absoluty NO slamwalling should occure, but then he has problen passing cars down mulsane strait)
initial tourque 5
lsd acc 34
lsd dec 5
brakes 5 f/4 r
acm (over) 0
acm (under) 0
tyres RH f/RM rear
turbo stage 3 (800-840hp, depending on milage on oil) (if he has more power then he will probably pit a lap shorter)
4x speed setting + overtake

NTSC: setting Chaparral 2J '70 (with just 800hp you will win a close race)

spring rate F:9,0 B:7,5
ride hight 73 f/75 r
bounce 7 f/r
rebounce 7 f/r
chamber 0,0 f/r
stabilliser 2,7 f/1,0 r
gearratio 19
initial tourque 10
lsd acc 40
lsd dec 10
brakes 5 f/4 r
acm (over) 0
acm (under) 0
tyres RH f/RM rear
turbo stage 3 (800-840hp, depending on milage on oil) (if billy bob b-spec driver has more power then he will probably pit a lap shorter)
4x speed setting + overtake

You then pit every 10 lap and close race will manifest it self

Chaparral 2J 70 is my fav b-spec endurance car + suzuki gsx/r4 because of little tyre wear, so therfor long stints between pitstops
for quick cash earning use Chaparral 2J 70 with turbo 4 and economy rear tyres and comfort front, and 4x speed on EL Capitan, and it only pit once at halfway.
And use the suzuki at 24H nurburgering with super hard racing tyres rear, and hard front. You then race 1 hour between pitstops, (8 laps). use 4x speed on b-spec driver.

i can also confirm SOME AI cars on gran turismo 1had worsening behavior when polypony converted the ntsc game to pal.
What happened was that the suspension did get much harder, spesialy the rebound, so the car bounched on the surface and could not accelrate good on bumpy road surface.
It was clearly visible on Trial mountain (after tunnel 2, downhill) and grand valley (uphill after turn 3)
It was worse on the Civic R car on 60 lap endurance.
It occured in Japanese version but was wrealy bad in pal version.

when you convert a ntsc game to pal (60hz to 50hz) or 30 picture pr second to 25, you slowing the game down a bit

PS: Old ps2 version has insane slow loadtimes (slow dvd drive) on gt4 compare to the new ps-two , But best loadtimes is to have a iso of the game on innboard hd + hd-loader (less noisy it's to)
this happened to me! not in the endurance, but the formula GT races! i raced about 8 laps then handed it over to B-spec, and straight away he goes flying into the wall. with FULL lock to the left. rather odd. it happened to the AI too :(
On pal version the formula GT cars go crasy on the last stretsh befor finnish line on nurburgering, alot of caos :) they like to go nuts there
Quote: The ntsc version also has alot better picture when using 480p proggressive signal, wich give 50% more vertical lines in picture. + fullscreen on tv (without black bars on top and bottom on the telly, aka 50HZ mode)
so get the US version.

I have the PAL version of GT4. If you go into setup on the startup ps2 screen, you can change screen mode from 16:9, 4:3 or full screen.I can also have 60hz on my tv in colour with the PAL version
had a problem on Sarthe enduro 1 (with chicances) on the section of track that has a left hand 90 degree turn followed by a righ hand 90 degree turn.
I think B spec had a run in with the car in second as he was lapping him. He ended up well off to the side of the track on the left hand side before the left hand 90 degree turn. Instead of trying to get out of the sand trap, all he did was reverse a little, go forward and steer into the wall - over and over and over again.
I set it to 3x speed and kept watching the movie I was watching. I came back to b spec about half an hour later and he was still doing the same thing.
i was so annoyed I nearly kicked the PS2 out the door - I was 11 hours in....
I did the Sarthe I (chicaned) with Minolta 88C-V yesterday, mostly B-Spec, I A-spec'd it for 3 parts between pitstops, the first one, one midway and then the last part to finish the race myself. Though I did put the state 4 turbo on the Minolta (1200HP), I thought this race would be pretty damn hard. I was also lucky that my competition wasn't really the hardest cars. My minolta driver Kimi (named after the F1 driver of course) got up against a Nissan R92CP, a R89C, an Audi R8, a Pescarolo Playstation C60/Judd, and a Corvette C5R. My b-spec Kimi obliterated the competition. I can't say he's very experienced, but he's done some good races before with the CLK-GTR and more than a few DTM races. At the end of the 24hr, the 2nd place Nissan R92CP was 11 laps behind.

BTW, this was the NTSC version, not the PAL, just to further confirm that there doesn't seem to be any probs with the NTSC.
I could not win Sarthe II no matter what I did, different cars, power etc because of the left and right turns into the wall on the straight.

Read the ride height comments, used the Audi R8 01 Race Car, raised the ride height to 5mm below the max front and back and hey bingo won the race. Did not alter another setting.

Won by 4 laps, brilliant! :)
I could not win Sarthe II no matter what I did, different cars, power etc because of the left and right turns into the wall on the straight.

Read the ride height comments, used the Audi R8 01 Race Car, raised the ride height to 5mm below the max front and back and hey bingo won the race. Did not alter another setting.

Won by 4 laps, brilliant! :)

Another ride height confirmation.
on this wall whacking weirdness, has anyone tried using extreme camber settings? I have started experimenting (but at work now so can't do any atm) with big (like 6 degrees or greater) and i think this may help as well. i tried it and my 787Beee seems to crash less with camber settings > 6 front and back.

seems the crashing is related to the system modeling big yaw rates caused by differential grip of the front and rear end. my theory is that by changing the camber - which affects turn in (but not so much mid corner grip) you get less of this snappy yaw.
Mine is running on Sarthe II now. My R92CP has almost 1200 horses, and a lap lead over the rest of the field 3 hours in, so I hope I'm all right.
Mine is running on Sarthe II now. My R92CP has almost 1200 horses, and a lap lead over the rest of the field 3 hours in, so I hope I'm all right.

you should be alright - i haven't seen any trends when doing the long enduros that change significantly over the course of the events. if you are running R1s and are leading a few laps in, you will most likely win pretty easy (obviously things can go wrong, but its a good general rule).

on my previous suggestion on big camber - i am a little doubtful that the camber thing cures the problem - it may help it, but from what i have seen it doesn't fix it completely. see the settings forum for more of a discussion
18hours into sarthe 11 enduro(PAL) Audi R8 (Stock, apart from super hards, changed gear ratios and driver aids off, brand new at the start of the race) Having the usual b-spec problems every so often, but I've noticed when I take over and A-spec a stint in the last few hours, the handling seems to have deteriorated compared to the start. In the early hours of the race it would twitch around a bit at 220+mph over the bumps, as normal, but now I can barely keep it out of the wall on Mulsanne straight- and B-specs having more & more problems as the race progresses. can't believe the chassis needs refreshing already, but it feels that way. wish I'd read all the posts on ride height before I started. might have helped. So anyway, I'm having similar problems to Bob, so I think its probably more about high speed instability than the robot trying to turn right or left.
...but I've noticed when I take over and A-spec a stint in the last few hours, the handling seems to have deteriorated compared to the start...I can barely keep it out of the wall on Mulsanne straight...can't believe the chassis needs refreshing already...

Oh, but it does, Grasshopper. You'll see the RRP become available in as little as 450 miles in some extreme cases. I'd say every car needs it after about 700 miles.

Cars wear out way too fast in GT4. I doubt very much that RL Audi R8 drivers had trouble with straight-line stability at Le Mans as the race wore on...
Bingo!!!! 💡 I think the F1s are killing themself cause the sarthe circuit has bumps in the road down the straight. And plus the F1 has a tow angle of incredible amounts to give it better handling. This means these bumps are throwing it sideways and then an AI glitch makes it ster towards the barrier, I rest my case! :)
Thank you guys.
After reading this thread, I won the Sarthe II 24h by 2 laps over the Sauber and Nissan.

Audi R8 Race Car.
Racing Super Hard tires front and rear.
Turbo kit 4
Ride height 100 front and read (this was the clue I belive)
Gear settings; Auto 21, then put 6h gear to 0.703.
(No other settings touched)

Overtake on
3 medium pace
The car pitstopped every 8 laps.

The car hits the sidewalls now and then, but very rare. Still the car easily got ahead and stay ahead.

Eurpoean Pal version.
5 3/4 hours into the race (le sarthe II) lap 106.

using Pescarolo Courage C60 '03 car.
+ lv 4 turbo
RH front/ RSH rear
+ rollcage
extended my transmission just enough for me to hit 225mph on the straights

Minolta + 1lap
Sauber + 1lap
Mazda 787 + 2laps
Nissan R89c + 2laps
Jag XJR-9 + 3laps

I pit in every 7(!) laps, tires probably good for 9, but i run out of gas quickly.
pitting in with 10Liters in my tank left.

Other cars are outlasting me +1 or +2 laps, but i'm making good time. 3' 08".887 some laps

b-spec bob is handling himself pretty well out there. no spins, no crashes yet. he seems to be enjoying the ride.

leaving the car at 3 and overtake.

Sleepy already, will call it a night and monitor the race again in the morning :)
...After reading this thread, I won the Sarthe II 24h by 2 laps over the Sauber and Nissan....Ride height 100 front and rear (this was the clue I believe)...European PAL version.

Cool! Thanks for posting.
i ran the Le Sarthe 1 using a souped up Minolta. had to leave the dang thing in "1" otherwise i'd run out of gas within 7 laps! hehehehe. Won over the Nissan R92 by 3 or 4 laps.

I reduced the downforce by 5 (front) and 10 (back) and increased the TCS to 8. my tires held up pretty well, but fuel consumption was still a problem for me.

Oh well, at least i'm finished with all the endurance races. yahoo!
I haven't encountered this problem and I Have the PAL version.
An easy way to avoid it is just to drive around 20 laps of the Sarthe circuit ( an hour real time) and then switch to b spec mode, you should have no problems after this.

I used a toyota GT1 with superhard tires as well if that makes a difference.
Does anyone have good settings for the Sauber Mercedes to win La Sarthe II? Can you put the settings here? I have 99.6% and I can't win this Endurance race. I have the PAL version.
I'm just doing the Sarthe II and it seems Bob forgot to take his pills this morning. Pescarolo '04 with stock suspension, stage 4 turbo and a 7200+ Bob
I see I'm not the only one having these twitch problems in B spec. i leave the thing in "steady" for the long runs one I've got a good place.

MY problem is I'm getting a right side pull in A spec all over the game, no matter what I'm using. having to completely compensate every time I race anywhere is getting to be a pain in the Arse. I'm gonna try getting a stock PS2 controller and see if the twitch is aftermarket related (the used unit I bought was packed with a Mad Catz clone with a good deal of wear on it)
note: have notread the whole thread, time on net is limited...
i ran the Le Sarthe 1 using a souped up Minolta. had to leave the dang thing in "1" otherwise i'd run out of gas within 7 laps! hehehehe. Won over the Nissan R92 by 3 or 4 laps.

I reduced the downforce by 5 (front) and 10 (back) and increased the TCS to 8. my tires held up pretty well, but fuel consumption was still a problem for me.

Oh well, at least i'm finished with all the endurance races. yahoo!

I also did this one with the Minolta with added turbokit. Didn't change any settings though.

Had Bob running on "3" and overtake with racing hard front and racing superhard rears.I had no problem with him running out of gas. He pitted every 7-8 laps or so for tires and gas. Won by 6 or 8 laps :)

Going for the Sarthe II next...
So I did the Sarthe II with the same car and settings as Sarthe I. Stage 4 Minolta with racing hard front and racing superhard rears. I ran the first 3 pit stops and was in the lead by 1 lap when I let Bob take over. I watched him on and off and noticed him "stopping" on the long straight so I guess he did just as you guys are discussing here... :ouch:

So I took over and ran a few more stops to build up a bigger lead for Bob while I went to sleep and off to work the next day. Came home yesterday to find him finishing 3rd :grumpy:

So I started over again, this time in my black Toyota GT-one, stage 4 turbo, racing hard front and racing superhard rears. I also raised it a little bit and softened the suspension. I did the first 40 minutes and had almost a lap up on the Mazda 787B before I handed over the wheel to Bob and went to bed. Checked up on him this morning and he had a 1min 50sec lead... keeping my fingers crossed that he will stay focused and win this time :scared:

ps. I'm on a PAL version of GT4