What is the hardest track in the game?

Circuito De Madrid (especially reverse). Worst track in the world and completely throws off my rhythm.

The flow of the track is so difficult to pin down for me and I just lose massive amounts of speed.

In my opinion it's the hardest track for my driving style.
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Definitely the nurburgring I will always go off course at least once but besides that not I don't find other tracks to hard
Cant believe Fuji and Suzuka are so highly mentioned. Whilst i find them challenging i will activley look for these tracks when racing online. For me, tight and twistly hold the biggest challenge.. Monaco and Eigher are right up there!
I think Cote d'Azur is the hardest, its very tight. Its especially irritating having to have a B spec driver race on it. My driver will be in first place for a bit... until he gets to that chicane and smacks into it, and then there will be a chain reaction of screw ups and all the other drivers will get stuck because my own driver is caught and can't go anywhere. Its really hilarious after a while. Its happened a quite a few times.

lol that happened to me yesterday racing on the seasonal event, but my driver managed to win. Try using the Ford GT Spec II Test Car, my driver won on the last lap, level 27 👍
For me it's the offroad tracks which are the most challenging, that downhill section on Eiger K requires so much concentration to get it right, even with low-powered cars, the Toscana rally stage is also hard to get right and certain parts of Chamonix are easy to screw up completely.

Don't have many issues with the city tracks, I love Madrid in both directions (that's the full course, the short one in reverse is a pain), London has some tricky sections and online racing often (or always) is a mess since it's so narrow and tight with only space for one car at a time in some corners (although that's also the case with Tokyo R246 for example).

Another track I have a hard time adjusting to each time is Trial Mountain Reverse, somehow the flow of that track doesn't compute with me (love the regular layout though).
And since I didn't really like Cape Ring much (aside from the Periphery variation) I never really bothered to memorize each specific version so it catches me out very often in online races.
Nurb is quite easy if you know it, I learned it by playing the AMG challenges.

I would say that street tracks are amongst the hardest of tracks like madrid, simply because they are way more punishing if you make one slight mistake.
Even though it's a wide track, Fuji is a pain because braking points are hard to judge from one car to the next. Because of the high rates of speed, a slight miss will add a lot of time. And I hate turn one with all my heart.
It is hard to master but really it is not that hard of a track in general though it can be difficult to pass on it. I think the city tracks are the hardest for sure.
As city tracks go, I find Tokyo is difficult to achieve WOT in anything fast and loose. There's scarecely a straight line anywhere. I'm fresh off running it in a Ford GT on SH tires, and getting around it on the best line was a task and a half.
Fuji is easy to me. I know when to break and when not to. Nurb is hard both in light and dark to me.
It depends on what is being measured.

If it's the longest time to learn then it's probably Nordschleife, due to its size.

Its the nurburgring24 hour,at night with rain grip on real and tyre were.

And with the Audi Le Mans Quattro fully tuned (910 bhp and 0 downforce)
London, because of the seasonals...

It's very hard to go fast on that one... and since your rivals have a huge advantage and you are restricted to ultra low grip tires... it gets very, very tricky...
I'm gonna have to throw one more vote in for Suzuka, I've hated that track in every game I've raced it. Also, Grand Valley - it's easy to drive quickly, but that track just punishes if you push it.
I find Cote d'Azur the hardest for the same reasons everyone said and maybe Suzuka and Fuji.

I don't have the Ring masterd but it's such a delight to just drive in it that who cares if I bump the other driver every now and then.
None of the above, I find the many and Awful Eifel Kart tracks a complete pain in the, you know where. Racing cars around a Kart track is plain silly.
None of the above, I find the many and Awful Eifel Kart tracks a complete pain in the, you know where. Racing cars around a Kart track is plain silly.

It sorta depends on how you look at it though. Tsukuba is essentially the Nurburgring for karts, but for anything else, side-by-side racing is nearly impossible.

That's why I love Tsukuba Circuit. It's short, sweet and to the point. I don't disagree that cars on a track explicitly designed for a kart can at times be a pain in the rear, but for me that's what made it fun. ((((:yuck:))))
Nurburgring is the most difficult to master due to it's length. Because it's so fast and flowing any mistake can throw you off for a few corners and slow you down. But it is the most fun track in the game.

I'm not too bad on it, but I've always hated Indy road course. Partly because it's so flat and you can't see most of the corners until you are on top of them. And because it's so flat it's dreadfully boring to me.

Fuji has a very weird racing line that's never agreed with me.

Laguna Seca is another one I've never liked or been very good at.
Spongeinside: It's not really all the fault of your tv! Well, probably not. I've played gt5 on 3 different tvs, including 2 crts. Some of the city tracks the armcos or whatever they're called, kind of are smooshy contrast on any tv. In particularly I think of Madrid Reverse & Madrid Mini reverrse.. the pit entrance is kind of easy to miss. Well I think it is. 3 different tvs - none of them make that much better. It's the lighting & graphics.

That said I'd say the hardest track in the game is definitely a city track.
it's called LONDON REVERSE. :ill:
All kinds of crap jutting out as you try to make a smooth line through that course. YOu put several cars on there and it's mayhem with the guardrails or whatever jutting out at odd angles in inconvenient places. 👎

Madrid mini is a close second. I've never come to the idea that you can drive even the lowest power cars pleasurably there either.
EDIT: I meant Madrid Mini REVERSE
(Madrid mini isn't that bad - the reverse is very unpleasurable)
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I'll go with Fuji. It is so difficult to stay on the correct racing line starting at about halfway through a lap.

Suzuka's probably the second-most difficult for me. I don't what it is with me and Japanese tracks haha.
I'm maybe a maverick when it comes to tracks. I took a lot of laps to love it but the Nordshleife is so rewarding and I now love it. Fuji is plain fun with opportunities to change your line in a corner and make a pass just after the next corner! Cote d'Azur is plain fun, I understand why F1 drivers love it.
You should make a poll!!!! I'm going with Suzuka #1 and Fuji for #2 and Laguna Seca #3.. It's not that these tracks are "extremely" difficult I just personally dislike them

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