What movies have you seen lately? Now with reviews!Movies 

  • Thread starter scentedsoap

Wolf of Wall Street 👎👍

The order of the thumbs matters. I give the first thumb up and second one down if I generally like the movie but didn't think it was solid. I give the first thumb down, second one up if I generally didn't like the movie but found something redeeming about it.

This was an incredibly well made, well acted bad movie. All of the acting roles are great, I loved Jonah Hill, DiCaprio, and everyone else. The cinematography was good, a lot of times the dialogue was good, the pacing was too slow, but overall, it was very well done. The movie had a charm to it. In the end, I couldn't help but feel duped by the charm into watching a misleading and actually pretty poor product. Ironic.

Other than that, this movie sucked. The plot is beyond belief (I know it's based on a guy's memoirs, but he's also a good salesman). It was so far over the top that I was taken right out of the movie several times and forced to actually contemplate that I'm watching something made-up. And if that happens, generally your movie is a failure. Aside from that, the movie stoically refuses to actually go into any real detail about any crimes committed. They're kindof referred to, but not really gone into so that we can understand who did what wrong. As a result, you're left with this notion that stock brokers are evil people who, everyone knows are thieves, but who are just slick and have money on their side. It seemed as though this movie was attempting to lump criminals in with actual financial investors, and that I cannot stand. To anyone who has seen this movie, go read up on what crimes were actually committed, they're easy to understand and were basically left out of the movie.

For anyone who has not seen this movie, unless you're an aspiring actor or director, I'd say skip it.
Two Guns
Terrible movie! Don't even waste your time at all with this one. That's 2 bad movies in a row for Mark Wahlberg. "Pain and Gain" along with "Two Guns". Both terrible! Two Guns was actually even worse than Pain and Gain. 👎👎
His only redemption will probably be Ted 2 or Transformers 4.

I would really like to see the Ice Queen from Frozen team up with other superheros. She's a cooler superhero than Storm ever was, and her powers could potentially result in some really cool scenes. Frozen armor, ice daggers, she could destroy a ship just by freezing the water it floated on. She can build her own fortress of solitude, and I bet she could fly too by fashioning a thin sheet of ice and bringing up some wind. The more I think about it, the more I think she'd make a really good bad guy.

Imagine for a moment, the Ice Queen slams a city with a blizzard and then waltzes in with an army of Ice Golems at her side. You can't get any land or air reinforcements in because of the weather and sea ice, and once she's there she can fortify the entire city in moments with Ice walls and sentries.

The thing is, she's powerful - way powerful, and yet not as overpowered and indestructible as, say, superman.

Some serious untapped potential there.
I saw the new Spider-Man sequel back on release day. It was... serviceable. The reviews that said things along the lines of "romance story trapped inside a superhero film" strike true; it has a far more convincing portrayal of a relationship than what we tend to get in the genre. Gee, I wonder why there's such chemistry between Garfield and Stone... :P

The fight scenes, while not as numerous as you'd expect given the lengthy run-time, were far more accomplished than the movie from two years back. The CGI still isn't as good as others in the business though; the Times Square fight being probably the most glaring example (you'll know when you see it).

I felt content after watching it - I liked it more than the 2012 movie - but it still paled in comparison to Winter Soldier. My rating? A 6/10 if I'm feeling stingy, a 7/10 if I'm in a good mood.

For poops and giggles, I watched Spider-Man 3 on Netflix last night to remind myself of how truly bad the series got, and why this new version needed to happen. Good lord, what a steaming pile. 2/10.

Under the Skin (2013)
Starring Scarlett Johansson
Directed by Jonathan Glazer

Heavy science fiction. Three words that automatically turn me on. Like the men in this movie, I was lured in by something out of the ordinary, something that felt right, had me forgetting who I was, or what I should be doing. You're trapped, unable to escape, knowing full well that what is happening isn't right, and yet you cannot stop watching. Haunting. Cryptic. Far more feelings that simply escape words. The film is, you see it, never really knowing what it actually was.

The gist of the film is reasonably simple. Based on the book of the same name, an alien takes the shape of a human female and preys upon the men of Scotland. Like a lot of older science fiction books and films, the simplicity of the film is part of what makes it so interesting. You largely know nothing about what is going on, and simply have to take the events at face value. As the alien moves from victim to victim, you see differing parts of Scotland, different parts of humanity, and certainly differing parts of the human experience. Through the eyes of this extraterrestrial, our own world becomes significantly more alien - our habits, our feelings, our drive for friendship, companionship, love, sex. But it is the absence of emotion, and simply observation that makes much of the film so haunting. As much as it is a commentary on what it is to be human, there are arguments to be made on what it is to be a human female, and I think on the flip side, a lot of gender issues, and even rape culture. But with a film so cryptic, I'm largely of the assumption that what I may or may not see would be completely different of that of another. Perhaps that may even be one of the strongest suits of the film on the whole.

What has stuck with me is how much the music defines the film. The score by Mica Levi (Micachu) is downright scary, and does so much to define the tone of the film that, with anything else, I don't think it would have worked as well. It is dark, pulsating, ominous... Creepy. Listening to it now as I write this can perfectly reflect the film I saw some 15 hours ago, and that's a tough act to follow. Matched with the incredible shots that Glazer puts together, pulling the camera farther and farther away, and just letting it sit to capture things going on around it, it only adds to the uneasy feeling of the film. Some exist solely to make you feel uncomfortable, and while not inherently scary, put you on the edge of your seat. More than once, it had me saying "WTF" in the theater, and patrons near me did the same.

Overall, it is the kind of film that gives you those good-bad feelings. Its been quite a while since I've come out of a movie had been simply without words for a reaction. If it is playing near you, I'd highly recommend seeing it simply for the experience. I don't know if it is the kind of film to warrant multiple viewings, but certainly, it is the kind of film best enjoyed in a theater. In a year where the blockbusters are shaping up to be less-than-stellar (Cap 2 excluded), the indie films like this look to be the filler we need. 8/10

Side Review: Alamo Drafthouse

For years I have been hearing about the premium theater chain, the Alamo Drafthouse, down in Texas. For those unfamiliar with them, the Alamo's major distinction is being a theater for adults, more specifically, for those who largely consider themselves film buffs. Films are specifically curated to meet the standards of those looking for more, in addition to cutting out a lot of the crap that we don't want to deal with. There is a zero talking policy in the theater. There is a zero cell phone use policy in the theater. If you arrive after the movie starts, you can't go in. There's even a no-kid policy (well, 18+ with a parent/guardian). Simply put, its film nirvana. But even better, you get to order dinner and eat while you watch your film.

When I found out that they had opened a location about 45 minutes south of me, I jumped at the chance to check it out. Going for the premium experience with something like Under the Skin created a very special night, and I think, was the best way to introduce me not only to the Alamo way of doing things, but really, to open a whole new world of moviegoing. As much as I was worried about spending $40+ to go see a movie, it turns out that really, it is only like that if you want it to be that way. In actuality, ticket prices were cheaper than the local chain of megaplexes, and I was happy to offset that buying drinks while waiting for the movie to start. The theater was spotless, despite having been open for 6+ months. The aesthetic is great - a '70s sci-fi vibe that I haven't felt in a theater for 20+ years. Hell, even the bathrooms are done up like the ones in The Shining. Although there was a Barbarella motif going on in the theater (I'm under the impression that it changes from time-to-time?), man, it was super-cool.

Now that I totally understand what my friends were on about, absolutely, I'm full-in with Alamo. Happy to make the drive. Happy to pay extra. Makes me wish that more theaters would do something like this.
Got forced into watching Frozen.

What a steaming pile.

Knew it was going to be a musical, and it didn't let me down. Forced songs the whole way through, forgettable characters and story.

I don't get why everyone is raving about that let it go song, sure it was the only one that actually sounded like a real song, but it was wasn't that great.

Much rather would have watched lion king, or cars, or toy story, or spirit, or HTTYD.
I watched Frozen and The Wolverine back to back last Saturday. I liked Frozen more. Maybe The Wolverine needed more singing...
Yeah, with award winning songs written and composed by Tony Award winning composers.

And just realized I describe the Les Miserables movie.

@Bopop4 I think the "everyone" is young girls that drag their families into a snow-filled nightmare. Most adults who have seen it multiple times were sitting next to their kids. And it gets stuck in your head after a few dozen times.
Well, Lain isn't a movie, but I need to watch it again, so thanks for the reminder.

Amazing Spider Man 2 is terrible. Pacing, dialogue, acting, CGI, plot, all rubbish. Wow.
"The Wind Rises"

I was looking forward to this, but in the end it was so boring that I couldn't wait for it to be over.

Too much drama and not enough tech design/actual aircraft.

Was hoping for it to be like the first hour of "The Aviator".

I'll give it 7/10.

It has issues but makes up for it with fun monster fights, which will win me over every time. I have a full review in the Godzilla thread.


Wow, not what I was expecting at all. A beautiful film about humanity and existence in a near-future that isn't too dissimilar from our present. I don't want to delve too much into the details, but the Jonze manages to subtly weave in big themes effortlessly via Theodore and Samantha's relationship (and their own place in society as a couple). Really strong performances from Phoenix and Johansson. The score, set design, and cinematography are just great. It's probably one of my favourite films, and I'd say it beats out Gravity as my favourite of 2013.
"Fantastic Mr.Fox"

I've watched this a few times before, but it's just so good that I had to watch it again.

I love everything about this movie, the detail, the voice acting, the everything.
A lot of big name actors too, Clooney, Streep, Bill Murray, Micheal Gambon, and Owen Wilson.
"Fantastic Mr.Fox"

I've watched this a few times before, but it's just so good that I had to watch it again.

I love everything about this movie, the detail, the voice acting, the everything.
A lot of big name actors too, Clooney, Streep, Bill Murray, Micheal Gambon, and Owen Wilson.
That movie is fantastic! The vibe is hypnotic. I love the scene where they greet the wolf!
I just saw an advanced screening of X-Men Days of Future Past last night and it was... OK.

It's definitely a better movie than Last Stand but that's kind of to be expected. The movie has some pace issues to say the least. There are big action scenes in the beginning and at the end, and a whole lot of just wandering around with little tension in the middle. Now I appreciate that it isn’t a Michael Bay super-cut of explosions and extreme action. They were obviously going for a more philosophical tone on this one. It just doesn’t feel like there’s much meat to fill the meandering middle. I honestly got bored half-way through so I can only imagine how younger viewers expecting something more akin to Avengers will react.

The actors do a great job and while it’s nice to see some of the old and new X-Men interact, a lot of them are criminally under-used. I question why the writers would go to the trouble of introducing us to such great characters like Blink and Bishop to not really use them much. Instead we get another Wolverine-centric story and the brief glimpses of seeing an actual team of X-Men fighting together are all too quick. The “future” X-Men, including Kitty Pryde, Bishop, Blink, Warpath, Sunspot, Iceman, Storm, Professor X, and Magneto literally spend almost the entire film in one room, waiting. The big surprise for me was Evan Peters as Quicksilver. I was kind of dreading his bit but he actually steals the show in his scenes. He's the most fun and funny part of the whole movie.

Don’t get me wrong, this is not a bad movie. It’s just not a great one. The best of the franchise is still X2 and First Class IMO. And, coming from an old X-Men fan and comic collector, I have to say I think I’m just tired of this franchise getting so many little things wrong. I’m all for writers and directors putting their own spin on things but, really? It’s Days of Future Past, one of the most iconic X-Men stories ever. I can definitely say it’s not that story.

Until Marvel gets this franchise back (I know it’s never going to happen), I guess I’ll never get to see the original (real) X-Men as they were meant to be, let alone a Wolverine/Colossus "fastball special". :(

- 6/10
I just saw an advanced screening of X-Men Days of Future Past last night and it was... OK.

It's definitely a better movie than Last Stand but that's kind of to be expected. The movie has some pace issues to say the least. There are big action scenes in the beginning and at the end, and a whole lot of just wandering around with little tension in the middle. Now I appreciate that it isn’t a Michael Bay super-cut of explosions and extreme action. They were obviously going for a more philosophical tone on this one. It just doesn’t feel like there’s much meat to fill the meandering middle. I honestly got bored half-way through so I can only imagine how younger viewers expecting something more akin to Avengers will react.

The actors do a great job and while it’s nice to see some of the old and new X-Men interact, a lot of them are criminally under-used. I question why the writers would go to the trouble of introducing us to such great characters like Blink and Bishop to not really use them much. Instead we get another Wolverine-centric story and the brief glimpses of seeing an actual team of X-Men fighting together are all too quick. The “future” X-Men, including Kitty Pryde, Bishop, Blink, Warpath, Sunspot, Iceman, Storm, Professor X, and Magneto literally spend almost the entire film in one room, waiting. The big surprise for me was Evan Peters as Quicksilver. I was kind of dreading his bit but he actually steals the show in his scenes. He's the most fun and funny part of the whole movie.

Don’t get me wrong, this is not a bad movie. It’s just not a great one. The best of the franchise is still X2 and First Class IMO. And, coming from an old X-Men fan and comic collector, I have to say I think I’m just tired of this franchise getting so many little things wrong. I’m all for writers and directors putting their own spin on things but, really? It’s Days of Future Past, one of the most iconic X-Men stories ever. I can definitely say it’s not that story.

Until Marvel gets this franchise back (I know it’s never going to happen), I guess I’ll never get to see the original (real) X-Men as they were meant to be, let alone a Wolverine/Colossus "fastball special". :(
- 6/10

Just saw it today. I agree with everything you have written. I even told my wife this is exactly what I was talking about. A waste of the "new" characters. First Class had to be covered up from the imaginary creation that was made in that film. Mystique was way better in the first films as a side note. The problem is, after what, 14 years? We are back to square one.

Too bad the X-men series cant be part of the Avengers universe. If Whedon was allowed to write X-men and Spider-Man into The Avengers, JUST ONE movie all together, that would fix everything movie-wise.

One more thing. The Fast and Furious franchise. People thought the ball was dropped with number 2 and Tokyo drift. They managed to salvage those story arcs using the support cast. It's something that could have been done instead of using Wolverine.
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Wow, not what I was expecting at all. A beautiful film about humanity and existence in a near-future that isn't too dissimilar from our present. I don't want to delve too much into the details, but the Jonze manages to subtly weave in big themes effortlessly via Theodore and Samantha's relationship (and their own place in society as a couple). Really strong performances from Phoenix and Johansson. The score, set design, and cinematography are just great. It's probably one of my favourite films, and I'd say it beats out Gravity as my favourite of 2013.

I agree very much with your summation. Phoenix was back to his brilliant best and if you think about Johansson's performance as essentially being a voiceover, and how she had to act with only her voice, it is right up there too. From the many intricate themes to the juxtaposition of 60's clothing in a futuristic setting, it definitely the best film I've seen in many a year.
I saw X-Men: DoFP on Thursday and I really liked it. I'm not sure where it fits in my personal ranking of all the six films - the only sure thing is that Origins and X3 occupy the bottom - so I'll reserve judgment until after I get the chance to rewatch it. It does some things very well though; the effects are astounding, and perhaps most importantly, it ties up a lot of continuity problems that have plagued the series since the awful Last Stand. The ending is definitely a fan-friendly one, and as @Badger-X- said, Quicksilver just completely steals the show. I could not stop laughing at his one stand-out scene, and neither could most of the theatre.

While I agree with the criticism about the under-utilized characters - Blink is thinking with portals! - and it's said that we may not see them again in the next installment, the movie does far better with a sprawling cast than you'd expect, given how that usually turns out for superhero films. The post-credit scene also will get any X-Men fan into a heavy-breathing countdown for 2016...

Overall, I'd give it a solid 8/10, maybe 8.5.
Thanks for the feedback on X-men DOFP. I was watching the other thread hoping to see some feedback but I guess I should have come in here first. I love the xmen movies but it sounds like I will just wait and rent this one.
Thanks for the feedback on X-men DOFP. I was watching the other thread hoping to see some feedback but I guess I should have come in here first. I love the xmen movies but it sounds like I will just wait and rent this one.

Don't let my grouchy 6/10 rating deter you too much. I am perhaps a more impassioned X-Men comic fan than most people. After reading several other reviews and talking to friends who've seen it, I've come to the conclusion that I am in the minority.
I just finished watching Gravity. I really wanted to like it but it should have been called 90 Minutes of Reaching for ****.

Why throw in the F-bomb? It added absolutely nothing. Why only 5.1 audio? I suppose since by all rights there really shouldn't have been sound at all I should be happy with what I got. When you see unintentional fire, you put out fire, no matter the environment. I could continue but I shan't.

3/10 :irked:
I just saw an advanced screening of X-Men Days of Future Past last night
I saw it yesterday.

My main take is that it is basically a full version of the part of The Matrix where Neo is in The Matrix while they are hiding from the robots who want to kill them, only time travel. Fortunately, it was done in a way to make us not notice. At one point I started questioning if their special effects guy was the same as Thor, or just a copycat. IMDB says: Same guy. Well, that makes sense.

Stepping away from that, they had to cram an epic comic story into a world ruined by Brett Ratner and a Matthew Vaughn backstory that created a few questionable plot holes when compared to the original trilogy. They had to change a lot. I can't blame Bryan Singer or the writers here. They were kind of stuck with a FUBAR situation. What they created works if you don't want a lot of explanation for past films' issues.

One very big, new issue: Are we forgetting a very important moment in The Last Stand? Like, a death? I know their was a post-credits scene, but there is at least one story left completely untold.

Overall, when not compared to the comic, and for fans of the other X-Men films, this is pretty good. It works better as a standalone, but that is what happens when you try joining two separate story lines.

Until Marvel gets this franchise back (I know it’s never going to happen), I guess I’ll never get to see the original (real) X-Men as they were meant to be, let alone a Wolverine/Colossus "fastball special". :(
- 6/10
Didn't they do that in The Last Stand in the opening Danger Room sequence?

Overall, I'll give it 7.5/10. It's fun and enjoyable, but stumbles around the other films a bit.