What movies have you seen lately? Now with reviews!Movies 

  • Thread starter scentedsoap
I watched Frozen and The Wolverine back to back last Saturday. I liked Frozen more. Maybe The Wolverine needed more singing...

We know he can sing

Star Trek Into the Darkness:


Finally saw this and quite liked it. I thought it was better than the first movie and enjoyed the dual villains one of which is more obvious than the other, which made the story more enjoyable, there was obviously parts in it that really pushed or defied what would happen in space. Which was annoying but once you get that out of your head and just enjoy the show, it's a non-issue.
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Been watching a lot of movies lately....

Today I've already watched 300: Rise of an Empire AND Safe House

I've also watched both "Hobbit" movies in the last week or so...as well as "Blitz", "Parker" and "Home Front"...yeah..I know..they're all Jason Statham movies...
Ready 2 Die.
Terrible movie. 👎


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I saw it yesterday.

Didn't they do that in The Last Stand in the opening Danger Room sequence?

You're absolutely right. How did I ever forget that? Oh, yeah... Last Stand. I think I tried to forget as much of that movie as possible. I stand corrected.

It only took me 8 years to get round to watching this, WHY DID IT TAKE ME SO LONG!!
I could not stop laughing the whole way through, seriously one of the funniest films I've seen. It wasn't perfect though, a couple of scenes felt staged and faked plus some of the acting sort of felt forced.

Overall it was a Very Nice! film and Cohen deserved the Great Success. 9/10
You're absolutely right. How did I ever forget that? Oh, yeah... Last Stand. I think I tried to forget as much of that movie as possible. I stand corrected.
The Last Stand only had two good scenes. That was one of them.

The other was when Wolverine went into Magneto's camp in the forest and went full on berserker mode. There have been six movies that have featured Wolverine as a main character now, and only once did I see him go into a classic rage mode true to the comics. They nearly show it when the school gets raided, but Iceman goes and ices up the door. I haven't seen The Wolverine yet, as I couldn't bring myself to put more money toward it after Origins, so if it happens there I don't know.
Ghost Shark.

Noticed it in a charity store and picked it up. Absolutely 0/10. This would have been bad in the 90s let alone 2013 AD. Horrible acting, horrible script, abysmal special effects and absolutely hilarious for exactly those reasons.
If you haven't seen this or at least another SyFy film then please watch this.

It only took me 8 years to get round to watching this, WHY DID IT TAKE ME SO LONG!!
I could not stop laughing the whole way through, seriously one of the funniest films I've seen. It wasn't perfect though, a couple of scenes felt staged and faked plus some of the acting sort of felt forced.

Overall it was a Very Nice! film and Cohen deserved the Great Success. 9/10

I'm getting Borat strictly because of this post.

Don't disappoint me.:P
Latest movie I've seen is Maleficent. I'm not that much into fairytales, but I think I'll rate it a 9/10 because of the story, the visual effects and these three fairies that mess with each other.
Very hard to get out to new movies with the kids, so I've been stuck watching "new-ish" movies I didn't get a chance to see in the theater.

One is "Magic Mike"


On one hand, it's a very well made movie. A bit slow in parts, but that makes it feel more authentic. It's basically a slice-of-life story about a stripper with a heart of gold. Good acting, great dancing, a lot of very funny moments (as well as an epic performance from Matthew McConaughey) and quite a few underlying themes and subcurrents.

On the other hand, the morality and direction of the movie are pretty ambiguous, as it traces the trajectories of two strippers' careers over a three month period. There is no comeuppance for drug abuse, drug dealing, cheating, stealing, infidelity, alcohol abuse or financial irresponsibility. At the end of the day, it's status quo for 99% of the movie characters (except Magic Mike and the Kid) with nothing learned, nothing lost. And surprisingly or not, apparently leaving ten thousand dolllars' worth of Ecstasy for the police to find isn't enough to get you arrested in Tampa Bay, Florida. Movie logic.

What's really funny is the movie isn't as titillating as it could be, all the wanton sex and dancing aside... emerging more as a social commentary and possibly a "coming of age" story for the titular character, with a little side of low-key romance and lots of symbolic themes culminating at the end of the movie.

- 7/10

Olivia Munn topless is a nice bonus. :D

"Man of Steel"


So, I didn't hate it as much as I thought I would. And though there's a lot of revisionism here, it's not "New 52" level revisionism so much as retelling the story with the transition from Man to Superman occuring much later in Clark's life than in the old mythos. They keep true to his personality, throwing in some cheeky Super-jerkiness early in the film for good measure but showing him as the classic "Boy Scout" Superman. What's added is mostly some expanded pathos and angst over his childhood and young adulthood.


What I didn't like, on reflection, is how everything seems railroaded to that pivotal event at the end of the film (and if you don't know what it is, you haven't been paying attention over the past several months). Jor El is not the peaceful intellectual of old... he's a man on a mission who will do whatever it takes, make whatever sacrifices he must make to fulfill his mission. Jonathan Kent is not much different. For him, saving lives is secondary to the really important things... like keeping knowledge of extra-terrestrials from the public.

What this leads up to is a climax in which the Big Blue Boy Scout has to decide whether his personal feelings are more important than his mission of protecting humanity. And we all know how that turned out.

The Christ connection is, predictably, a bit overplayed. Though it must be said, the whole idea of the Christ mythos is that he was willing to die for humanity. In Superman, he's willing to do something much different.

I could think of a dozen ways to have ended that long, protracted battle scene in which hundreds of bystanders are presumably killed by falling debris before Clark realizes he doesn't like collateral damage and snaps Zod's neck. Hands over Zod's eyes? Stick your fingers in his eyeballs? Fly him into the ceiling? Hello? He's pushing up and back, pull him back and let him look up!

But no... the only solution to the most dramatic suicide by cop routine imaginable... complete with the slowest heat vision tracking I've ever seen... is to snap Zod's neck. Bravo. And no, the audience didn't notice how forcibly choreographed that scene was.

To sum up, lavish production, some nonsensical plot points (admittedly, the whole Superman story is pretty hokey, anyway), a final battle scene that's almost as painfully drawn out as in Transformers 2 and 3, and a clear moral message that it's okay to break your ethical code if you feel really, really bad about it afterwards. 6/10*

Didn't they do that in The Last Stand in the opening Danger Room sequence?

One of the best parts of the film... which... watching it after years, isn't nearly as disappointing as it was the first time I watched it.

"The Wolverine" is definitely much better than origins... and more satisfying from a comic book point of view. Not a perfect movie, though.
Somehow sat down and watched 'Now You See Me'. I know how people say "I've just wasted x hours of my life", but when I say this, I mean it. What the hell did I just watch? What was the point?

Dear Lord, trust me when I say this, biggest waste of time in my life, ever. Was just waiting for The Hulk to get mad.
"The invention of lying"

Great concept, a world where the human race doesn't know what/how to lie.

*Cue south Park Rob Scneinder intro voice*
Until one day...

Great cast list, but I feel that they didn't make full use of the concept.
The ending was also a bit dull.

solid overall, but I they could've done more with the universe they had created.
I have wondered, of late, if we've all been too hard on Kristen Stewart. Is she really as bad as we all think she is?

So we started "Snow White and the Huntsman" last night. Wife fell asleep about an hour in. I think I lasted until they were accosted by wild Hobbits.

I don't know. I actually enjoyed the scene where she was running from the Nazgul, lost Atreyu's horse in the Swamps of Sadness, entered foolishly into the Fire Swamp (No Rodents Of Unusual Size, though), or was that Mirkwood Forest? Then got a whiff of Scarecrow's Fear gas before being accosted by the bad guys and being saved by Thor.

Then there's good old Legolas... if there's something to take away from the LOTR films, it is not that you can shoot people at point blank range with a bow...
I just saw "A Field in England" and man, whew, what a messed up movie - in the best way.

The only way I can describe it is like a mix of Shakespearean stage play, twisted fantasy horror, and 70's psychedelic drug movie. It's in black & white, has elements of old English folklore and magic, and, if it doesn't already, should come with a disclaimer for epileptics out there due to the mind-bending strobe effect of one particular magic mushroom scene.

Brief synopsis from IMDB: "Amid the Civil War in 17th-century England, a group of deserters flee from battle through an overgrown field. Captured by an alchemist, the men are forced to help him search to find a hidden treasure that he believes is buried in the field."

A popcorn movie this is not but I give it high marks for being so completely different. It's challenging and more original than most movies out there but if you're looking for a crazy trip that might have you googling what the hell it was all about afterwards (I had to!), definitely check it out.


Of note: The director, Ben Wheatley, has another film, "Kill List", that is also fantastic and is the reason I ever stumbled upon "A Field in England" in the first place. I highly recommend.

First I would like to say I don't follow F1 racing AT ALL. So I didn't know anything about the characters. However, I thought this movie was incredible!! The motivation, inspiration, and drive of Niki Lauda was simply riveting!! The entire burn scene was gut wrenching. To endure so much pain like that and get back into the seat is something of pure will power.


Despicable Me
I finally watched this for the first time last night. Good movie.
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Warm Bodies. I understand that it's just Twilight with zombies which means it'll most likely be crap, but they got me with this one. I have a soft spot for zombies, they also had the whole indie vibe going on, then bam, M83 played and I am hopelessly in love with this show. Oh, the zombie protagonist looked like the lead for My Chemical Romance. :D
It's the lamest movie title in the entire planet! :lol:

-I also watched #7068's movies a long time ago.. Pretty Awesome indeed..
Tokyo Godfathers

One of those crazy films you rarely see made these days. Very, very funny and extremely hard to describe. It begins with three homeless people finding an abandoned new born in a rubbish tip that they were scavenging, and takes an enormous number of twists and turns along the way. Truly exceptional.

Reservoir Dogs

Somehow I hadn't seen this film before. I was missing out. Perfectly paced, perfectly scripted, perfectly acted, and perfectly shot. Basically, perfect. Very reminiscent of a modern take on a Shakespearean tragedy, in my view.
22 jump street.

Very much what i expected, funny movie. One scene really stands out with Tatum, if you guys have watched it, you might know what i'm talking about.
I watched Godzilla a few weeks ago. 5/10, was not very impressed. It had a predictable plot, another one of those movies where they have to stop something from happening by a certain time and you are constantly on the edge of your seat because most of the movie is very tense. That's not enjoyable. Godzilla scores points for acting and special effects (which I actually was impressed by), but the storyline is pretty bad.

I was willing to give this a shot because it was my day off. But when I went to the showing the line ended up like this:

( unless they went for the dollar showing...) The movie was fun to watch. I didn't expect some actors to appear in the movie but their parts were played perfectly.
I have wondered, of late, if we've all been too hard on Kristen Stewart. Is she really as bad as we all think she is?

So we started "Snow White and the Huntsman" last night. Wife fell asleep about an hour in. I think I lasted until they were accosted by wild Hobbits.

I don't know. I actually enjoyed the scene where she was running from the Nazgul, lost Atreyu's horse in the Swamps of Sadness, entered foolishly into the Fire Swamp (No Rodents Of Unusual Size, though), or was that Mirkwood Forest? Then got a whiff of Scarecrow's Fear gas before being accosted by the bad guys and being saved by Thor.

Then there's good old Legolas... if there's something to take away from the LOTR films, it is not that you can shoot people at point blank range with a bow...

That is an epic post, just had to say.

And, just watched Source Code.... meh. Great movie, in a way, but I hate logical flaws, my personal thing, and this movie, as with all time travel type stuff, is just soooo bad. It's like, remove my brain and tickle my emotions just right and I'll be happy all day! Yay! But unfortunately, I have a brain. So, 7.5/10 only (was a pretty good movie, still, as I said.)
That is an epic post, just had to say.

Well, it's awful easy to start waxing philosophical about movies when you're watching one so vacuous you enter a trance-like state within the first fifteen minutes.


Finally watched a movie I've been waiting for since the start of the year:

How To Train Your Dragon 2


I'd go into depth, but it would seem like nitpicking to dissect something so good. Yes, it does have its problems. There are some situations and scenes that telegraph themselves quite obviously, but that doesn't lessen the emotional impact much. There's more raw emotional anguish, conflict, joy and release in the single song in the movie than in the entirety of Frozen... okay, "Do You Want To Build a Snowman" is unflinchingly close, but that one ended on a sour note. This one doesn't.

Anyway, lovely film, very real, rounded and believable characters, and a heartwarming and affirming story. And like the first movie, it doesn't pull any punches. This may be an animated feature, but characters can get hurt and die.

Also: Dragons. Lovely, incredibly well-animated, colorful and imaginative dragons. The animators have outdone themselves with Toothless. He was already an incredibly expressive character in the first movie. Here they took it up a notch.


Even with the minor narrative problems, 9/10. This is the best animated feature to come out this year. Can't wait for more sequels.
Also: Dragonsand I ncredibly well-animated, colorful and imaginative dragons. The animators have outdone themselves with Toothless. He was already an incredibly expressive character in the first movie. Here they took it up a notch.

Its also worth mentioning the activity in the background. Not just the moments with Toothless playing with other dragons, but the moments when there are hundreds of dragons taking flight, with other characters on the ground. It's amazing to think that just about every one of those dragons had thousands of anchor points that a team of animotors had to adjust one by one, frame by frame. The time and effort put into little details that most people will never notice is one of the things that really sets this movie apart. It's also part of the reason I'm going to see it for a fourth time today.

Also, I recently watched Lord of War, and was very surprised. Easily Cage's best work and shows just how talented he can be when he isn't cast in a role that requires excessive random screaming.