What movies have you seen lately? Now with reviews!Movies 

  • Thread starter scentedsoap
Is it possible to make a scary movie that doesn't do two things?

1) Turn plain bloody where the audience is more afraid of vomiting than the scary thing.
2) Doesn't try to catch you off guard with the equivalent of a loud "BOO!"

There is, but that's where it relies on chills and menace rather than gore.
Indeed, there are quite a few good thrillers that don't rely on gore to scare. Here's one of my all time favorites.


Indeed, there are quite a few good thrillers that don't rely on gore to scare. Here's one of my all time favorites.;)
While your photo link has been denied, I can read the file link for Jacobs Ladder. I know they exist.

But I am waiting for one that was made since I was old enough to see it in the theater without a parent (read: 11 years).

I mean, in the case of Silence of the Lambs: The follow up, Hannibal, was even gory. Red Dragon was OK, but it failed to be scary. It just played out like a crime drama. I mean, nothing in the series can compare to the scene in Lambs where Buffalo Bill is following Clarice with the night-vision goggles.
nothing in the series can compare to the scene in Lambs where Buffalo Bill is following Clarice with the night-vision goggles.

to be completely honest, once he did the "in between the legs" stunt in the movie, I failed to take Bill seriously and to me the movie lost all degree of suspense because of it.

I have to say the most chilling part in a movie for me is when anyone goes in the water in Jaws and the teaser soundtrack pops in... from then on, whenever I went into the water and someone even mentioned the movie, I had to get out.

Other good movies not relying on gore would be Se7en and Ringu
While your photo link has been denied, I can read the file link for Jacobs Ladder. I know they exist.

But I am waiting for one that was made since I was old enough to see it in the theater without a parent (read: 11 years).

Don't sell a film short because it was made when you were too young to enjoy it. Jacob's Ladder holds it's own to this day. A shining example of artistry in a thriller. Great acting, great writing, and interesting concept. Plus you get to see a pre-"Home Alone" Macully Culkin.

I watched LA Confidential again tonight, great movie imo, I've seen it about 5 times now.

You know it, Pixar has been building towards this moment for what seems like more than a year now. I have to say it was my most-anticipated animated movie of the year, and by God, they hit the nail on the head. The lack of dialogue wasn't a problem, if anything, it made it all more interesting. And who knew that "love" between machines could feel so "right."

Ugh. I'll admit it. I teared up a bit too.

Seriously guys... Go and see it. Its worth it!
I need to go where you guys are. Only me and 2 other guy friends want to see it here. The rest say it sounds kind of kiddish because it's a robot. :rolleyes:

Oh well. At least the girls here also want to see it.

Deliver Us From Evil (2006) -- Long overdue documentary about the abuses the church and priests have commited on young kids and the way the church covers them up by transferring the priests from one town to the next. One of the reasons I've never believed in the church. And the poster is amazing. 8/10

Deliver Us From Evil (2006)

Good film. If you believe in the church or not, really doesn't matter. Take it in, mull it over. Watch a documentary showing the other side of the coin. Put them together, and come up with what you consider to be the closest representation of the truth.

Just got back from seeing WALL-E. It wasn't bad, it's a pretty good family movie for people who want to go out on "Family Night." It has it's funny moments. Although I thought Kung Fu Panda was funnier when I saw it last month.
I think the first half hour of WALL·E has to qualify as some of the most clever and adorable bits of movie ever.
Agreed. And yet some people were depressed by it...

Some people just don't dig post-apocalyptic settings, I guess. I saw that movie yesterday; easily the best movie I have watched in theatres to this day.
Good film. If you believe in the church or not, really doesn't matter. Take it in, mull it over. Watch a documentary showing the other side of the coin. Put them together, and come up with what you consider to be the closest representation of the truth.


Duly noted, although I made up my mind about the church a long time ago (having suffered physical abuse by priests in school), it's always a subject I keep being interested in.

There was recentluy a case here about a priest who claimed kids provoked priests... that priests were just innocent victims. Needless to say the whole country wanted his neck. The church transferred him and he's now ordained in Chile.
TMNT The Movie - Pleasantly surprised with this movie. It is obviously aimed at kids but has a slight edge of 'teenage/grown up' about some parts of it. Entertaining, funny and a great reminder of when I use to watch the original cartoon as a kid. 7.5/10

The Core - I still can't see why this (and Armageddon) are slated so much, but then again I've always had a slightly wider tolerance and taste of movies. I like it, not as action packed as some and a nice reminder that if the planets core ever screws up...we're screwed =D. 7/10

Looking to go see Wall-E at some point though
Duly noted, although I made up my mind about the church a long time ago (having suffered physical abuse by priests in school), it's always a subject I keep being interested in.

There was recentluy a case here about a priest who claimed kids provoked priests... that priests were just innocent victims. Needless to say the whole country wanted his neck. The church transferred him and he's now ordained in Chile.

I grew up in Ireland and went to a Catholic school, so believe me, I completely sympathize (Yes, I was also beaten by priests, and nuns!!!). The message was more for those that automatically put their noses up at anything resembling a conspiracy theory documentary. In my opinion you have no place to argue your point if you do not attempt to view both sides of an issue. +1 for bringing this film to GTP's attention. Whatever your beliefs, you should see this movie.

Looks like Wall-E will definitely be the next film I go see. Is it longer than previous Pixar films, or the standard hour to hour and a half?

The Incredible Hulk - (7.5)
Saw this tonight. I think those who think it wasn't great missed the point (hint: It had little to actually do with the Hulk). I'll cover that more in its thread.

It would have gotten an 8, but due to the fact that the CGI, while better than before, is still in the uncanny valley it removes you from it a bit.

to be completely honest, once he did the "in between the legs" stunt in the movie, I failed to take Bill seriously and to me the movie lost all degree of suspense because of it.
Actually that is important to show just how far his psychosis goes. He imagined himself as someone else so much that having to acknowledge he wasn't made him lose all compassion for those who were like what (women) so he had no hesitation about killing them.

I have to say the most chilling part in a movie for me is when anyone goes in the water in Jaws and the teaser soundtrack pops in... from then on, whenever I went into the water and someone even mentioned the movie, I had to get out.
Curiously, Jaws never bothered me. Possibly it was because at around that time my aunt was stung by a man-o-war jelly fish and after seeing what truly was in the water to be afraid of I realized that I would be lucky if something as big and apparent as a shark were what got me.

That fear didn't get any better when I learned about the Irukandji Jellyfish. Very tiny, very deadly. After watching a Discovery special on those I realized I would rather be eaten by a shark.

Other good movies not relying on gore would be Se7en and Ringu
First, both older movies. What has Hollywood done recently? Although Ringu is fairly newerish, it's still over 10 years old.

Se7en, has plenty of gore, but it doesn't rely on it. It is an actual proper plot device. It was used well. Although, I have to say that I didn't feel remotely tensed (not to say it wasn't good) until the very end.

Ringu, I haven't seen it. But I did see The Ring. I know The Ring tries to be one big Boo. My bigger overall issue though that many Japanese redone American scary movies have is the annoying plot element that the evil spirit world has managed to haunt us through every new technology we invent. Imagine if the good spirits could find a way to communicate. I bet they could help us develop some crazy awesome technology with their otherworldly ability to manipulate it so well.

Moving on

Don't sell a film short because it was made when you were too young to enjoy it. Jacob's Ladder holds it's own to this day. A shining example of artistry in a thriller. Great acting, great writing, and interesting concept. Plus you get to see a pre-"Home Alone" Macully Culkin.
Oh no, I am not selling it short. I am trying to say that Hollywood has lost its touch in the last 10-15 years. I love old movies. Jimmy Stewart is my all-time favorite actor and I can't watch Harvey or It's a Wonderful Life enough.

Let's look at continuations. Freddy vs Jason, doesn't hold a candle to the originals, which is a whole new kind of sad. Aliens vs Predator, it comes from an awesome background and it just all goes wrong, so wrong. I mean, Alien and Aliens scared the bejezzus out of me when I was younger. Predator was crazy awesome. The new Exorcist film, meh.

They can't continue properly and they can't create from scratch properly.

The scariest movies haven't been made recently.

And after saying all that:

Hostel - (6/10) (My wife is out of town so I rent all the horror movies she won't watch)
Really? People liked it? This was bad on so many levels. Yet, it stayed just serious enough to not be campy, which would have actually made it better if it had gone that route.
The Bucketlist - great movie, 7/10 for me. It was a bit predictable at times, but still enjoyable

In Bruges - predictable but excellent cinematography. 6.5/10

Everything's Gone Green - entertaining, but it feels like it has been done before. With Douglas Coupland on as a writer, I can't help but wonder why he copied elements from his novel jPod. 7/10

21 - Good movie, but weak-ish. It felt too overly targeted to the high-school crowd. 6/10
Oh no, I am not selling it short. I am trying to say that Hollywood has lost its touch in the last 10-15 years.

I agree for the most part. When it comes to "thrillers" or "horror" (never been much of a fan of "horror" due to the inherent cheese level in the genre), you're absolutely correct. However, some incredible films in the genre of "drama" have come along in the last 10 or 15 years. Some (in my opinion) far exceed many that have come before. Although, I am also a huge film buff, and love the classics (Seven Samurai, Dreams, In the mood for love, Solyaris, One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, etc...). I find it's hard to classify time periods as being better or worse for films. It's all so subjective, and I think ultimately balances out between all the different available genres and thus available films within said genres.

Oh, and you are absolutely correct about "Hostel" (i.e. it's absolute rubbish). Although, I think you may have missed the point. Hostel is within a budding genre (in this country at least) called "Horror Porn". No, it doesn't have anything to do with Pornography. It does have to do with people getting their kicks from witnessing excessive gore and scenes of pain and anguish. The "Saw" films also fall into this category. I can't imagine getting off on such things, but many do. I'm with ya though, in that I don't understand how people liked it, or can get off on such things. Darker side of humanity I suppose.

Just watched Who Killed the Electric Car. Very interesting film. Not entirely accurate, but enough good info to warrant a watch. Really makes you think about what is going on in the car industry behind the scenes.

Today I watched A Walk To Remember. It was a pretty good movie. Then I had to watch Happy Feet & Surf's Up cause I was babysitting but I must say they are really good movies. I'd give A walk to Remember a 9.7/10, Surf's Up gets a 9/10 and Happy Feet gets a 8.9/10
Just watched Who Killed the Electric Car. Very interesting film. Not entirely accurate, but enough good info to warrant a watch. Really makes you think about what is going on in the car industry behind the scenes.

Saw that in school last year, quite an interesting watch.

The Love Guru
Mike Myers has been funny in movies such as Wayne's World and Austin Powers, but in this movie he practically tanked IMO. There were a few funny parts such as any part with Verne Troyer and Stephen Colbert, and any of the hockey parts. Course the rest of the movie was basically one big dick joke. The previews made it look hilarious (which they do most of the time), but the actual movie was just rubbish. Since it included NHL hockey, I give it a 3/10.
Serenity (Big screen in theaters) - 9/10

I've seen it on video, but my friend told me about it being on the Big screen. I said sure. Didn't disappoint and was really enjoyable. They had some people giving out free stuff and one of the questions they asked was "Who is a Joss Weldon fan?" I didn't raise my hand... :dopey:

Just watched Who Killed the Electric Car. Very interesting film. Not entirely accurate, but enough good info to warrant a watch. Really makes you think about what is going on in the car industry behind the scenes.

I saw and reviewed this a while back, glad you liked it. Definitely does make you think about what's going on not just with the car industry, but also how politics mixes in too. I mean, as in how far we could've come...
Ringu, I haven't seen it. But I did see The Ring. I know The Ring tries to be one big Boo. My bigger overall issue though that many Japanese redone American scary movies have is the annoying plot element that the evil spirit world has managed to haunt us through every new technology we invent. Imagine if the good spirits could find a way to communicate. I bet they could help us develop some crazy awesome technology with their otherworldly ability to manipulate it so well.

Kinda makes you think how evil spirits became so technology-savvy, dunnit?

I have Who Killed the Electric Car in line... I'll be watching it soon. I've got all my movies in a certain order (acquired order), so I tend to stick to it. Sicko is up next.

Sicko (2007) -- Bravo! Excellent piece of documentary making. Really shows you how screwed up the health care system is in the US, the "only" country in the world with no free health care. I can really relate to all of it since my grandmother, who used to live in the US, died directly because of the ineptitutde of the system. Only low point of the movie is maybe that Moore painted Cuba as a good place, where although the health care is great, it's not for everyone. 8.5/10
Man, have been having epic run of horror movies recently.


Go ahead. Google it. It's nowhere near as bad as the title/story/budget would lead one to believe. Giant, genetically altered fish that can breathe out of water menace a community of stilt houses in Cajun swampwaters. If you are a big fan of horror movies like me you can look past the imperfections and find a movie which will offer a evenings entertainment. The acting of most people is unremarkable but not enough to detract from the spectacle of giant, killer fish biting people in half. 3/10 if you are a movie critic, 4/10 for normal movie-goers, 6/10 for horror movie fans, particulary those of whom enjoy a fun B- movie now and then. Worth watching merely for mental war vet killing one of the 'Frankenfish', cutting out its heart, grilling it then eating it :D

The Tripper
A serial killer dressed as Ronald Reagan killing drug-addled young hippies at a music festival in the forest. Directed by David Arquette. Nothing more to say really. Mildy amusing. 6/10

Mate, I enjoyed this one. It just takes the horror formula and has a bit of fun with it. No backstory is given, just a bar in the desert with your usual cast of cliches (introduced as such by bios which include life expectancy) and then straight into the killing. The Hero, halfway through "come with me if you want to live" gets owned straight away by a band of fearsome, fairly original monsters. Keeps up the pace the whole way through, I'd say it's a definite watch for horror fans at 7.5/10 and worth a watch for the average movie lover.
Hey everybody.
I watched the other day The Happening and i'm kind of disappointed by the movie.
It started out very exiting but during the movie i wasn't sure if this was a comedy or whatever movie!

The ending came way too fast and unexpected.

Anyhow, i've seen an Ad for WAZ.
Is this some sort of SAW - Joke?

Has anyone seen Waz and if so can you please tell me how it is.

