The Incredible Hulk - (7.5)
Saw this tonight. I think those who think it wasn't great missed the point (hint: It had little to actually do with the Hulk). I'll cover that more in its thread.
It would have gotten an 8, but due to the fact that the CGI, while better than before, is still in the uncanny valley it removes you from it a bit.
to be completely honest, once he did the "in between the legs" stunt in the movie, I failed to take Bill seriously and to me the movie lost all degree of suspense because of it.
Actually that is important to show just how far his psychosis goes. He imagined himself as someone else so much that having to acknowledge he wasn't made him lose all compassion for those who were like what (women) so he had no hesitation about killing them.
I have to say the most chilling part in a movie for me is when anyone goes in the water in Jaws and the teaser soundtrack pops in... from then on, whenever I went into the water and someone even mentioned the movie, I had to get out.
Curiously, Jaws never bothered me. Possibly it was because at around that time my aunt was stung by a man-o-war jelly fish and after seeing what truly was in the water to be afraid of I realized that I would be lucky if something as big and apparent as a shark were what got me.
That fear didn't get any better when I learned about the Irukandji Jellyfish. Very tiny, very deadly. After watching a Discovery special on those I realized I would rather be eaten by a shark.
Other good movies not relying on gore would be Se7en and Ringu
First, both older movies. What has Hollywood done recently? Although Ringu is fairly newerish, it's still over 10 years old.
Se7en, has plenty of gore, but it doesn't rely on it. It is an actual proper plot device. It was used well. Although, I have to say that I didn't feel remotely tensed (not to say it wasn't good) until the very end.
Ringu, I haven't seen it. But I did see The Ring. I know The Ring tries to be one big Boo. My bigger overall issue though that many Japanese redone American scary movies have is the annoying plot element that the evil spirit world has managed to haunt us through every new technology we invent. Imagine if the good spirits could find a way to communicate. I bet they could help us develop some crazy awesome technology with their otherworldly ability to manipulate it so well.
Moving on
Don't sell a film short because it was made when you were too young to enjoy it. Jacob's Ladder holds it's own to this day. A shining example of artistry in a thriller. Great acting, great writing, and interesting concept. Plus you get to see a pre-"Home Alone" Macully Culkin.
Oh no, I am not selling it short. I am trying to say that Hollywood has lost its touch in the last 10-15 years. I love old movies. Jimmy Stewart is my all-time favorite actor and I can't watch Harvey or It's a Wonderful Life enough.
Let's look at continuations. Freddy vs Jason, doesn't hold a candle to the originals, which is a whole new kind of sad. Aliens vs Predator, it comes from an awesome background and it just all goes wrong, so wrong. I mean, Alien and Aliens scared the bejezzus out of me when I was younger. Predator was crazy awesome. The new Exorcist film, meh.
They can't continue properly and they can't create from scratch properly.
The scariest movies haven't been made recently.
And after saying all that:
Hostel - (6/10) (My wife is out of town so I rent all the horror movies she won't watch)
Really? People liked it? This was bad on so many levels. Yet, it stayed just serious enough to not be campy, which would have actually made it better if it had gone that route.