Lets sort a few things out here first
- I HATE Superman, but I figured I should probably see the movie
- I like Kevin Spacey, it may have been the only reason to see it... Lex Luthor is still one of the coolest super-villains.
- I do have fond memories of the older Superman movies, but alas, this didn't live up to it
I think part of the problem here is that I've been spoiled by Batman Begins, Iron Man, and the emergence of coherent universes in which these superheroes exist. Granted, this movie came out
years ago, and for the most part, it holds up to the test of (short) time. But I dunno, I couldn't help but get angry when I was watching it. It just felt too corny, and at times, like they were trying too hard to be realistic with other things. Granted, I like the way the film was shot, it really did feel like flipping through a brilliantly illustrated comic book... But I can't say I felt the same about the acting, the characters themselves.
Hatred of all things Superman aside, its not bad. It just isn't that good either. In the pantheon of comic book movies, this one sits down there with Spider-Man 3 and the first Hulk movie. Just not up to snuff.