What movies have you seen lately? Now with reviews!Movies 

  • Thread starter scentedsoap

Baise-moi (Rape Me) (2000) -- Two young women, marginalised by society, go on a destructive tour of sex and violence. Breaking norms and killing men - and shattering the complacency of viewers. More of a remake of Thelma & Louise with triple the violence, extremely graphic sexual scenes and a lot of drug use. So regarding the actual question, is Baise-moi actually any good? Well, the answer is "No. Not really." Ultimately, all there is to recommend Baise-moi is a couple of impressive acting performances, a few amusing lines of dialogue and a thought-provoking 20 minutes at the start. The rest, sadly, is nothing to get excited about. 4/10

Midnight Express (1978) -- Story of a man who is caught smuggling drugs out of Turkey and thrown into prison. Inspired from and dramatized upon a true event. Pretty good movie, tbh... a bit depressing, but it's to expect from the theme. Gets a bit racist and anti-muslim at times, but in the 1970s you could get away with it without being overly offensive. Very good movie all around, albeit being a bit strong... but nothing like the one I saw this afternoon. 8/10

Baise-moi (Rape Me) (2000) ...
What language is it in?


OK. So, I was skeptical about this one heading in. I've known all the back story about it, and was expecting a good movie. What I didn't, didn't want was for the movie to glorify the whole thing. The worst thing they could do was to make it a viable career option for the young-uns, and have people saying: "When I finish highschool I'm going to Vegas to count cards!" :rolleyes:

Fortunately, it didn't come across like this. That didn't stop my mate's Mrs from telling him to quit poker and start counting black jack... :rolleyes:

Anyway, the movie was good. It wasn't as fast paced as I thought it would be, but that's OK. I haven't read the book, but judging from the movie I think I'm going to. The movie doesn't go into great detail about the whole scheme (this may be to stop other people trying it?) but they cover enough. I think the book will cover it a lot more.

Also, I think the book will be more factual about the actual events, as I suspect the movie has some 'extra' drama thrown in purely for theatrical enhancement.

At the end of the day, it's not bad. Kevin Spacey was as good as you'd expect him to be, and the remaining cast of relatively unknowns does well. The main character's big friend reminds me of Omnis to a tee.

I recommend it. And to reiterate - I'm very glad they didn't over glorify it. :D


So Close - 8/10

Another Asian chick movie I found. The Asian chick from the Transporter is in this and another hot chick is in it too.

Zhao Wei (on the left)


Anyway, a bit of a film mixing The Specialist (bad chick turned good) & Aeon Flux (chick special powers) I guess you could say. If not for the movie for the chicks in it. Oh and the fight scenes. xD
Rambo - 8/10

Christ almighty what was this movie rated?! :scared: I like playing Soldiers of Fortune and body parts flying but good lord that was a bit much... Need to go watch Kungfu Panda now or something. Anyway, it was better than I expected seeing as I had low expectations too. Julie Benz, the chick from Dexter helped out this movie right off the bat too. xD

Blood Car - 10/10

Oh wow, my friend had told me about this movie because he thought I'd enjoy it seeing as it has my kind of humor in it. OMFG, it's sooooooo damn funny! :lol: Apparently, this was made in '07? (imdb is down....) and the current state of our retarded world makes this movie THAT much more hi lar e us!

Teeny bit of a warning for this clip

edit: Wow, Anna Chlumsky is the chick from My Girl. My we've grown. xD Giggity giggity :lol:

The Big Sleep (1946) -- Classic private eye tale with Bogart & Bacall... snappy dialogues ("Such a lot of guns around town, and so few brains"). Great cinematography and excellent movie all-around. Also, is #109 in IMDb's top 250. 8.5/10

The Quiet Earth (1985) -- Kiwi movie about a guy waking up one morningto find himself alone in the world. If you're looking for a science fiction flick that has nothing to do with little green aliens or intergalactic civil war, check out this film. Very original, very interesting, and very entertaining, despite its low budget atmosphere. 7.5/10

Varjoja paratiisissa (Shadows in Paradise) (1986) -- A very charming and unconventional romantic comedy-drama in the Kaurismäki tradition, about a garbage man and his life. The movie is in Finnish, and it's amazing how (I'm pretty sure it's on purpose) the language in emotionless. Thirty minutes into the movie you see the first smile, and it's the only one in the whole 80 minutes the movie lasts. Every word sounds like it's read and all the scenes lack any kind of emotion... the voice sounds the same whether the guy is saying "I love you", than when he's saying "my foot stinks"... and that's why it doesn't really score as high as it could. 6.5/10
Since I seem to be incapable of finding the correct thread on occasion:

Just finished Full Metal Jacket, and I guess I don't see what the hubbub is. I completely understand that it has defined Vietnam movies in general, but it just doesn't come off as a favorite. But meh, I dunno, its just a bit of an iffy movie I suppose. I'm really not a big Kubric fan, that may be why...

Charlie Wilson's War 👍👍

Well done. Interesting look at how messed up the US system is - that one congressman can essentially bring US influence into an existing war. For some reason I had the impression that this was a documentary rather than a film starring Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts, and Phillip Seymore Hoffman. Don't know why I thought that.
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - (7/10)
It was OK. Not the best though. Too much CGI and occasionally I felt like we forgot to explore and just had fight scenes leading us from one scary location to the next, kind of like the second and third Pirates films. And it was way, way, way too predictable. I mean, the hints wouldn't have been more obvious if they had a giant sign pop-up on screen that said, "THIS IS IMPORTANT." The fact that Indy could translate ancient dead languages practically on the fly, but not catch the most obvious of clues was a bit off.

Enchantment - (6.5/10)
Kids will like it because it is silly and watching Disney fantasy type scenes and characters in real life looks funny. My only problem was that they were in New York, and I think I have seen stranger stuff there in my two visits.

Aliens of the Deep - (9/10) 👍 👍
This was ten times better than I expected. I was expecting a documentary about fish that concluded with some form of, "we're killing the oceans" message. I was wrong. This made me gain a ton of respect for James Cameron. I knew he liked ocean life and he had basically created some equipment to help explore the wreckage of the Titanic (twice) and the Bismark. I did not know that he fully understood the scientific significance of what he was doing.

[Geeky science documentary awesomeness]
The DVD has the 45 minute theatrical version and the 1 hour and 35 minute full version. If you just care about deep sea exploration and freaky looking fish just watch the theatrical version, but if you are hardcore into science and can wrap your head around the concept that on Earth is life that we didn't think could exist 30 years ago, and the implications that has, watch the full version.

Not only does James Cameron go to explore and make a film but he also takes geophysicists, seismologists, Marine biologists, and various NASA scientists ranging from pilots to astrobiologists. Why NASA? Because what we discover in the deepest reaches of our oceans can greatly affect how we will look for life on other planets.

Basically, they explore the lifeforms that formed and evolved around volcanic vents in the floor, independent of life cycles powered by the sun. These creatures live in water without any light and temperature differences that go from below freezing to beyond boiling within inches. I enjoy ocean documentaries because I have a huge interest, but usually have to suffer through environmentalist messages to end up seeing stuff I already know exist, or even have in my fish tank, because they tend to focus on reef life. This showed me fish I hadn't even seen pictures of and at least two cephalopods that I had never knew existed before (maybe three, I couldn't tell if I was looking at an odd looking nautilus or not). You know you are seeing something interesting when these experts in the field say, "I have no clue what that is."
[/Geeky science documentary awesomeness]

The only thing preventing this from getting a perfect 10/10 from me is the ending which turns into pure James Cameron Hollywood as they blatantly thrust the importance of the findings on the audience, as if we were not intelligent enough to get it yet, by saying, "what if?" and making it look as if the scientists had wandered across the alien civilization from The Abyss (redone in modern CGI, of course).

If you watch this you will never look at the Jovian moon Europa the same again, because you will realize it is our best bet at finding non-terrestrial life in our own solar system. It was enough to even make my non-science interested wife say, "Wow."

I rented this but will likely buy it if I can find it on Blu-Ray.

Atonement 👍👍

It's not often that I'll give a movie like this one a full recommendation. But Atonement earned one. Definitely a different movie that really makes you think about how delicate a child's life can be in a whole new light. Knightly is good in this, and hot regardless of how they dress her or what they do to her hair.

It wasn't a perfect movie. They concentrate on parts that I wasn't as interested in and jerked me around right when my interested peaked. There are aspects of the movie that don't work as well as they do in the book because of the way the book was written vs. the way the movie was presented. I can only assume that this was done as the lesser of all evils involved with translating from book to movie.

Regardless, good flick. It may change your perspective a bit.
Jumper - 2/10

I think this movie proves that Hayden Christensen can't act outside of Star Wars... as for the movie it was like watching a something that a skitzo (sp?) came up with as script. throughout the movie I found myself saying "WTF?" or "did I miss something?". Nobody explained how they got their "powers" (which was as bad as NExT w/Cage). Rachel Bilson was cool but didn't help any, they just all of a sudden "fall in love" yeah... realistic there. xD
Taxi 1, Taxi 2, Taxi 4.

Taxi one was simply great, I loved just about everything about it, shame it was in French. Taxi 2 was even better still, and Taxi 4 was a bit of a let down, everything seemed planned and fake. But it was still funny none-the-less 👍
Jumper - 6/10

I think this movie proves that Hayden Christensen can't act outside of Star Wars...
Nah, Life as a House did that. That's the movie that made him share lots of screen time with Kevin Kline.
The only good thing about Jumper was Jamie Bell's acting and character which I enjoyed watching. Everything else in the film from Hayden Christensen to Jacksons hair was rubbish.
Spiderman 1,2, and 3 - 4/10

I've only seen parts of all of them, but I really missed the memo on why these are good? I hate Toby Mcquire, Kristen Dunce is irritating and well... I'd rather read the comic.

I do have to say Topher Grace has got to do more acting, that guy is funny and I love his sarcastic humor. Oh and finally Venom > Spiderman.

: puts on flame suit:

edit: Edited Jumper score to be more accurate. xD
You Don't Mess With the Zohan - 8/10

Adam Sandler and Rob Schneider are back together at last in this hilarious movie about an Israeli counter-terrorist turned stylist. Plenty of funny Middle Easterner stereotyping, but the movie did end on a good point, not all of them are terrorists and are just trying to find decent jobs. John Turturro was hilarious as the evil Phantom. A few parts tried too hard to be funny, but overall I thought it was a great movie and in fact I saw it twice!

"Rob Schneider is: The Stapler, rated PG-13"
I had to see it twice just to understand every word I missed. It was ok, though. Seemed to have a lot of random things, though.
Haha sorry, I was trying to remember which country it was and I remembered it started with an "I"...oddly enough the commercial for it came on while I'm typing this and yes it is Israeli, so I shall change it.
Street Kings - I usually like movies with Forest Whitaker and Keanu Reeves but this one wasn't that good. I didn't understand if they were trying for a surprising ending, because it was pretty clear what was going on since the beginning, but somehow the main character never saw it coming... 5/10.
The Happening

I went in having read the reviews and expecting it to be crap.

It was crap.

I had a bet with my mate at work, that he would buy me lunch if I stood up halfway through, proclaimed "****, this is a **** movie!" and walked out. But I didn't. There were several opportunities too though.

M. Night Bananarama has failed. Written, directed and produced by him? Well, the writing and direction is poor. And the production too to make a movie with such poor writing and direction. Find another job son.

The storyline is stupid, and the acting absolutely attrocious. The best two are the weird greenhouse keeper guy, and the over zealous Private. I feel like even Wahlberg is dumbing down his ability to match the others. The lead woman is the worst performance by a leading woman I have ever seen.

This should have been straight to TV. And even then it would be bad...

It only gets the rating it does because of the over-the-top violence which was funny.

M. Night Shywhatchamacallit usually writes his own movies, so he hasn't done bad in the past. Mebbe he used up his creative vein?
That's as much review as i need to not go and watch a film ;)
50 First Dates was nice... :embarrassed:

American Gangster - I liked it, different from the usual gangster movies out there. Russell Crowe was pretty good on it. It's a long film but it doesn't get boring at all. 8/10