What movies have you seen lately? Now with reviews!Movies 

  • Thread starter scentedsoap
Initial D - I think the film itself was better than Tokyo Drift, the characters were all much more likeable. But the car chase scene's weren't that good at all. It needed to be shorter I think, plus the sub-story with that girl was kind of pointless

Land of the dead - watched this last night as it was on Sky. A very good film. Some good death scene's & the zombies actually eat people! unlike alot of recent zombie films.

Unleashed is excellent. Not many people agree with me, as its quite a hard film to like i think. Very brutal violence, with quite a nice & light harted story in the middle. But i think its brilliant. This has the best fights scenes ever i think. There just so brutal.
Watched the first part of Rich Man Poor Man yesterday. I have read the book and the movie isn't as good but just as equally captivating, really good story line 9/10.

Recently saw Taxi, nicely done cycling scene at the beginning and the BMW 7.60 was too good for words, overall it was a decent movie but the out takes and some of the jokes weren't the least bit funny. 5/10

I also watched Be Cool earlier in the week. Definetely better than what i expected and i quite liked the story line! 8/10
March of the Penguins - Nice documentary. I cant think of much else to say about it. The penguins are dead cute, but i wasn't really that into it.

NightWatch (Russian one) - At the beginning i was going, "what the hell's going on". Then i started to get into it, but by the end i really didn't care what was going on. Definately not worth the praise it got. Bad in quite a few ways. But good for about 40mins in the middle.
The Sentinal - distinctly average thriller. Let down by having the excellent Jack Bauer (Keifer), but absolutely wasting him. Same with Eva Longoria really. Micheal Douglas is still good at doing action for a bloke his age. and Kim Basinger is still hot. Good gunfight at the end, but its simply standard stuff up till then.
Click - Reminded me of Liar Liar. Funny for an hour, then it goes far to sappy & sentimentle. There was one hilarious line "Micheal Jackson, the 1st man to clone himself, is sueing himself, for molesting himself" and the line that was before that was very funny. Otherwise funny for an hour, then kind of leave it. Kate Beckinsale was gorgeous & Chris Walken was his usual weird but good self.
Oh ye and the bit where he moves the kids baseball glove is classic.
At the moment I am watching City of the Living Dead, but I got past the bit, where the dead priest makes the insides from a Woman full completely out of her mouth, while her eyes bleed.
Just finished up United 93. I'm speechless. The special features are quite something too. There's a section where the actors meet the families of the character they're playing and another with memorial pages for each passenger aboard. Once the initial emotional impact was over, I could help but get upset that someone is actually profiting from this film.

Broken Trail is up for tomorrow and I've been watching Lost ssn2 intermittently. I've never gotten into TV series though.

If anyone is wondering, I work at a local Blockbuster so I get DVD's before their street date. I'm not downloading. :)
Me and Laura went to watch You, Me and Dupree yesterday and I think I can safely say we both enjoyed it. Some really funny parts in it, especially with Micheal Douglas who shines. Owen Wilson done a good job in what he usually does best and Kate Hudson and Matt Dillon also put in good performances. If you liked Wedding Crashers, you'll probably want to have a look at this. :)
Watched Tokyo Drift finally, definetely not as good as the other fast and furious movies but still bearable. Not keen on the story line but there were some nice races in there. 👍
Today I watched "The longest yard" and I've jsut watched "Stander" which I think is a cracking film.
Mother******g snakes on a mother******g plane! A couple of weeks ago. Such an awesome movie!
I'm not a big film guy, but I do watch them every now and then! :sly: In the last month or two, I have seen Sin City, which blew me away! 👍 As well as Sum of all Fears, another great film. 👍

In the near future, I plan to watch Star Ship Troopers again, and I'm looking to get hold of the orginal Robcop movie too. 👍
Jarhead! I really liked that movie! Jake was cool in it! Got a fright seeing Jamie Foxx playing the role he did! But he ended up suiting it!

Sin City! I was expecting the worst about this movie due to some of the reviews I have read, but I really liked it! Alot of good actors featuring in it! Bruce Willis and Jessica Alba! And was that Frodo?

Imagine Me & You - I liked it but my girlfriend fell asleep half way through it (At least she didn't get any ideas from it :scared:).
I ordered a film from CDwow the other day called "SPL" based simply on the fact it has Samo Hung Vs Donnie Yen. And i have to say SPL is the best film i have seen in absolutely ages.
Not only are the fights blumin brilliant & possibly the most bloody/violent i have ever seen (think Kill Bill but realistic). The cinematography is amazing, for the 1st time ever i was going "turn around" at someone, i never do that. It nearly made me cry 3 times! nd the ending is just amazing.
There is no down sound (unless you can't read subtitles).
SPL is excellent, if anyone has a spare £9 go on CDwow and buy it! As i bet it wont ever come out to a western audience.

Edit - If anyone's interested here's a link to the (horribly re-titled) U.S. DVD release http://www.dvdactive.com/news/releases/kill-zone.html
I recently bought 10 movies at a pawn shop.

American History X
Vanilla Sky
War of the Worlds
National Lampoons Dorm Daze
Spy Game
Suicide Kings
The Wall
Office Space
Minority Report

Those are the movies I've seen recently. :)
Finished watching "Lucky Slevin" today. I didn't mind it, simply because of the loaded cast(Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, Josh Hartnett, Ben Kingsley, Lucy Liu). But it was WAY too predictable.

Since the films like "The Sixth Sense", "Se7en", "Usual Suspects", there's been too many movies that attempt to hit the audience with that big surprise ending. Instead of shocking anybody, I think all they have succeeded in was cheapening the technique. Overused gimmick. :crazy:

I recently bought 10 movies at a pawn shop.

American History X
Vanilla Sky
War of the Worlds
National Lampoons Dorm Daze
Spy Game
Suicide Kings
The Wall
Office Space
Minority Report

Those are the movies I've seen recently. :)
American History X and Office Space are classic. 👍 I also liked Vanilla Sky.
Watched the sequel to friday called 'Next Friday'. It's quite a good laugh especially if you watched the first one!
The sequel to xXx, whatever it's called. (I don't care, 'cause I'll never watch it again.)

This one was more kid friendly. Ice Cube was better at being xXx than that other idiot who cannot act.
Ice Cube is just so charming. :embarrassed:

I think I liked the first xXx better, but the second one started out well. They are both pretty forgettable.
I recently bided myself enough time to engage in a Showtime insert of the 'House Of Wax'

Overall, it's innovative, but not the greatest.

Also, a certain scene during the movie is when a young man is trapped in wax and paralysed, his friend attempts to pull the wax off the young man's face only to rip parts of flesh off it.
All he can do is stay in silent and excruciating agony. It's quite sickening.
Just Friends and Fun With Dick & Jane. Both were OK, neither were that funny. Just Friends had consistant chuckles. Dick & Jane had one bit i found hilarious (were he's trying to get the gun out of his hoodie) & a few mild laughs. Would give both

Lucky Number Slevin predictable?? Err ye ok. Your telling me you guessed all the twists?? I doubt it. The last twist, had the entire cinema gasp. Best film i have seen this year (bar SPL).
Lucky Number Slevin predictable?? Err ye ok. Your telling me you guessed all the twists?? I doubt it. The last twist, had the entire cinema gasp. Best film i have seen this year (bar SPL).
Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Alert!
VERY predictable. No, I didn't guess every single twists, but I knew that kid survived, and if the kid survived, who was supposed to kill him? I knew that Nick Fisher(I think that was his name) wasn't really his friend, so he's assuming another identity there. I knew that kid(now a man) played both mob bosses. I knew that they didn't really kill the Lucy Liu character(it's a Hollywood product!). I think I figured out couple more, but that's all I remember off the top of my head. About the only thing that I remember that caught me off-guard was the cop and his past with the mob. But, if all that doesn't make this movie predictable, I don't know what will. ;)

Those three movies I noted in my earlier post, the surprise hit you from nowhere. This movie, they give you all the answers in the biginning.

"Lucky Number Slevin" also had so many issues with the believability of the plot. Hartnett and Willis character just assumes that by killing certain people, mobs just automatically does what those two think they should do. And after the mobs react exactly as they expected, they fall into their (almost silly)little ploy.

Sorry, I didn't think it was very well made. OK for rental though.
I found Lucky number Slevin to be quite predictable as well, I enjoyed it as a one watch deal, don't think I'd enjoy watching it over again that much though.

I watched The last Samurai again yesterday, I like that film.